Boards Index General discussion Getting serious The great global warming swindle

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  • #6512

    Channel4 9PM.

    Are you green? How many flights have you taken in the last year? Feeling guilty about all those unnecessary car journeys? Well, maybe there’s no need to feel bad.

    According to a group of scientists brought together by documentary maker Martin Durkin, if the planet is heating up, it isnt your fault and there’s nothing you can do about it.

    Weve almost begun to take it for granted that climate change is a man-made phenomenon. But just as the environmental lobby think they’ve got our attention, a group of naysayers have emerged to slay the whole premise of global warming.

    Will be very interesting viewing, and it will be discussed on the James Whale radio show from 10PM, on 1053 and 1089 MW.


    Cheers chick. heard about this but didnt know when it was on :D


    Im watching something else, but I am interested in this debatable subject and look foward to hearing all about the outcome.


    Eventually the sun goes nova and we all die of sunburn lol

    Or did you mean a more short term outcome? :wink:


    So global warming is created prodomanently by the Sun, and global warming creates Co2.
    Animal’s produce more Co2 than humans.
    Volcano’s produce more Co2 than human industrial use.
    Ocean’s produce more Co2 than everything else.

    So, the creation of fear attached to global warming, is a marxist left wing propagandist machine, because communism broke down, and right winged governments took over the world.

    Makes sense when you see the main enemy of global warming fear, is the right winged American government, who give off 25% of human Co2.

    Al Gore, who produced that global warming fear video, is a left wing extremist, as is Richard branson, who just pilled £1.5 billion into the fear campaign.

    Dave Cameron has become more left wing since he wrote Micheal howard’s 2005 general election manifesto.

    We are not to blame, we have been set free of the global warming fear campaign.

    Go out and fill your car with petrol, book a long distance holiday, leave your light on when you go out, take a bath rather than a shower, let your hair down folks, you are not to blame, and make sure you dont let the lefty marxists “tell you off”.


    You know Emma, when you’re typing from the heart (rather than copying & pasting from the BNP) your grammar, spelling and syntax turn to shit – but you make a lot more sense.


    Actually richard branson has also put $100 dollars into a bio fuel distilling operation

    So scare mongering from him isnt so much him being a good tree hugger, its an indirect marketting campaign that will sell his new product line and make him millions in profits

    Things arent always as black and white as they might at first seem


    @ubermik wrote:

    Actually richard branson has also put $100 dollars into a bio fuel distilling operation

    So scare mongering from him isnt so much him being a good tree hugger, its an indirect marketting campaign that will sell his new product line and make him millions in profits

    Things arent always as black and white as they might at first seem

    Only $00? Im sure he could push that to at least $150!! Ive eaten the sausage rolls on his trains that cost £3.45 or something near that mark and they are the rankeist (pronounced rank-ee-ist) thing I have ever eaten, but when your on a long journey (london to glasgow) they know you have no choice.

    Sorry, that was a bit off subject there. I didnt see the program, but I still think that it makes for a cleaner and healthier environment that I recycle the rubbish that I can, and that we all put rubbish in bins. As long as I can enjoy a fag where I want when I want.


    @sharongooner wrote:

    I still think that it makes for a cleaner and healthier environment that I recycle the rubbish that I can, and that we all put rubbish in bins.

    Why? Even if all 6.5 billion of us re-cycle, it wont make the slightest difference.

    You are FREE to do as you please now, unchain yourself.


    yeah duh@me, it should have been $100 million lol

    He WAS going to be building the eco friendly plant here and putting the infrastructure to sell bio fuel in place, all he wanted was a guarantee from out oh so green and eco friendly chancellor that he wouldnt then tax bio fuel as highly as normal petrolium products, but good old green gord said he couldnt guarantee that lol

    Well theres a surprise eh? And it kind of shows the governments “greenness” isnt actually that at all, but merely a guise under which to raise more taxes, otherwise he would have jumped at giving that guarantee

    Instead the US offered branson masses of incentives to build the infrastructure in the US

    So rather than being dependant on the rest of the world just for coal and oil, we will now also be dependant on it for bio fuel rather than being a mass exporter of it

    Some econonomic and green master plan eh? lol

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