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  • #1098534

    ….he worked hard to get the Rocky films done….he slept rough and sold his dog to make money and he believed in him self……first thing he did when he got big was to find the guy who bought his dog and buy it back……

    I find Stallone really weird…

    How much did he sell his dog for?

    And how much did he pay to get it back?


    I also find the cult surrounding his movies strange.

    The guy is, like, narcissistic.

    Not like the original, admiring the reflection of his own beauty in the pool.

    It’s different, makes me squirm.

    It’s the guy everybody hates, but through pain and struggle he emerges as the King Killer of the Ring, cheered by all as the music comes rushing in loud and loud.


    It’s like his Rambo. Do we get to win this time, he asks as he goes to Vietnam. The Americans had just been humiliated after a brutal war, but in Hollywood it’s  payback time. Cheers all round as Stallone fires a bazooka which blows a nasty Commie into bits.

    All coming from the Dirty Harry format of the personal avenger. In one movie Stallone soaks a scumbag in petrol, reads him his right, and then throws the match on said scumbag. Way to go!

    After seeing shyte like that, you have to wake yourself up after the movie and remind yourself that there IS a difference between hitler’s Germany and America. It was just a movie, not reality.

    I’m not sure everyone thinks it’s just a movie, though.




    Apparently sceppers…the bloke selling the dog back also wanted a part in the movie as well as the fee for the dog back…….cameo role perhaps?….


    Never confuse Rocky with Rambo……thinking quickly……i can’t wait to see the Bollywood version of either….LMAO…..never seen Rambo dance before….LOL


    Thing is sceppers…….watching any movie is not how you’d see it…….some one else is directing,writing and producing and distributing…… the humble viewer you are free to put the thumbs up or down……


    Problem is with Stallone is that he got smug and complacent……..i had no money , now i got loads…….bit like Jenny from the block really….LMAO….

    look at the stones that i got but i’m just Jenny from the block…..LMAO…..


    Chances are…….any big film star who does action films blowing people away is probably a Republican…….Charlton Heston springs to mind….


    I also find the cult surrounding his movies strange.

    The guy is, like, narcissistic.

    It’s different, makes me squirm.

    It’s the guy everybody hates,


    Do they ? I suspect it’s all in your head like all the bizarre scenarios arising from Trump/ Brexit. Speaking of all these people apparently hating  Rocky/ Stallone, how many parties have you been personally invited to in the last decade…

    I think the less said about unpopularity the better


    Hollywood looks after it’s own…..


    To make things clearer.


    Stallone is, like, narcissistic.

    Rocky is the guy that nobody gives a chance, but through pain and sheer guts he emerges as the King Killer of the Ring, cheered by all as the music comes rushing in loud and loud.


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