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22 January, 2017 at 1:08 pm #1020238
Bastards… run for your lives it’s started
22 January, 2017 at 2:24 pm #1020240and heres a little song ive wrote for all our irish members
trumps to the left of me
brexit to the right
stuck in the middle with eu.22 January, 2017 at 3:25 pm #1020246Oh my God i woke up this morning and nothing’s happened
It so has, the milk went up 2p at my local shop Looks like all the doom-mongers are going to be right.
2p OMG … what’s to do ?
Anyone else wonder about a US president that uses the
gesture in his swearing in?
Selwyn Frogget sprang to mind.
22 January, 2017 at 4:06 pm #1020251Oh my God i woke up this morning and nothing’s happened
It so has, the milk went up 2p at my local shop Looks like all the doom-mongers are going to be right.
2p OMG … what’s to do ? Anyone else wonder about a US president that uses the
gesture in his swearing in? Selwyn Frogget sprang to mind.
God, Selwyn Frogget, a proper blast from the past, I used to love it.
22 January, 2017 at 4:30 pm #1020257I agree with Sophia, I just don’t think many of these things like name-calling are worth getting angry about- I would know, I’m a peace pet :/ I wouldn’t call it being clever as just expressive of morals that I feel and I think many people feel optimistically. Sometimes people are like “why say it when it’s obvious?” but sometimes people don’t know what we think is obvious- just like people’s good intentions, sometimes. Draculina is in Cali, omg, I’m planning on going there for a while. I was under the impression most people on here are really far. I mean like for example if all you’re used to is good intentions who don’t do you anything wrong whether or not it *seems* like you want it, and then all someone bad sees is that you do want it as a natural instinct, then you have to *really* show that you don’t someone doing that to you. Most of us accept the usual sad feelings as maturity and helps us grow as people, but to some people it’s disarming and they think they need to be bound by the jail of security and are jealous that other people get to experience that kind of sad feelings and love and they never can let each other let their guards down out of curiosity. Some people feel like everyone likes companionship, whether or not we want it from strangers when we’re actually in our own chosen isolation for a while, and they justify something bad that way.
I’m trying to work out whether you are a troll on here for a laugh or think this makes any sense. I’ll assume the latter and recommend you re read what you write and realise it makes no sense at all. It’s waffle with no substance and truly bizarre.
22 January, 2017 at 4:33 pm #1020259For eg ” I mean like for example if all you’re used to is good intentions who don’t do you anything wrong whether or not it *seems* like you want it, and then all someone bad sees is that you do want it as a natural instinct, then you have to *really* show that you don’t someone doing that to you.”
What the hell does that gibberish mean ?
22 January, 2017 at 4:37 pm #1020262Ukip got over 4 million votes in the Uk and get 1 seat in parliament, it’s irrelevant what the numbers are – what is relevant is who won the election and it was Trump. Accept it OP or phone the samaritans if you can’t cope with the results. It’s interesting to see the supposed peace loving left wing liberals wearing masks smashing up property throwing their toys out of the pram yesterday because they didn’t get their beloved Hilary into office…how many people from the Trump group of voters were doing that when Obama got in? It’s all very well not shutting up on an anonymous message board sceptical, go to the states and scream how naughty Trump is- get arrested and do us all a favour with no internet access behind bars. 63 million voted for “chump” as you disdainfully call him..I’m sure a billionaire man in the most powerful job in the free world will not be losing sleep over some whining no mark on an anonymous chatroom so your opinion is fairly irrelevent. Enough people voted Trump in precisely to silence moaning people up like you crying about political correctness against muslims etc….. hush lad and let the democratic process follow its natural course.
Oh it’s Mr Gobshyte again …. Well lets hope you don’t end up eating your words eh rudeboy you being the american politics expert that you are proclaiming to be.
That’s evidence of what we are talking about, a low IQ individual responding with “Mr Godshyte” offering nothing to constructive debate other than confirming what a waste of oxygen they are.
22 January, 2017 at 4:40 pm #1020264Oh my God i woke up this morning and nothing’s happened
It so has, the milk went up 2p at my local shop Looks like all the doom-mongers are going to be right.
2p OMG … what’s to do ? Anyone else wonder about a US president that uses the
gesture in his swearing in? Selwyn Frogget sprang to mind.
Nope can’t say I do although if you remove the n from your username I would say it is an apt description
22 January, 2017 at 4:51 pm #1020267lol
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