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  • #1006790

    Scep…the men you are describing are the old fashioned man….much like Laine described her ex to be. If a woman puts up with that kind…so be it…it’s their relationship..their life..their comfort…maybe that kind of wife knows her man will never change…they are both too long in the tooth to divorce or separate…maybe…I don’t know I think generally now…new relationships the man definitely pulls his weight around the house…with childcare….and indeed within the relationship…..neither party should be taken for granted however that’s very ideal and long term unlikely to be sustained on a daily level The man of today has had to change because family dynamics and economics have changed from 1924 when you were born :whistle: interesting you say you cook clean etc….can I ask why as an older generation male why is that so?

    I pulled my weight with childcare I can change nappies all day long never bothered me.. if i pulled my weight round the house the house would collapse



    Theresa May is moonlighting as a builder, if you do pull your house down.

    Mind you, she’s having problems rebuilding Britains’ house at the moment, but she looks the part.




    if i pulled my weight round the house the house would collapse


    I’m a computer klutz, for those who don’t know..


    but click on the pic above to get the full view of our prime Minister doing the Builder’s Jig


    So are we done? Basically we cant generalise as even with a handful of posters here we can see that men and women of different ages actually have happily played different roles within the household.



    The man of today has had to change because family dynamics and economics have changed from 1924 when you were born :whistle: interesting you say you cook clean etc….can I ask why as an older generation male why is that so?


    Ms K, you confuse me with my grandson. As a traditonal male born in 1924, my grandson thought that pushing a baby around in a pram was a sign of being a ‘nancy-boy’ (his term, not mine). Now big brusiers wiht shaved heads and tattoos can be seen acting like human beings to their kids.

    The post was never meant to be about changing family dynamics. Mygrnadson ended up washing dishes etc because, like most mjen of his generation and of the succeeding ones, they were told what for. Women don’t put up wiht that craps any more. There was a revolution in woemn’s attitudes during my grandson’s lifetime. It had a big effect on (a lot of ) men.

    The post was meant to be about men’s attitudes to women. Does the change mean that men now like the wormen, or do they flee their wives for the male bonding of the pubs?

    Obviously, a lot of men like women, prefer female company, but they always did.

    The dominant culture though was a fear and dislike of women. “Women – can’t live with em, can’t live without em”.

    The Men Only clubs disappeared when my grandson was in his 40s (the 1960s, though there were holdouts). But I pass by pubs and notice things..hmmmm.

    The truth is I don’t know. But…

    I do know that domestic violence (still mainly men against women, though a significant number of women against men) still takes place.

    Why do I cook despite having grown up in the 19th century? Ask the lady who kicked me in the spine. She and some of the people ehre would have got on very well..actually, maybe not.



    So are we done? Basically we cant generalise as even with a handful of posters here we can see that men and women of different ages actually have happily played different roles within the household. :good:

    The first and second world wars played a mammoth part in equality as we know it today, when women were recruited en mass to support the war effort, in factories and on the land. I agree that inequality is less visible now and especially in the home, capitalism and the availability of cheap goods played a part as well. For every grunting male, there is a non grunter nowadays! Ironically in a world of robotic labor, which is the future, women will overtake men in terms of education and skills, young women have overtaken young men in education. The world is still changing!




    I have the figures somewhere, but after both wars women were displaced by the returning soldiers from the vital war work they had taken on. It was after about 1955 that women began to move ito work in a big way, often doubling up their paid work with the unpaid work of looking after their husband and children. This was a result of the postwar expansion in the economy – the long boom of the 50s and 60s.

    The fact that the number of women in the professions, especially in the media, began to expand in that period (initially in the USA) led to the development of a new wave of feminism. Articulate middle-class women suddenly found themselves locked out of promotion and treated as though they were on the meat-rack for inspection of their bodies. They didn’t like it and began to complain. Betty Frieden’s The Feminine Mystique (1963) was one of the first expressions of this – though Simone de Beauvoir’s The Second Sex (1948, I think) predated Friedan. However, de Beauvoir was a French intelelctual isolated fomr most women; Friedan appeared just as women’s situation was changing dramatically. When I fisrt ame across feminist intellectuals in 1971, I was struck dumb – I couldn’t understand the words or ideas they were using so well. I soon learned.

    My question was whether men’s attitudes are changing. Enoch Powell once said of women at cambridge, he wanted to know what they were doing there??? Women had smaller brains. Not many hold to that any more – women and girls today are far more accomplished and more likely to appear in universities.

    But I do know of more than one occasion where the men were deeply unhappy about their wives getting uppity, and that was recently.


    Scep .   you said “I do know that domestic violence (still mainly men against women, though a significant number of women against men) still takes place.”

    The last statistics I looked at it was 52% women are abused and 48% men so almost an equal split, seems the only thing that is true equality nowadays is abuse. and yet, as far as I am aware there is still only 1 Male refuge. some of the men I counselled had been very cruelly abused. its still far easier for a woman to admit it than a man


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