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  • #7208

    Let the battle commence 8)


    It is obviously forum ONE. Everyone is really nice in there and most have a great sense of humour albeit a bit off the wall. The best thing about ONE is they don’t care what you say or do…come in looking for sympathy you may be told to look in the dictionary between s h i t and syphillis. No other forum is as caring as that!

    Forum ONE is a combination of the other two but BETTER.

    They can be huns and mwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah all over the place as they often do – give advice cos they are obviously not using it or they can be keyboard gansta’s/name changers that live in their pjs and don’t play well with others but they have BETTER banter.

    They also collect ladybirds and blame everything on the puffins and penguins, you can’t get any BETTER than that. They are the BEST, BETTER than all the rest!

    However, if you disagree please call us at 1-800 EAT S H I T mwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah


    I dunno. I kinda like the F3’ers.

    Maybe it’s just cos my memory is just as bad as theirs, in their age.


    Maybe lol, but I think it’s because you eat quaker goats for breakfast.


    I don’t eat them !! I have sex with them !!


    fook off the pair of ya/s :lol: theres more biatchin…back stabbin….name callin….competition fa available men………an general nastiness in 3 than the other 2 put tgether. (an thats just when me n sunny are in) O:)



    Forum one obviously. :wink: They are a lovely bunch in there. I don,t have many scrollers and cappers tbh. If I do, they arn,t there long.
    :wink: :wink:


    Forum 3 is not only the best far above 1 /2

    But it has pats and i in there wat eles do you c00nts want lol :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:



    sunny why are you still a hofferman supporter ???

    I found this earlier while browsing the net —-

    Rather off putting would`nt you say so ….. :lol:


    Im glad to be a hofferman supporter

    I helped a very worthy cause in my eyes

    And im proud to have the hoff above me

    But if Mr boss man or the c00nt PB woyuld like to put the word BLUE in it as well for me team i would be as happy as pig in sh ite lol

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