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21 January, 2017 at 3:38 pm #1020138
skep stop calling him roody poody,its childish,I know he called you a lad but…..
anyway latest odds for trump to have the white house painted gold 33/121 January, 2017 at 3:59 pm #1020142Anyone wanna buy any “Thump A Trump” t shirts? loads of diff colours lol lol
Theres 2 way trump will go and thats he blows the world up or he turns out to be the best president the states ever had !!
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21 January, 2017 at 4:29 pm #1020144that’s a very superficial analysis, SHR.
Trump won constitutionally fair and square – well, er, he won constitutionally anyway.
He didn’t win democraticially. Liberals and progressives accept the result – they’re just a bit frightened of it. Not just liberals and progressives.
The refendum result was won constitutionally after fair debate.
oh er no, the debate was informed by fear and prejudice on both sides. It was a disgrace of a debate onm one of the most important issues facing the UK in my lifetime. People voted despite the debate, not because of it, and the vote was uninformed as a result. I’ve never called ordinary people who voted Leave thick – they’re not. They voted according to how thye saw the issue.
But the woring class didn’t vote for Trump or leave – they divided. many working-class people who did vote for Trump supported the socialist Bernie Sanders in the Democratic primaries because Hillary was so awful.
People like the millionaire Trump and our working-class friends Boris Johnson and Lord Farage of Trump Towers did manage to win the idea that the enemies of the people happened to be their enemies too. They called these enemies the élite, when they themselves belonged to the élite. They presented themselves as the people, when they appealed to minorities of the people (in the UK 36% voted brexit – that is a minority of voters o a crucial question).
You need to go behind the superficial sociology or you get caught up in the debauching of democratic debate that’s been taking place in the UK and USA, and is about to take place throughout Europe in elections this year.
Everybody – all of us – were badly scared by the financial crisis of 2008-09, A lot of us – think of Greece – are still suffering badly as a result of that crisis. The initial shock has been replaced by anger and fear as health care and social care systems break down and public spending is squeezed. They look to people who weren’t the original leaders, as though those leaders weren’t a much victims as the rest of us.
Those people – Trump spectacularly – don’t have answers, though they are sure and loudmouthed.
21 January, 2017 at 5:07 pm #1020145A question for the Op… If a man making billions from business deals owning numerous hotels, leisure complexes becoming President of the United states of America with over 60 million votes is a “chump” what the hell does that make some lonely lad called sceptical guy on an internet chatroom?
An answer for roody poody – what he had was daddy’s money and a big mouth. He juts out his chin like Mussolini, coz he has a very large jaw. he uses his size to dominate a scene. He has the money for advisers to bail him out of trouble. His talents are for bullying on a major scale – any other talents are hidden. A ‘puss-grabbing’ pig who calls Mexicans rapists and imitates people with a form of palsy.
Sir Philip Green and his mentor – Cap’n Bob Maxwell – if anyone remembers him, are/were similarly successful. You go in, cream off the savings off your workers and/or customers, and then you sail off laughing. Chump has spent a lot of his life paying off people who are after him on court cases.
Jeez, if it’s success you want, then elect Sylvester Stallone or Dirty Duterte. They’ll get things done. Actually, the resemblance between Dirty Duterte and Chump is scary.
His economic programme is for a major sugar infusion into the economy – a trillion dollars. Will taste really sweet for a time, before the sugar starts biting into the system’s innards in as damaging a way as it would yours.
And the wish-fantasy that he’s going to bail the UK out with a trade deal? Dream on. listen to what he says, not what you want him to say. His inaugural made it clear – America First and America Only. Everyone else will eat dirt.
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21 January, 2017 at 5:20 pm #1020146that’s a very superficial analysis, SHR.
I didn’t analyze it in any great detail, or even attempt to analyze it, I gave a brief opinion. Every single political comment on this site is “superficial” according to you when it is the polar opposite of your own view. Can you not post a single comment without turning every single political thread you disagree with into a personal tit for tat.
Trump won a democratic vote under the current American system. No ifs or buts, this or that and various other excuses. I am not getting into the EU debate again other than to add, the various so called Remain economic experts who predicted immediate doom and gloom, have since publicly acknowledged they miscalculated and that it was politically driven.
21 January, 2017 at 6:55 pm #1020163A question for the Op… If a man making billions from business deals owning numerous hotels, leisure complexes becoming President of the United states of America with over 60 million votes is a “chump” what the hell does that make some lonely lad called sceptical guy on an internet chatroom?
Chump had a helping hand from his Dad and Grandad…hes also been bankrupt 3 times…..hes also been married 3 times and has numerous kids with different women…so what?
“so what” ? He has made something of himself after suffering bankruptcy instead of offering flower icons to another man on a chatroom messageboard like you are. If you are so opposed to Trump why not catch a plane to the states and voice your ” displeasure”
21 January, 2017 at 7:01 pm #1020164Oh you know how they can photoshop nowadays, doubt thats her.
I’m afraid it’s true.
She posed nude for British GQ magazine in the January 2000 issue, before she married Trump, which she apparently met at a party in 1998.
21 January, 2017 at 7:01 pm #1020165this guy is actually dangerous..I mean, really. How can he be a chump when he has founded Crump University? Hmmmmm….. Roody poody, you keep saying Chump is the victor of the democratic process. But he got 3 million votes less than his opponent. Surely, roody poody, even you must be able to calculate that it makes him the undemocratic choice? Yes? no? You can’t count that well? oh you must be a graduate of Chump University – flying honours is my guess. But it is true, I didn’t get any votes in the US Presidential race. Roody Poody isn’t totally dumb – he’s worked that one out.
I haven’t a clue what you are wittering on about, but you sound slightly backwards fella and extremely disturbed. He won the election so won the ” democratic process”.. vote count is irrelevant as it’s based on the electoral college system which is something you are clearly too intrinsically stupid to grasp. If typing “roody poody” gets you excited fair enough, but you just confirm what an absolute tool you are and illustrate your lack of both intellect and education coupled with ignorance regarding the political setup in the states.
21 January, 2017 at 7:07 pm #1020169Ukip got over 4 million votes in the Uk and get 1 seat in parliament, it’s irrelevant what the numbers are – what is relevant is who won the election and it was Trump.
You do raise a few interesting points. The UK’s unrepresentative electoral system for starters. In 2015 2.4 million voted lib dems which resulted in 8 seats. 9.3 million voted labour which resulted in 232 seats and 11.3 million voted tory which resulted in 331 seats. It is a disgrace to our electoral system that with 3.8 million votes UKIP ended up with a mere 1 seat. The liberal class also contradict themselves both here in the UK and over the pond in the USA. In America liberals complain Trump won with 3 million less votes, despite winning under their current system. Here in the UK liberals complain the EU referendum, 52% v 48%, was too close to call and should be rerun despite losing under our current system. In both countries it boils down to one main issue, the political liberal class, the so called “progressives”, have alienated the working class for decades in favour of globalisation and corporatism and given an opportunity in both instances, the working class have now finally had their voice heard. You only have to read the liberals on this site and others, to get an image of their arrogance and total disregard and disdain for democracy when results don’t go their way. If you vote UKIP, or for Trump and also voted out in the EU referendum, apparently you are a “thick” right winger with no intelligence. One outcome is certain in America, if Trump keeps to his promises his government will do more in one term for the working class than the liberal “progressives” did in 35 years.
An excellent post, couldn’t have written it any better myself. Sadly the self proclaimed liberals like to distort the facts to suit their own warped agenda strewn with continual points regarding ” political correctness” wallowing in their own smugness at what great tolerant human beings they are when infact they are hypocrites of the highest order .
21 January, 2017 at 7:11 pm #1020170A question for the Op… If a man making billions from business deals owning numerous hotels, leisure complexes becoming President of the United states of America with over 60 million votes is a “chump” what the hell does that make some lonely lad called sceptical guy on an internet chatroom?
Chump had a helping hand from his Dad and Grandad…hes also been bankrupt 3 times…..hes also been married 3 times and has numerous kids with different women…so what?
“so what” ? He has made something of himself after suffering bankruptcy instead of offering flower icons to another man on a chatroom messageboard like you are. If you are so opposed to Trump why not catch a plane to the states and voice your ” displeasure”
If you don’t want the flower I’ll take it back…….don’t want you giving yourself a hernia being so uptight……and where did I say I was as opposed? I’ve not expressed an opinion either way… that’s your assumption…..and as for pulling back from bankruptcy……..bollokcs……you know as well as I do when someone with so much money and contacts never is actually bankrupt… get your head out of Trumps arse…..there’s plenty up there for now
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