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  • #1074138

    im just looking for friends with benefits that’s all,

    There are many women looking for that too.

    How unromantic, makes me sad.  I know,  its one of  my ‘issues’.

    Personally, I’d much prefer mutual and love respect and the want to spend the rest of my life with someone who wants me for forever back.

    I want to meet someone who enjoys doing day to day things with me, like shopping and going out for meals.  Someone I can watch tv with at night with and have all night bonkie sessions with (sorry if that just made you sick in your mouth).  I want someone who I know isn’t looking elsewhere for female attention because I am enough for them.

    I want to look at my fella and feel that rush of happiness you feel when you love someone so much you want to protect them and love them and make them so happy that you enrich their life.  And them look at me the same way.

    I should write for Mills and Boon.

    Of course some people get hurt by love and it puts them off ‘getting emotionally involved’ so end up just shagging around so they ‘get the good bits’ and avoid the ‘heavy stuff’.  But doing that is silly.  Its those ‘heavy’ parts that give you the most joy, not the shaggy part.

    Sometimes someone  comes along who is worth you opening up your heart to.  But in the meantime, I hope you wont hurt any ladies along the way by just using them.  Unless they want to be used just for a shag of course.  Then they are the same as you are.

    We call it being ‘damaged’

    Sorry if I come across as being judgemental, I apologise.  It is because in this regard, I am.






    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by  Sairs73.
    1 member liked this post.

    YEH but you cant always get what you want though mizzy

    don’t start giving me that lispy violet Elizabeth bottesque nonsense again.

    nodding grin to our rubes

    love bubble?


    mmm I

    1 member liked this post.

    I can always get what I want?  You mean sex?

    Yes I like most women can get a grotty bunk up with some man who doesn’t give a crap about us and will try to use us like some human blow up doll and not bother ringing us the next day?

    How lucky us woman are.

    If only I had no self respect.  Id be having a  whale of a time aye?

    Some men are so deluded.


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    Read it wrong


    Oh well I write crap when I’m drunk, now I’ve misread and written crap sober.


    I would probably have ended up saying that anyways.


    hang on sairs let me put my head on straight

    I wanna explain what I mean

    give us 5 yeh



    Sairs, Mizzy and Sarah

    If I was to take what u said above, what a beautiful poem I have ever read. And u know I am not too much in to poetry but yours.

    Beautifully written form.
    So true from the heart, so sensitive,feeling, gutt expression which u feel when finally find that right one, partner some one to share as mate for life. What compassion, zess for life challenge in which each of us secretly desire, dare not to say, but u did, and for the many whom feel like u…

    If I was sitting listening to you read this in a tea house, I like many would stand up and applaud you..
    Hand me box of kleenex.

    Wow, always impress me


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    Ever hear expression,

    “Not succeed first time,you try, try and try again, to final results found, that make you happy.”




    What have you told me often…remember…

    Cosy will rethink what said, if I understood correctly. Give him a chance. Think asked…

    Men’s emotions some times different.. some may feel like us but expressive not always sounds right…

    Do agree, should not be focused solely on mutual sexual wants of one, in which other always feels has to perform to keep meaningful relationship.
    Make sense?

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    ORSO she is your gf so i mean unless u just meeting other females as friends no touching or and flirting with them, i dont see a prob with it, and if u dont filrt and touch other women, then your gf is insecure, but look at it this way she is obv jels of u with other females, but that also means she prefares u than other people maybe, if u dont like her being jels and she can not deal with the insecurtity, and obv it is effecting u, then maybe get another gf or just accepct it, and u deal with it not her or and her deal with it.


    (I have got a lovely wouldn’t say beautiful gf  but shes alright  bit old but she can still turn heads) – hmm my dad said this to my mum “? u not the most attractive person in the world but u are ok”……………………

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by  JUSTNOTHING.
    2 members liked this post.

    Orson used to read Mills and Boon but stopped when he started sticking the pages together 😂😂

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