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  • #1114601


    And oh ye, for the observers with good memories and I know your watching. Mr Greasy has previously derided and mocked people for posting a link to Angry Voice, he described it as “student claptrap” or similar. Ironic isn’t it, that when it suits him he himself posts a link to the exact same site.






    • This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by  Ge.

    Sceptical Guy :

    ” Apparently Claire Fox , one of the leading Brexit party candidates, 

    ( for the northwest , so probably elected ) … ( lolololololol )  Is against the censorship of childporn !! Amongst other things !! ”

    * shakes head *

    This is one of the reasons I will not partake in the debates with certain people anymore .The sly innuendo, it’s sickening actually the depths some go to to try and smear others .




    All the Brexifanatics suddenly appearing again.


    Clare Fox sickens me, actually.

    The woman is a disgrace.

    But if you think it’s a smear, please explain!!


    This is the moneyshot.

    What a laugh!

    Paul Crowther, a Labour man, gives the response of Newcastle to the posh right-wing shyster Farage.

    And James Goddard, the Brexifanatic who physically harassed Anna Soubry, seems to have been given a fitting response from Liverpool when he called the city a shytehole.

    The days when these right-wing bastards can gull ordinary people int thinking that brexit offers any kind of solution to their problems without facing the anger of organised labour are drawing to a close.



    “Brexifanatic” is obviously ‘Flashmans’ passive aggressive meme of the week until he finds a new one in the rag, the FT.


    If ‘Flashman’ has new evidence that Anna Soubry has been “physically” harrassed in any way then he should contact the CPS immediately because to date no one has been charged with any physical assaults against her.


    Alluding organized labour in the UK support Remain is the sort of bullshit the liberal elite and their minion army churn out on a daily basis and has no actual foundation in reality.


    Mick Cash General Secretary of the RMT and Mick Whelan General Secretary of ASLEF alongside Ronnie Draper General Secretary of the BFAWU and Doug Nicholls Chair of TUAEU all agree The EU acts overwhelmingly in the interests of big business and against the interests of “ordinary” workers and all support Brexit.


    The General Secretary of Unite the Union, Len McCluskey, the largest Union in the UK and a major financier of the labour party also supports Brexit.


    Those are the facts and not the meme propoganda churned out by cannon fodder within Remain who have become radicalized.









    Hello friends just logging in as a fully commited brexiteer.

    My question is for the left wing brigade here is a guy recently egged mr corbyn and got 3 weeks in jail.

    Do you think this is fair.

    Skep in a way i respect you, you have stuck to your guns here on brexit unlike some, who saw the way the wind was blowing here and changed their views.

    Know its not your cup of tea skep but gerald batten recently was on lbc calling the eu  neo libertians.

    If you type in gerald batten new lbc it comes up skep.

    Ge im doing a post some from your days as a jailbird to a oxford scholar then your days as a butlins red coat.

    Hey to all sane people here who have had the dignity to scatter someones ashes who is real.

    Who would you scatter someones ashes up in four diffrent bits?

    With matchboxes?

    Do you still think im trolling?

    Ges had two years to prove me as a troll hes not done so because he couldnt make his mind up if he owned 1 , 2 or 3 dogs.

    Pure nutjob.

    Thin ice expect your payback good and proper to from being a chat room gigglo to limpy bob.

    You have to visit seedy sex clubs to get laid.

    You are a total dimwit who fills up skips for a living.

    More to come.

    1 member liked this post.

    See why I love post babe. Ty..

    Atleast some chatters will know you still alive..walking in the living and not dead. You so adored here.

    I’ve told you the honorable people here who wish you well. The ..the devil has posted again.  Yummy. Hee.

    Kisses. Xx


    Ive had 5 minutes to reflect guys im suffering from mental health problems.

    Im going to dump my 3 pets and 18 grandchildren and im going to help the refugees in france like mr harp.

    I might not post again for a while as you can see ive got a lot on my plate.

    Ge/mr harp to have 18 grandkids for a known homosexual i salute you.

    Little taster for tomorow there x

    My detectives hats not even on yet.

    Im sure even the most simple mind here will wonder how a ex convict got a job at butlins.

    Im not dead and lindas not pregnant by the ways guysx

    Respect to all my friendsx

    1 member liked this post.

    By the way guys i have no criminal convictions whatsoever.

    Im totaly clean, as my visits to the usa over the last 2 years will confirm.

    If a member of the jc community has been inside and wont admit what for would you worry?

    Im expecting a brothers grimm like story from ge soon.

    Proofs in the pudding with peoples history here.


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