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  • #1007521

    Minimum wage. Sick pay. Holiday pay. The NHS. ccess to the House of Lords. A Equality (men and women) in same sex relationships. Access to the legal system. Bank accounts. Pension rights. Mortgage rights. Birth control.

    What do any of these things have to do with femminism?

    Maternity leave.

    If femminism is for equality, then why is paternity leave significantly worse than materinity leave.

    Divorce rights.

    Heavily favours women, especially if children are involved. I see no equality here.

    Female MP’s

    Many of the femminist MPs are supremacists (Jess Philips). Other than that I don’t really care what gender MPs are as long as they are good at their job, not that any of them are.


    I have shifted more towards pro-life views since having children, so I would disagree with this depending on specifics.

    Equal pay.

    I’m not aware of a time when there was ever a real pay gap, if you have evidence of this then I would like to see it.

    Voting rights.

    Women were banned from voting in Britain in 1832, before this only land owners could vote (which includes women). I don’t think there were any femminists before the 1830s. They were given the right to vote again in 1918 after WW1 finished, unless feminists ended WW1, they are not directly responisble for this.

    In america women have automatic voting rights, men have to register for the draft before they are allowed to vote, so again there is not equality here (favouring women).

    Here in the UK, where ideological austerity is disproportionately targeting women and children.

    Extrordinary claims need extrordinary evidence.

    For example women in violent relationships had to prove those relationships are violent, before they could access full legal aid. This has now been overturned by the Court of Appeal. Just another example though how women are still treated like second class citizens. “The Court of Appeal has today (18 February 2016) ruled that evidence requirements which have been operating to prevent survivors of domestic abuse from getting legal aid for family cases are unlawful.”

    I’m not really sure about this one, but legal aid for this even avalible to men? Cases that include women being violent against men are laughed out of court most of the time if they even make it there. Also, I hate the term survivor, just call them victims no need for such emotive language.

    “Women are bearing the brunt of the government’s austerity drive in the public sector, according to figures showing that twice as many women as men have lost jobs in local government since 2010.”

    I haven’t read through the source you provided yet, but does it actually explain why this is happening? Maybe women are more represented in jobs like cleaning that are easier to cut?



    A paper written by social marxists, this will be fun to read …

    Edit:I’ve tried to read though this paper, it’s pretty painful. Lots of demands employee quotas. Hire people based on merit, rather than discriminating based on race and gender, that’s the oposite of equality.

    Infact I wrote a clause into my company’s ethics code that specificly prevents contracting to companies that use these kinds of discriminatory quota systems.


    What a fantastic contribution to our society feminism has made and some of the issues they have campaigned for here in the UK.

    1867. The London Society for Women’s Suffrage is formed to campaign for female suffrage.

    1870. The Married Women’s Property Act allows married women to own their own property.

    1888. Clementina Black Secretary of the Women’s Trade Union League,secures the first successful equal pay resolution at Trades UnionCongress.

    1907. Under the Qualification of Women Act, women can be elected onto borough and county councils and can also be elected mayor.

    1918. Women over 30 are granted the right to vote in Britain.

    1920. The Sex Discrimination Removal Act allows women access to the legal profession and accountancy.

    1921.Unemployment benefits are extended to include allowances for wives.

    1922. The Law of Property Act allows both husband and wife to inherit property equally.

    1923. The Matrimonial Causes Act makes grounds for divorce the same for women and men.

    1928. All women in Britain gain equal voting rights with men.

    1948. The introduction of the National Health Service (NHS) gives everyone free access to health care. Previously, only the insured, usually men,benefited.

    1956. In Britain, legal reforms say that women teachers and civil servants should receive equal pay.

    1956. The Sexual Offences Act defines rape under specific criteria, such as incest, sex with a girl under 16, no consent, use of drugs, anal sex and impersonation.

    1958. The Life Peerages Act entitles women to sit in the House of Lords for the first time.
    Baroness Swanbourough, Lady Reading and Baroness Barbara Wooton are the first to take their seats.

    1964. The Married Women’s Property Act entitles a woman to keep half of any savings she has made from the allowance she is given by her husband.

    1967. Labour MP David Steel sponsors an Abortion Law Reform Bill, which becomes the Abortion Act.

    1968. Women at the Ford car factory in Dagenham strike over equal pay, almost stopping production at all Ford UK plants. Their protest led directly to the passing of the Equal Pay Act.

    1972. Erin Pizzey sets up the first women’s refuge in Chiswick, London.

    1974. Contraception becomes available through the NHS.

    1975. The Sex Discrimination Act makes it illegal to discriminate against women in work, education and training.

    The Employment Protection Act introduces statutory maternity provision and makes it illegal to sack a woman because she is pregnant.

    1976. The Equal Opportunities Commission comes into effect to oversee the Equal Pay Act and Sex Discrimination Act. Etc  Etc Etc.

    The Women’s Timeline


    I have no idea why the font went so tiny. :mail:


    I found themvery ehavy over the summer, tryng to handle my dad’s death while every post of mine was met with the same three or four people caricaturing and abusing me.

    What’s the unfortunate death of your father, unknown by most, got to do with you accusing people of being “right wing” UKIP and Hitler” supporters during the EU referendum. While you “caricatured” them.

    Secondly why are you debating with a right wing Libertarian, who makes UKIP look left wing?

    The stench of hypocrisy…




    Cuppa anyone ?



    These threads are getting really heavy

    Pete, these boards have always been ehavy. I found themvery ehavy over the summer, tryng to handle my dad’s death while every post of mine was met with the same three or four people caricaturing and abusing me. That’s how it is. We take the rough wiht the smooth. The mix of serious (sometiems verys erious) and jokey are what make these boards interesting. I hope the serious side doesn’t put people off, any more than the jokey side should put off more serious posts. Anyway, your humour is a valuable part of the boards (though not always lol) and I look forward to drac’s reply to SHR.

    have you been to the dentists  skep?,its just that your spelling still seems under the  influence of gas,like one of those ppl you meet in the street

    me “hiya ltns”

    them “jusht bin to denshits”

    me,”sorry you’ve been doing what”?

    “der denshists

    me “oh right,the dentists,ah anyway gota go,ive no time to be standing around talking about ppls teeth”

    gummy” oh schfck off coshy sher schnobhed”

    me,”yeh whatever bye I really got to go,cant understand you anyway, your mouths full of shit, so no change there then bye



    I have no idea why the font went so tiny. :mail:

    I fixed this for you. The text was messed up because when you pasted the content from another site, it brought over some erroneous code. In the future, when pasting text from elsewhere, make sure the post editor is in ‘Text’ mode, not ‘Visual’ mode.

    1 member liked this post.

    that’s you told shr lol


    There was me hoping you’d appeared to lighten things up around here Mr Kart …..


    The whole boards are turning into the getting serious jobby. :wacko:

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