* This is from my collection of “Faerie Poems” *

~The Irish Faerie ~
I’ll tell you all a story, please listen if you would
Beware of the essence from within the deep green wood
Once there was a Beautiful Irish Faerie,
She was fiery, fine, and fair,
Slender and willowy, with flowing crimson hair,

Her eyes were greener than the best of jade,
Never was such a creature made.
I was melting inside and I stole a glance
As she swirled near the fire in a dainty dance,

Moving with more than elegance and grace
I was enchanted by her heavenly face.
The way she moved was fragile poetry,
I was captivated, and wanted her for me.

As I looked around at the other eyes
I noticed, they too, were severely paralyzed.
Did this stunning faerie hail from frugal earth
Where was the place of her apparent royal birth?

Then as the nighttime turned slowly into day,
She had simply vanished, the illusion went away. . .
I fell asleep upon the cool and dewy ground,
And visions of her beauty frolicked all around.

For once I’d had an utterly charming dream,
But it was quickly taken by a lonely haunted scream.
I might have known that nothing stays so well and good
Frightful is this tale,
I would forget it if I could

As I woke up in horror, and far away she stood
Her crimson hair was all ablaze, within the deep green wood.
