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21 January, 2017 at 10:07 pm #1020200What he had was daddy’s money and a big mouth. He juts out his chin like Mussolini, coz he has a very large jaw. he uses his size to dominate a scene. He has the money for advisers to bail him out of trouble. His talents are for bullying on a major scale – any other talents are hidden. A ‘puss-grabbing’ pig who calls Mexicans rapists and imitates people with a form of palsy. Sir Philip Green and his mentor – Cap’n Bob Maxwell – if anyone remembers him, are/were similarly successful. You go in, cream off the savings off your workers and/or customers, and then you sail off laughing. Chump has spent a lot of his life paying off people who are after him on court cases. Jeez, if it’s success you want, then elect Sylvester Stallone or Dirty Duterte. They’ll get things done. Actually, the resemblance between Dirty Duterte and Chump is scary. His economic programme is for a major sugar infusion into the economy – a trillion dollars. Will taste really sweet for a time, before the sugar starts biting into the system’s innards in as damaging a way as it would yours. And the wish-fantasy that he’s going to bail the UK out with a trade deal? Dream on. listen to what he says, not what you want him to say. His inaugural made it clear – America First and America Only. Everyone else will eat dirt.
so he became president because he had money? … money he earned himself as he went bankrupt which has already been alluded to. If money is the be all and end all why isn’t Bill Gates president? You do realise that Hilarys campaign cost 50% more than Trumps campaign to fund but keep droning on with the crap lol. I was wondering how long it would take you to descend to the ” he calls all mexicans rapi.sts” comment when he said he wishes to curb immigration to stop mexican ra.pists coming into the states which is perfectly reasonable but as usual, hysterical politically correct clowns twist it into ” he said mexicans are ra.pists” so must be racist. You aren’t particularly bright and people are sick of these distorted hysterical comments over perfectly reasonable comments which is why the likes of Trump and Brexit happened. I haven’t a clue who “dirty duterte” is btw unless it’s a mirror enroute to the bathroom prematurely fouling yourself again frothing in the mouth in rage at your left wing utopia being ripped apart. First Brexit , now trump poor lad.. not going too well is it?
Well, Roody, Dirty Duterte is the President of the Philippines. Look him up. Chump used twitter and talked off the top of his head, a bit like you. If he had a big mouth, and no money, he would have got nowhere. He expressed the mean prejudices of a lot of people who felt left out. Hillary was the worst possible candidate to run. The fact that she was defeated by Trump shows that money alone can’t do it. She was as disliked as he was. He’s taking office as the least popular President at this time of term ever. Let’s hope we all survive him – he’s a walking obscenity.
so you are saying he would get nowhere with no money and then say ” money alone can’t do it”. WTF are you warbling on about? Explain to me what he has done or said that makes him a walking obscenity – I’m all ears/eyes
21 January, 2017 at 10:12 pm #1020201I haven’t a clue what you are wittering on about, but you sound slightly backwards fella and extremely disturbed. He won the election so won the ” democratic process”.. vote count is irrelevant as it’s based on the electoral college system which is something you are clearly too intrinsically stupid to grasp. If typing “roody poody” gets you excited fair enough, but you just confirm what an absolute tool you are and illustrate your lack of both intellect and education coupled with ignorance regarding the political setup in the states.
Well, read things properly, roody. He was constitutionally elected, not democratically elected. There’s a difference in the USA. The constitutional founders made sure that the system wasn’t democratic – they were frightened of democracy. When democracy came in the early 19C, they retained the electoral college system. The president is constitutionally elected by 538 people, I believe, and Chump won it constitutionally. In democratic terms, he lost by 3 million votes. So it goes. There have been constant attempts to end the electoral system and make the election a democratic system – the last one was in 1969 after the big vote for George Wallace, but it failed (for good reasons). So Chump was elected constitutionally, not democratically. Check it out, oh man wiht blinders on. No, things are not going good at the moment. The present crop of authoritarian Rightists are on the move, and where they end who knows? Let’s hope they don’t cause too much hurt on the way.
Democracy is defined as a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives. Explain to me how the election isn’t a ” democracy”. It may not be the system you approve of but it still represents a democracy as does our voting system of first past the post system which isn’t one I necessarily agree with either but it still is defined as a democracy.
21 January, 2017 at 10:26 pm #1020202I agree with Sophia, I just don’t think many of these things like name-calling are worth getting angry about- I would know, I’m a peace pet :/ I wouldn’t call it being clever as just expressive of morals that I feel and I think many people feel optimistically. Sometimes people are like “why say it when it’s obvious?” but sometimes people don’t know what we think is obvious- just like people’s good intentions, sometimes. Draculina is in Cali, omg, I’m planning on going there for a while. I was under the impression most people on here are really far. I mean like for example if all you’re used to is good intentions who don’t do you anything wrong whether or not it *seems* like you want it, and then all someone bad sees is that you do want it as a natural instinct, then you have to *really* show that you don’t someone doing that to you. Most of us accept the usual sad feelings as maturity and helps us grow as people, but to some people it’s disarming and they think they need to be bound by the jail of security and are jealous that other people get to experience that kind of sad feelings and love and they never can let each other let their guards down out of curiosity. Some people feel like everyone likes companionship, whether or not we want it from strangers when we’re actually in our own chosen isolation for a while, and they justify something bad that way.
21 January, 2017 at 10:33 pm #1020204I agree with Sophia, I just don’t think many of these things like name-calling are worth getting angry about- I would know, I’m a peace pet :/ I wouldn’t call it being clever as just expressive of morals that I feel and I think many people feel optimistically. Sometimes people are like “why say it when it’s obvious?” but sometimes people don’t know what we think is obvious- just like people’s good intentions, sometimes. Draculina is in Cali, omg, I’m planning on going there for a while. I was under the impression most people on here are really far. I mean like for example if all you’re used to is good intentions who don’t do you anything wrong whether or not it *seems* like you want it, and then all someone bad sees is that you do want it as a natural instinct, then you have to *really* show that you don’t someone doing that to you. Most of us accept the usual sad feelings as maturity and helps us grow as people, but to some people it’s disarming and they think they need to be bound by the jail of security and are jealous that other people get to experience that kind of sad feelings and love and they never can let each other let their guards down out of curiosity. Some people feel like everyone likes companionship, whether or not we want it from strangers when we’re actually in our own chosen isolation for a while, and they justify something bad that way.
you really talk like this?
That is so must be, as I read it and read it and it’s beyond me
You’re not subs in the room, by any chance? Not even related?
21 January, 2017 at 10:40 pm #1020206Still waiting
21 January, 2017 at 10:41 pm #1020207People wont take anyone serious once you start using a condescending tone or name calling! Soooo grow ups boys or let up er? The internet has a reputation for harbouring know-it-alls. Even my old school friends on Facebook all seem to swell with confidence in their understanding of exactly how the world works. Part of this phenomenon is the tendency to then confuse what we really know in our personal memories, with what we have easy access to, the knowledge that is readily available at our fingertips. We have the illusion that all this information at our fingertips is really in our heads. the internet is giving new fuel to the way we’ve always thought. It can be both a cause of overconfidence, when we mistake the boundary between what we know and what is available to us over the web. The point of a political conversation is not to assert your opinion, its to share it! Democracy, am I right guys? Whether or not we see eye to eye is not the point. People spend more time focused on explaining why ur right instead of contemplating why you (in fact) might be wrong. Finally, what use is there to political opinions if they never change?
Sophia, I don’t use the internet for my knowledge, or not often..honestly. Wikipedia can be interesting but it’s totally unreliable.
But we all defend ourselves in our own way – don’t we?
No, democracy is about argument. It should be about argument which enlightens, and the name-calling doesn’t enlighten. But then you get accused of being boring by someone lol. I argue that can lead to name-calling, but it’s the best form of argument too. It’s what drac calls the Socratic method, but she rally means polemical.
If the argument is a good one, then people learn form it. If it’s just throwing abuse and nothing else, then no, then you’re right and it’s time to move on.
22 January, 2017 at 12:44 am #1020209I would be more worried about Mike Pence personally.
22 January, 2017 at 4:29 am #1020223Ukip got over 4 million votes in the Uk and get 1 seat in parliament, it’s irrelevant what the numbers are – what is relevant is who won the election and it was Trump. Accept it OP or phone the samaritans if you can’t cope with the results. It’s interesting to see the supposed peace loving left wing liberals wearing masks smashing up property throwing their toys out of the pram yesterday because they didn’t get their beloved Hilary into office…how many people from the Trump group of voters were doing that when Obama got in? It’s all very well not shutting up on an anonymous message board sceptical, go to the states and scream how naughty Trump is- get arrested and do us all a favour with no internet access behind bars. 63 million voted for “chump” as you disdainfully call him..I’m sure a billionaire man in the most powerful job in the free world will not be losing sleep over some whining no mark on an anonymous chatroom so your opinion is fairly irrelevent. Enough people voted Trump in precisely to silence moaning people up like you crying about political correctness against muslims
etc….. hush lad and let the democratic process follow its natural course.
Oh it’s Mr Gobshyte again …. Well lets hope you don’t end up eating your words eh rudeboy you being the american politics expert that you are proclaiming to be.
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22 January, 2017 at 11:42 am #1020231Oh my God i woke up this morning and nothing’s happened
22 January, 2017 at 11:52 am #1020232Oh my God i woke up this morning and nothing’s happened
It so has, the milk went up 2p at my local shop
Looks like all the doom-mongers are going to be right.
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