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    So wish you had actually read my post Kenty I said my LATE husband not my ex, and you know full well I was married to him as his last wish before he died of cancer


    shock horror I didn’t murder him at all!


    I totally agree with Kenty, why be a doormat for any man! if you don’t want to wash dishes, cook and clean hire a naked male cleaner ! problem solved. Id also suggest locking yourself away for a month with ur pc and  a blow up doll if you don’t know the female body. Today women don’t need men for the hunting and gathering anymore, and they don’t need men to protect them. Women have excelled in the work and business world  giving them the ability to get their food by shopping. This new mode of living has also given women the power to purchase/rent a home. Protection isn’t needed anymore because laws, courts, and law  enforcement officers there to enforce territory protections and punishment. Also with 2 out 3 divorces filed these days by women only highlights  that women don’t need men in to provide or drag them by the hair swinging  a club like Fred Flintstone. One last note-my uncle was born in 1945 and treats his wife like a princess- nobody taught him it came naturally   B-)



    Lol dear me, dunno if it’s just me but a bit of overkill there me thinks.

    There’ll be a bra shredder in the corner next.


    Lol dear me, dunno if it’s just me but a bit of overkill there me thinks. There’ll be a bra shredder in the corner next.


    Fact there’s nothing nicer than freein the tata’s after a day in the brassiere !

    Shred em don’t be daft … you seen the price of em these day lol


    What’s that in yer eyebrow Reason  …. :whistle:


    Lol dear me, dunno if it’s just me but a bit of overkill there me thinks. There’ll be a bra shredder in the corner next.

    Fact there’s nothing nicer than freein the tata’s after a day in the brassiere ! Shred em don’t be daft … you seen the price of em these day lol What’s that in yer eyebrow Reason …. :whistle:

    Lol @ tata’s

    God knows what’s in my eyebrows, all sorts of foodstuffs, it’s the eating from the troughs that us cavemen do.  :yes:


    So wish you had actually read my post Kenty I said my LATE husband not my ex, and you know full well I was married to him as his last wish before he died of cancer shock horror I didn’t murder him at all!

    Yes I have re read your post and I thought you were talking about both your husbands in different paragraphs….for some reason I thought your second husband was gravely ill when you married him and therefore you didn’t have much time together….unless you lived together before he died then in that case it makes sense…..genuine mistake….easily done….we are all human….even people we don’t get on with can make mistakes….and I hope that comment at the end isn’t aimed at me either…..because its a weird statement to make to me telling me you didn’t murder him….I never thought anything of the sort  :unsure:


    Blimey and I thought I was suffering with old age memory loss Kenty  lol

    I told you even before we met in person that I lived with Paul and had no intention of marrying until he asked me as his dying wish, funny what people forget when its convenient isn’t it?

    why would I mention my ex? he was rarely home, and its so far in the distant past .

    I don’t do “thinly veiled” as you know, so I don’t accept your comment of “genuine mistake.” nor “easily done” . if the post was read properly line by line I don’t think anyone would have a problem with the first three words of my post.  “MY LATE HUSBAND” some of us do stay until a partner/husband/wife dies.

    Yes I accept Sophia’s comment of year of birth but I guess its how men of a certain age were brought up by their mothers and what their nuclear family dynamic was, obviously my late husbands (NOT MY EX) was brought up in the dynamic that men go out to work women stay home and do everything else.

    and I have to add no wonder there is the Chinese whispers effect in the he said she said crap, if people will just assume stuff on top of what is actually written.

    the final comment.? you know about that too. you watched as I was told in the room I murdered my husband.


    Like i said in the  room earlier

    Men and Women alike should care for each other

    A Relationship is a partnership of 2 equal parts



    Not sure I am following this conversation. Must be generational. The world today is totally different to what it was like in 1950. That’s not to say there are not men and women from that era, with old fashioned views and values and no doubt some of those traits will have been passed on to their own children and grandchildren. If my partner is working and I am not, I will happily clean or cook and vice versa. My own children would definitely not get involved with men who still think it is 1950, chained to the kitchen sink, why would they need to, or even want to, it is 2016 not 1950.



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    That’s the thing…you cant generalise really….there will be some modern young men who live like cave men….there will be young ladies who run around their man like headless chickens pandering to their every need….and there will be older generations who more than pull their weight around the house and treat their women like queens….what one person founds acceptable might not be what another person finds acceptable

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