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21 May, 2018 at 11:45 am #1095895
We back in Kansas…
Ahh, never asked did Toto run along side as you cycled. Think he a Scottish dog by the way.
Glad you had a nice holiday and u well.
21 May, 2018 at 11:56 am #1095899I do painting a lot Linda…always use Kansas to paint on…LMAO…yes i had Toto running beside me singing Africa and Rosanna….LMAO….mind you…i eat the material after i use it these days…..fruit pastells……LMAO…..
yep thanks……only thing i will moan about while on holiday……too many darn pot holes…..every where. Think i’ll leave the bike at home next time and take a kangaroo…LOLOL
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21 May, 2018 at 12:09 pm #1095901Lol..our pot holes from winter plowing digging up our many roads. My tires are stewing…
Think need a new pot next month on driver side. Ughhh..
21 May, 2018 at 2:33 pm #1095910Mrq I will look forward to your holiday photos I think I speak for all of jc on that.
22 May, 2018 at 11:03 am #1095921Did you get sun burn on your bike or was it the Lycra that made you trippy?
BTW can you post up a picture of your proudly leaning into a corner at 20 oomphs whilst dodging a jogger? Sure the jogger wants to know who got ditched.
Anyways, glad your back safe and you broke your PB of leaving JC by several days.
This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by
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23 May, 2018 at 10:44 am #1095951You never know ruthless……i may leave here forever one day…..LMAO………….lycra eh? yes i always wear that…..interesting….any way…as to milky…….as i said in one of my previous replies…..i will be putting some local pics on later this week…….oh yes…lets have some pics of Orson’s charity walk he was going to do last year shall we?
24 May, 2018 at 10:27 am #1095987Always better to speak for your self milky in my opinion. I remember the last time i went on a long cycling trip…..510 miles and all i got was abuse….If you knew me locally( which you don’t)……..there’d be no doubt….
I don’t know if your still friends or m8’s with that Orson Kart Guy but he never did any one any good….and to be honest…..i’ll always be honest…i have no time for any one who still lets him think for them……no time at all!
I’ll show my own pictures when i want to……and in my own time…..
By the way….seeing as you live in Bristol….what’s going on in the Zoo these days?
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24 May, 2018 at 10:42 am #1095988To be honest…….i’m a careful cyclist…..first rule of the road is always look out on corners,junctions etc…..Perhaps there should be rules for joggers telling them to run on the opposite side of the road like walkers…..facing oncoming traffic?…just a thought…..well it’s more than a thought as it wouldn’t stand up in a court of law really.
If a cyclist hits some one going round a corner then it could have been a motor vehicle and to be honest, in that position…..the jogger would be in a very dangerous position. After all, cyclists only really lean on corners going fast like motor bikes do to comply with gravity and g force etc.
I obey the principle that the roads are for every one but there is one rule that supersedes all others when you are not in a motor vehicle….be it, a mobility scooter,walking,jogging or running….Common Sense should rule at all times.
Always face the traffic coming towards you
After all… my opinion….roads are primarily for motor vehicles these days….there are cycle paths etc but if not……..never assume you have right of way…..
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24 May, 2018 at 12:04 pm #1096000I’m still waiting for youre holiday pictures from the last cycling tour q the one when you rode from somerset to Scotland with no tent and spent the night sleeping in fields
Personaly I have done 4 day cycling trips averaging 50 miles a day so I know twaddle when I hear it q.
Please don’t let me stop you posting pictures of you cycling along A roads though.
24 May, 2018 at 12:08 pm #1096001To anybody who doesn’t cycle can you imagine say 8 hours of cycling?
First thing you would want is a shower clean comfy bed right
This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by
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