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  • #1114662



    What he wrote.

    The days when these right-wing bastards can gull ordinary people int thinking that brexit offers any kind of solution to their problems without facing the anger of organised labour are drawing to a close.

    What I replied. A perfectly reasonable response.

    Alluding organized labour in the UK support Remain is the sort of bullshit the liberal elite and their minion army churn out on a daily basis and has no actual foundation in reality. Mick Cash General Secretary of the RMT and Mick Whelan General Secretary of ASLEF alongside Ronnie Draper General Secretary of the BFAWU and Doug Nicholls Chair of TUAEU all agree The EU acts overwhelmingly in the interests of big business and against the interests of “ordinary” workers and all support Brexit. The General Secretary of Unite the Union, Len McCluskey, the largest Union in the UK and a major financier of the labour party also supports Brexit.


    Nowhere do I mention no deal, in fact neither does he.


    Slippery by name and slippery by nature.







    Life or love is not all about sex..grow a set of balls too..

    As for what relationship we both have.. (milky) remember you THIN, Ge, Mizzy, alfie and the likes of you people who troll ME,Wish to disrupte something nice in which JC trolls make fun of. Your insults, dry banter are for babies and jealous head case folks. So move on to another playground.

    Thats an awful lot of abuse directed at me Linda


    because I had the audacity to respond to milkos abuse directed at me

    what a well matched pair you make x


    Wow……..just wow


    Wow……..just wow

    So glad I still have the wow effect😍



    You troll in numbers. You have vile forke tongue. AND you really need to decide here if you want to wear men’s pants or woman dresses!


    It ends on that note.



    Yet more thuggery from Remain this time towards a military veteran Don McNaughton, in his 80s and who served 22 years in the Parachute Regiment. Ironically in Aldershot of all places merely because he was peacfully campaigning for the Brexit Party. I say ironically because for those who are unaware  Aldershot is a proud Military town and the coward in his 20s who attacked him wouldn’t dare say boo to a goose to a an actual serving member of the Paras.






    You troll in numbers. You have vile forke tongue. AND you really need to decide here if you want to wear men’s pants or woman dresses!

    It ends on that note.

    It ends when I say it ends, troll.


    I read your post on Pats with interest Linda and also Marks immediate reply. If I didn’t know better… I would think you and Mark are one and the same person…. I know for a fact a good % in there also think you are a crazy old cat lady and a fake to boot.


    See in Pats they already know Mark has threatened women and children with violence, abused disabled women about their disabilty and is a serial liar and a drunken, sociopathic menace.


    If you don’t believe me, ask them.


    Have a great day Linda, while you troll both sites with manipulative emotive bullshit.




    • This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by  Ge.


    Two replies to Linda’s post on Pats, notice the time, typed after mine on here.


    You’re sounding like Cosy, type like Cosy and use capitals in your headings like Cosy… Weird..                                                                     Thu May 23, 2019 8:36 pm

    Glad it’s not just me that thought that.                         Thu May 23, 2019 8:39 pm
    Am I controlling them as well Linda?
    Seems remarkable doesn’t it, that 3 totally different people analyzed your post in exactly the same way.
    I knew I was right about you.
    Edit: Sorry about the small print I don’t don’t know how to change it :)


    • This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by  Ge.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by  Ge.

    What he wrote.

    The days when these right-wing bastards can gull ordinary people int thinking that brexit offers any kind of solution to their problems without facing the anger of organised labour are drawing to a close.

    What I replied. A perfectly reasonable response.

    Alluding organized labour in the UK support Remain is the sort of bullshit the liberal elite and their minion army churn out on a daily basis and has no actual foundation in reality. Mick Cash General Secretary of the RMT and Mick Whelan General Secretary of ASLEF alongside Ronnie Draper General Secretary of the BFAWU and Doug Nicholls Chair of TUAEU all agree The EU acts overwhelmingly in the interests of big business and against the interests of “ordinary” workers and all support Brexit. The General Secretary of Unite the Union, Len McCluskey, the largest Union in the UK and a major financier of the labour party also supports Brexit.

    Nowhere do I mention no deal, in fact neither does he.

    Don’t be such an unthinking jerk.

    What else am I talking about but Farage the Shyster? That’s the man the thread is about! He has no policies, no manifesto, says nothing other than ‘no deal’, or a ‘WTO deal’ (sic).

    I’m not posting about right-wing bastards like Amber Rudd or Hammond or even mrs disMay. I’m not posting about ‘lexiteers’ like Corbyn and his coterie.

    I’m posting about the right-wing élites (like the posh commodities-broker Farage) who are actually taking over this country, using the unhappiness of ordinary people to get their own nasty little ends.

    The thread is about Farage, and Farage is important not because he is enriching himself or likes his beer, he’s become a symbol of no-deal brexit. That’s why he’s attracting so much support. I doubt he’ll be that important soon, but for the moment he’s very important, The reason is he stands for no-deal, a policy which will lead to disaster for this country’s.

    Trade unions – of both Leave and Remain – are now fully aware of the danger to health and safety these scheming liars pose. They’re not above violence – the local press is filled with the violence against a local candidate form Change UK  which involved tripping her to the floor. The violence directed against Remainers has including death plots, rape jokes and the slaughter of a young woman, whose murderer was defended continually by you.

    And you have the nerve to say a milkshake is thuggery!

    The right-wing liars and schemers have been sussed. The ‘middle ground’ of Mrs dismay and Len McCluskey is now emptying rapidly. How rapidly depends on  the results of these elections, widely expected to be a victory for the shyster, Farage. I wait eagerly for the results to be declared on Sunday night.

    After that we can see just how strong the No-Deal swine-leaders are.




    I don’t read your long winded meme posts. You’re a chump who thieves what you read in the FT each day and then passes it off as your own thoughts and ideas.


    You didn’t meet “Linda”, either, did you, Geoffrey…. You can’t own up to it because to do so will reveal what you really are and expose you for what you are….










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