Boards Index General discussion Getting serious The difference between a Stud & a slut??

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  • #493185

    A very long winded post just to admit that you and your friend are a pair of slags.


    @wakeupdeadisgodlike wrote:

    A very long winded post just to admit that you and your friend are a pair of slags.

    ^^^ reeks of rejection^^^

    not getting any?? :lol: Spa.


    I’m not doing bad but thanks for asking.

    If I ever decide to drop to your level I will send you a pm x



    What makes you think I would stoop down you your level?

    Not everybody gets to come to the majic kingdome.

    Youll just have to stick with pam and her mates.




    One has an STD-infested c*ck who suffers from low self-esteem and zero sense of self pride.

    The other has an STD-infested vagina who suffers from low self-esteem and zero sense of self pride.

    Not much difference really. One’s a c*nt the other’s a pr*ck.


    Guess badboy never heard of condoms as his entire post was about being duped into raising a child thats not his.

    Nothing to do with the fact this thread is about women being sluts if they sleep around and men being hero’s if they do the same thing!!!

    If you shag someone that’s not your girlfriend therefore you’ve no idea who else she’s been with surely you’d wear a condom (in fact surely you’d wear one anyway?)


    @badboy wrote:

    Girls that sleep around a lot can be seen to have increased chances of becoming pregnant by a male other than the one that they’re in relationship with, and then dupe that male into raising a baby that’s not his. That’s why she’s a sloot and why guys generally dislike sloots. A guy being duped into raising another guys baby is a big deal for guys
    Men don’t have the option to do that, they can’t sleep around, impregnate a random woman and then dupe the woman that they’re in a relationship with into raising it as her own because she’ll instantly know it isn’t hers (due to not giving birth to it).

    Also, based on biology, women are suppose to be the choosier sex. Millions of sperm can be produced to that of a single female egg. Women’s best reproductive strategy therefore is to focus on selecting quality sperm over that of the quantity of sperm to fertilize her few eggs. Whereas a mans best reproductive strategy is to focus more on injecting their numerous sperm into a high quantity of eggs over that of the quality of eggs.

    Women are the limiting sex in reproduction.
    They choose, men compete to be chosen.
    It’s harder for men to have sex with women than it is for women to have sex with men.

    An analogy thereby results whereby a key that can open many locks is called a master key, but a lock that can be opened by many keys is a shtty lock.

    “Dupe the male” …. Surely this isn’t applicable to every woman and you are talking about a cheating woman there.

    A man who impregnates a woman is equally responsible for that baby, makes neither person a s l u t or stud, more just irresponsible and immature if they are not prepared for it.

    Of course it’s harder for men to have sex with a woman, because that is mostly what men want.
    A woman wants some kind of emotional fulfillment which is MUCH harder to attain than sex.

    A stud is someone who provides the two, sex and emotional fulfillment based on insincerity, the type of guy who will manipulate women and lead them on, giving them a lot of emotional fulfillment to get what he wants: SEX.


    @blossom‘ wrote:

    The difference between a Stud & a slut??

    Their genitalia :lol:

    Most of a year on and Blossom still has the best answer to the question.


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