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  • #268278

    Hey doa

    I agree with you to some extent here, although the main purpose of the London Marathon is the huge amounts it raises for charity. Whether someone finishes in 3 hours or 10 hours they will still have raised at least a grand for charity (the bare minimum requirement for a guaranteed charity place).

    Yes, I did have to walk some parts – it was bloody hard work and I didn’t have time to train the 4 hours a day, 7 days a week (in fact this would never be recommended by anyone with sports science knowledge). There was a lack of water around the course, but I did run the vast majority of it.

    Granted, I didn’t run fast – I couldn’t run 100 metres before the marathon without coming close to passing out! On the day I ran 12 miles before walking during a water break. In all I would guess I ran about 21-22 miles and walked the remainder. The last mile was a total sprint though as I was determined to finish in under six hours!

    In all it was an amazing experience, and one I am glad I done. The time was never important to me – finishing and raising money for charity was my only aim and in this I succeeded.

    I challenge anyone who hasn’t run a marathon to give it a try – it is the hardest thing I have ever done, but is hugely rewarding when you cross that finish line.

    Oh, and if you want to show your support for the ‘Hoffathon’ there is still time to donate to Leukaemia Care (the charity I ran for) at:


    well done again UK… here the main thing is you completed the marathon and raised monies for charity… I certainly couldnt even attempt it if it was a pram race pub crawl yeah i could lol well done and I trust we all don,t have to tell you to ignore the delightfull DOA…


    Doa…. your synical, dyslexic, rantings never cease to amaze me.

    i have a question for you, and please, share your answer with us all on the boards,

    tell us all just what exactly have you done in your life time to help any charity?
    we all know your a pumber as you have informed us, have you ever held a pumb-a-thon?
    my guess is this…… you’ve probably never in your life contributed to anything in order to help the sick or the dying.
    as stated in your own words and i quote:


    You people are part of the “pc wishly washy no hopes” who beleave that verything is ok has long its for “charity”

    the only wishly washy no hoper on here is YOU Doa. and as for

    You people make me sick !!!!!

    you actually make us sick, for even attempting to target someone who got up and actually
    did something to help the less fortunate people of this world in particular the sick kids who suffer from this illness.

    anyone who denies this as being charitable is one sick sorry individual i can tell you.

    i applaude you in your efforts for attempting this, and i am sure you will have your just rewards when you hand over your cheque to this selected charity. god bless you. and well done.

    GM xxx.


    @forumhostgm wrote:

    Doa…. your synical, dyslexic, rantings never cease to amaze me.

    i have a question for you, and please, share your answer with us all on the boards,

    tell us all just what exactly have you done in your life time to help any charity?
    we all know your a pumber as you have informed us, have you ever held a pumb-a-thon?
    my guess is this…… you’ve probably never in your life contributed to anything in order to help the sick or the dying.
    as stated in your own words and i quote:


    You people are part of the “pc wishly washy no hopes” who beleave that verything is ok has long its for “charity”

    the only wishly washy no hoper on here is YOU Doa. and as for

    You people make me sick !!!!!

    you actually make us sick, for even attempting to target someone who got up and actually
    did something to help the less fortunate people of this world in particular the sick kids who suffer from this illness.

    anyone who denies this as being charitable is one sick sorry individual i can tell you.

    i applaude you in your efforts for attempting this, and i am sure you will have your just rewards when you hand over your cheque to this selected charity. god bless you. and well done.

    GM xxx.

    =D> =D> =D> =D> I couldn’t have worded that better myself!


    @fastcars wrote:

    The London marathon, along with the New York marathon, are more interested with the quantity of runners they get rather than the quality, quite simply because they want to be seen as the biggest and most extravagant marathon organisers on the planet.

    The other countries and cities of the world who are less obsessed with being the biggest demand that all runners should be able to run a marathon in under 5 hours or they discourage you from entering. In fact, if you do enter and take longer than 5 hours to complete the course your time will not be recognised.

    It makes great TV watching all these unfit heroes crossing the line, staggering around and claiming it was all done in aid of charity but none of them should be able to claim they “ran” a marathon when all they did, in the main, was walk the distance.

    But of course they should be congratulated. After all…. if you’re not fit it isnt easy walking 26 miles .. 8)

    bol/ox. 8)


    Anyone that does anything for charity deserves to be applauded. I have done various things in the past for various charities. I have a disabled brother so I know that these charities really do need extra cash and anything from a pound to a grand really does help.
    The best thing I have ever done is a sponsored silence and I tell ya, its bloody hard to keep me quiet at times. :lol:


    Well not much

    After finishing my training, got a job with the UNHCR and my first posting was Lebanon in 1990-91

    Installing clean water systems, most of which have gone now, but there still a few left.

    Move to southern Turkey in March 91 to deal with the Kurds refugee’s problem, dealing with water supplies.

    Got move again to Yugoslavia 92 and spend the next 3 years wasting my time trying to keep the water clean and running.

    It was not an easy job, all side keep shelling water pipes, pumps and shooting my local staff.

    Still take part in a few short overseas projects each year with some trainees and do some UK based training for them, but getting a bit too old to run round getting shot at and trying to save the world.

    The average wage for a plumber in the UK is about £35,000 per year.

    It’s a bit different to walking 26 miles and only raising a few grand.

    And that’s the main different between them; the London marathon is run to support charities in one of the riches countries in the world with a health service and a welfare system.

    Its does make me sick, its ok for 10,000 people to be killed each day by silly things like dirty water or something stupid like diarrhoea.

    You don’t have to run a marathon to make a different; you can join the bone marrow trust, give blood or carry a doner card.

    There worth a lot more and will help more that just “cash”

    I am old and “cynical”, seen too much death and I look at the bottom line, the death rates for Leukaemia or any other diseases are low in the UKand people are well care for here.

    I believe the money could have been better spent and cost of staging the event for middle class for morons be stop.

    But we now live in a country where our biggest health problem is over weight kids, so the event will continue has part of a “health policy”.

    I wonder who will be running for “fat kids” next year ……..


    I wonder who will be running for “fat kids” next year ……..

    well, it certainly wont be you DOA will it?

    I am old and “cynical”,

    yes, we have witnessed that much.


    GM still misses the point,

    Charity’s are all about perspective

    What important to you has a person, what do you care about and support?

    The marathon was never about “charity”

    I think it’s the last thing on peoples mind when they take part.


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