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  • #1006449

    Hmmm maybe I have (or haven’t evolved) take that either or.

    Both my kids are from one man. I’ve never drank so much that “fancy a s*** is the height of eloquence”


    I’m not a feminist either, I like to look after a man, as long as I don’t get taken for granted, I’ve never nagged a man, or moaned, I’ve cooked cleaned brought up my children and worked.

    An old saying, you can put sex into a relationship, but not a relationship into just sex.

    As for Englishmen treating women badly, no, I don’t think they do, (intentionally).

    The lines between the sexes has become so blurred now, men are afraid to ask a woman for a date for fear of being made fun of in public, or a drink thrown in their face, non feminists don’t get asked for dates either. (all tarred with same brush?) I do think that misogyny has slightly faded but misandysm has heightened.

    I’m no prude but I wouldn’t dream of making fun of a mans size, sexual or otherwise, and I wouldn’t expect a real man to call me fat ugly or frigid, purely because I decline his advances

    The “scattering” of children I fear forebodes genetic problems for the future. I agree totally that it appears nowadays that relationships are consumable. throwaway, no one works at a relationship anymore. so people breed move on, breed again move on again, ad infinitum.

    Eventually  Scarily) we will have a world of kids who have no idea who their siblings are, who then go on to breed and move on. it doesn’t bear thinking about with regards to the genetic throwbacks

    I Think its become a tit for tat country, if I cant get exactly my own way I will be abusive call you names and move on. that’s how it is nowadays both men and women of this country see each other as just a consumable  commodity, pieces of meat to be picked up and then move on .

    and…. its why I prefer to stay single.





    yeah, men and women have certainly changed since I was a young man in the Dark Ages. We’ve had the Renaissance and Reformation, parliament, votes for women etc since my schooldays.


    Still…I do seem to notice..I’m not talking about women, whose attitudes have been transformed since I was a boy – I’m talking about men and their relationship to women.

    There has certainly been a change in sexual attitudes. The French have traditionally been the most advanced here – kissing where angles fear to tread, the Frenchman was highly desired at the Elizabethan Tudor court. It’s not that long ago when English men didn’t know women got a lot of pleasure from being kissed where Frenchmen were very pleased to go, while Americans regarded such kissing as a mark of a gay (mustn’t use the US term for a gay). Now at least a lot more men know how a woman’s body works, and how much fun it is finding it out…

    Or do they??? I’m not so’s not a conversation point with men, we don’t like to talk about it seriously. But there are hints that some are still ignorant beyond making a dive and then coming up for air pleased the ordeal is over…maybe I’m wrong. I do depend on 2nd hand information.


    Again, I’m not sure. But I am talking about men, not women.


    Scep, no one is given a road map of how a woman’s body works (from a pleasure point of view).

    I’ve counselled couples and the woman says “he doesn’t please me” (won’t use the blatant words here). my first question was always. “have you shown him what does”? We’re all responsible for our own bodies, we know how they work, what is nice or not so nice, and unless you’ve explored yourself how on earth can you guide someone?

    Both sexes have responsibilities in that area. We make our own rules, as to how, what, who ,when.

    I do however think that what has been lost (or Americanised) is that a sexual encounter is nowadays preferred to a sexual relationship.

    You can only get to know a particular woman’s body if you stick around long enough or if she lets you!

    Ok we’ve always been “stiff upper lip” particularly when communicating desire, apart from the obvious.  (one night stands whether drunken or not)

    and I guess some shy away from oral sex because they haven’t a clue what to do (and that’s both sexes not just men) which brings us full circle,  we don’t get a map of how a female’s body works, the same as unless you ask a man to show you what he likes how does a woman know?



    Sure, laine, you’re absolutely right. Really, I fully agree with you.


    I’m thinking more of the traditional English male’s attitude to women. Was it a myth? Is it still there?

    Nobody really knows, because men are very reticent about talking about it. When I pass by pubs (of which there are a lot in this town) and see the male bonding there, I wonder a bit, that’s all.


    Oral sex, is that like phone sex?  :unsure:


    Actually, like Reason (sic) I wasn’t sure what oral sex was and, like Reason (sic), I google words and phraes I don’t know.

    My God, I didn’t mean THAT!!! That is horrible, I didn’t think anybody went so low, so low,  as to do anything like that. *retches

    Laine, you have met some bad people, very durty people!!!!

    I was thinking of how scuba diving came to mind while kissing down a woman’s arm to her hand – French style, like Gomez Addams was compelled to do to his wife, Morticia (she comes to f3, or did until recently) when she she spoke French.

    Anyway, I was wondering about men, not about individual relationships, and particularly not the horrible relationships that Laine had in mind!




    Tell you what annoys the hell out of women who refuse to sit down when you stand up for them or give you a look because you’ve opened a door for her… we aren’t saying you’re weak ffs it’s called being a gent don’t be so fucking butch


    Oral sex, is that like phone sex? :unsure:

    Don’t google it, Reason (sic). It is unthinkably disgusting.

    Does anyone have sex with their phone???*grimaces

    Pete, a comic of my youth called Tony hancock refused to stand for a woman, saying you wanted equality, you’ve got it!


    All depends where you’re asking them to sit I suppose :yes:


    Oral sex, is that like phone sex? :unsure:

    Does anyone have sex with their phone???

    Testicle, just set your phone to vibrate, the hardest part is trying not to flinch if you get an unexpected call, especially if your stood in a supermarket queue at the time.  :-)

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