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18 January, 2017 at 8:04 am #1019972
Only two days to go before Donald Chump takes office as the most powerful geezer in the world.
Ain’t we all excited?
He’s done away with the daily intelligence briefings given to presidents. He says he doesn’t need them.
I’m sure he’s right. He is the founder of Chump University, after all.
Wonder if he’ll get himself impeached before too long – that’s not out of the question.
18 January, 2017 at 9:11 am #1019973God bless us all ….
Sorry but I hope he’s taken out before he causes too much damage to the world not just the USA.
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18 January, 2017 at 10:24 am #1019974You are a ruthless woman, Arc!
I hope that when you said ‘take out’ you meant he should be turned into mincemeat for a Chinese takeaway and not ‘taken out’ as in a Steven Segal film.
18 January, 2017 at 10:25 am #1019975The world survived a failing actor, the Bush’s and a president who thought with his todger, this will be no different.
I’m sure the yanks will have a way of keeping him in check.
If i was going to worry about other countries(which I’m not) then the likes of North Korea would come top of my list.
20 January, 2017 at 10:58 pm #1020092I am sure the world will survive,
but will draculina?
She has a big mouth, and California is not happy about Trump.
I hope she keeps it shut for a couple of weeks..
21 January, 2017 at 1:55 am #1020095Only chump is the OP… glad to see Trump in and so are millions of other Americans who voted for him. I grow weary of listening to whining no marks trying to foist their left wing propaganda on others so hush up and accept the democratic process meant enough people wanted him in.
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21 January, 2017 at 10:04 am #1020104I reiterate I live in the UK he’s American it won’t affect me that I’ll notice North Korea aside no one is gonna start a war I won’t be going to the US so I don’t care about the exchange rate I’m just not gonna be affected so much that I give a damn
21 January, 2017 at 10:24 am #1020106Only chump is the OP… glad to see Trump in and so are millions of other Americans who voted for him. I grow weary of listening to whining no marks trying to foist their left wing propaganda on others so hush up and accept the democratic process meant enough people wanted him in.
What an ignorant twit, thinking the democratic process means that those who disagree with a majority have to shut up..
The democratic process had nothing to do with it. Chump got 3 million votes less than his opponent. Check it out.
21 January, 2017 at 10:28 am #1020107Pete, that would be very nice, to think the US doesn’t affect us.
I doubt that World War 3 will happen, but if it does then I won’t be posting to tell you that you’re wrong.
But war and visits aren’t the only way the US affects us.
I’ll try to remember this post, and see if you’re right. I’ll return at regular interbvals – coz that’s the sort of guy I am
I hope you are right, and if you are I’ll say so; I fear you’re not.
21 January, 2017 at 11:47 am #1020113Ukip got over 4 million votes in the Uk and get 1 seat in parliament, it’s irrelevant what the numbers are – what is relevant is who won the election and it was Trump. Accept it OP or phone the samaritans if you can’t cope with the results. It’s interesting to see the supposed peace loving left wing liberals wearing masks smashing up property throwing their toys out of the pram yesterday because they didn’t get their beloved Hilary into office…how many people from the Trump group of voters were doing that when Obama got in? It’s all very well not shutting up on an anonymous message board sceptical, go to the states and scream how naughty Trump is- get arrested and do us all a favour with no internet access behind bars. 63 million voted for “chump” as you disdainfully call him..I’m sure a billionaire man in the most powerful job in the free world will not be losing sleep over some whining no mark on an anonymous chatroom so your opinion is fairly irrelevent. Enough people voted Trump in precisely to silence moaning people up like you crying about political correctness against muslims etc….. hush lad and let the democratic process follow its natural course.
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