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27 August, 2006 at 1:30 am #238227
@Ow£n Ka$h wrote:
You PM’d me about arguements with Geoff spoiling your threads. Why don’t you speak out against him?
Why dont you answer my questions? When you dont play ball, its free for all, YIPPEE.
27 August, 2006 at 1:41 am #238228@Lambrini Girl wrote:
Hanging on to pounds and pences and driving on the wrong side of the road
Were very skilled drivers, we can manage. No more of that foreign namby pamby “you must drive ze way we tell you” rubbish, have some fun Lamby.
may look quaint at first glance, but are nothing more than a pain in the ar se in the broader scheme of things.
Ive imagined you with a pain in the arse, and its not a pretty picture.
To be totally honest
BOOOOOOOOOOOO, we want more jokes!!
There is a lot to be said for hanging on to individuality
tell us the one about the Irishman who got stuck up a chimney? :wink:
and customs but, ultimately, it shouldn’t be at the detriment of global appeal.
Im no bob bellend, but i know a woman who is…
27 August, 2006 at 1:51 am #238229When’s the best time to sell land to a muslim?
27 August, 2006 at 2:04 am #238230@Lambrini Girl wrote:
Remind me … Your IQ is????
You know where you are, and im up there, can you see me?
Its only a larf, no harm done.
27 August, 2006 at 2:05 am #238231@geoff wrote:
Are you scummer/Stephen in disguise? You certainly flatter yourself kermit, or maybe it’s just the french arrogance eminating from you… who knows huh?
Stephen pretending to be 51 :D
27 August, 2006 at 11:58 am #238232@Lambrini Girl wrote:
driving on the wrong side of the road may look quaint at first glance, but are nothing more than a pain in the ar se in the broader scheme of things.
There is a lot to be said for hanging on to individuality and customs but, ultimately, it shouldn’t be at the detriment of global appeal.
Driving on the left is to the detriment of Britain’s global appeal? Hmmm of course that must be because we are the only country on earth to do so. Let’s ignore Ireland, India, Australia, New Zealand, Japan etc etc etc
I think you may be surprised of just how many countries do actually drive on the left. Oh and to say this harms our appeal as a nation is quite simply ludicrous.
27 August, 2006 at 12:43 pm #238233Back to topic….. :shock:
I love the currency. it makes us individual, but I wonder if in the future tourists from other countries will be put off coming here. Unlike other countries, you can travel, spend your money in the countries with the Euro without having to deal with exchanging it, it would make travel alot easier for some, but I love our currency. I want to keep it. But I truly cant see that happening.!! :(
27 August, 2006 at 1:17 pm #238234Millions of people do not have to give up their currency, part of their culture, so it helps people who dont live here spend their money.
Be like asking Zulu’s to put down their spears in favour of money :wink:
27 August, 2006 at 2:46 pm #238235@Tory Girl wrote:
Back to topic….. :shock:
I love the currency. it makes us individual, but I wonder if in the future tourists from other countries will be put off coming here. Unlike other countries, you can travel, spend your money in the countries with the Euro without having to deal with exchanging it, it would make travel alot easier for some, but I love our currency. I want to keep it. But I truly cant see that happening.!! :(
Saying tourists will be put off from visiting a country because they have a different currency is ridiculous. I think the bigger issue is the security and stability of Sterling. When measured against huge currencies such as the Euro and the US Dollar it may become less stable and fluctuate in value … at least that has always been the argument which has yet to be proved in practice.
27 August, 2006 at 2:55 pm #238236@chathostuk wrote:
@Tory Girl wrote:
Back to topic….. :shock:
I love the currency. it makes us individual, but I wonder if in the future tourists from other countries will be put off coming here. Unlike other countries, you can travel, spend your money in the countries with the Euro without having to deal with exchanging it, it would make travel alot easier for some, but I love our currency. I want to keep it. But I truly cant see that happening.!! :(
Saying tourists will be put off from visiting a country because they have a different currency is ridiculous. I think the bigger issue is the security and stability of Sterling. When measured against huge currencies such as the Euro and the US Dollar it may become less stable and fluctuate in value … at least that has always been the argument which has yet to be proved in practice.
Are you picking a fight with me big boss man!?!?!? :lol:
I know what I meant I wasn’t very good at putting it across! :( I just am all patriotic when it comes to our currency, I just wonder what the future holds for sterling! :?
(Perhaps I need a coffee) :lol:
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