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  • #234605

    I don’t think it is a cynical ploy. Surely past events show that there really are people out there who want to murder us en masse. As for their tactics, they’re quite willing to experiment and vary. I seem to remember something happening on the underground one summer.

    A note on Iraq: The wider legality of the Iraq war is open to debate. However, it should be noted that the government has won an election since. It may be argued, wrongly in my opinion as I will explain below, that the government’s foreign policy opened up this particular can of worms but the British people had an opportunity to topple them for it at that election. They failed to do so and thus legitimised it. It is the electorate that is responsible now, not just the government.

    I don’t think it matters a fig what nationality the terrorists are. It certainly doesn’t to them. Radical Islam is a thoroughly multinational effort. Judging by the results of the recent Channel 4 poll of Muslim opinion, I would put the proportion of British Muslims prepared to either directly or indirectly support violent action against the UK and its citizens at somewhere below ten per cent. A worrying proportion but completely divorced from illegal immigration. These chaps are substantially home grown.

    Now, it may be that groups like Al Qaeda use issues like Palestine and Iraq as anti-western recruiting devices but those issues certainly do not define them. Indeed, many Palestinians scorn and mock Al Qaeda for the group’s lack of participation in the struggle against Israeli oppression.

    Radical Islam has a rolling program. We cannot placate that movement through negotiation and it is, I think, unwise to believe that we have put ourselves into their firing line through our own actions for a simple reason. This is that radical Islam’s ultimate aim is a worldwide caliphate underpinned by Salafism and an associated interpretation of Sharia law. Unless we would be happy to accept that fate for the UK and the rest of the world, we would always be at odds with the movement.

    Incidentally, we cannot hang native born jihadists for treason since the UK does not retain the death penalty for that, or any other, crime.


    After what happened in Stockwell and Forest Gate, I think I’ll wait to see what evidence is actually produced to prove that a plot really existed. If there was a plot then clearly a major attack was thwarted and congratulations are in order for the security services and the police.

    At the same time, I don’t think it’s any coincidence that there should be a plot against US airlines heading to america from britain at a time when US foreign policy is facilitating the deaths of hundreds of innocent civilians in Lebanon. America (and Blair) just can’t seem to comprehend the fact that its biased foreign policy alienates moderates and fuels the fire of islamic extremism. It doesn’t justify terrorist attacks but only a fool would ignore the reason why something happens when trying to work out how to stop it.

    To diminish the threat of islamic extremism, the UK and US need to win hearts and minds in the Islamic world. Yet time and again our policies in the Middle-East seem to ignore our relationships with the Islamic world. For example, what Israel is doing in Lebanon is not only immoral but is also unlawful yet it is fully supported by Bush and Blair. Obviously this generates anger towards our countries and makes us look bad. If our governments send out the message that might is right and that the ends justify the means then can they really be surprised or outraged when our enemies behave in the same fashion?

    Well, I’m glad the plot was foiled (if there was a plot) but I think our governments need to think long-term with regard to solving the problem of islamic extremism. We can’t just rely on our agents intercepting plots, our politicians need to start addressing the root causes of this extremism and build bridges with moderates in order to stamp it out before it becomes a threat.


    I keep hearing this rhetoric about “British Muslims”. Surely this is a contradiction in terms? Brits are not muslims and muslims are not Brits! They are either foreigners or the direct descendants of foreigners. If they choose to live in this country in a peacefull manner then they should be allowed to do just that. But if they cross the line towards supporting or participating in terrorism, whether born in this country or not, they should be either jailed or deported to thier country of origin or the country of origin of thier forefathers.


    You CAN be both British and Muslim, as probably a couple of million folk are. Muslim is not a nationality, it’s a religion and there is NO link between nationality and religion. Nationality (in most cases) is a matter of fact; Religion is a matter of choice.


    You CAN become anything you want to be in this world but lets stick with the majority and not the insignificant excpetions to the rule. Correct me if im wrong Mr Belfast but aren’t the majority of muslims brown in colour whereas the majority of Protestants are white?? I think nationality has a HUGE influence on the religion you follow dont you?


    You’ve lost me Fast – what does Nationality have to do with skin colour?


    dont go off on a tangent…..

    these are extremists who are despised by the majority of there chosen religion counterparts

    and they are terrorists….

    they cannot be defined by their colour or what they wear


    @pikey wrote:

    I don’t think it is a cynical ploy. Surely past events show that there really are people out there who want to murder us en masse. As for their tactics, they’re quite willing to experiment and vary. I seem to remember something happening on the underground one summer.

    Kind of interesting how that on 9/11 and 7/7 both the NYFD and the London fire services were conducting “a training excercise”. Im not sure what happened on these days, but i dont jump to the conclusion that what the governments say is 100% factual.

    A note on Iraq: The wider legality of the Iraq war is open to debate. However, it should be noted that the government has won an election since. It may be argued, wrongly in my opinion as I will explain below, that the government’s foreign policy opened up this particular can of worms but the British people had an opportunity to topple them for it at that election. They failed to do so and thus legitimised it. It is the electorate that is responsible now, not just the government.

    Do you think people voted labour knowing that they’d be terror targets because of?

    I don’t think it matters a fig what nationality the terrorists are. It certainly doesn’t to them. Radical Islam is a thoroughly multinational effort. Judging by the results of the recent Channel 4 poll of Muslim opinion, I would put the proportion of British Muslims prepared to either directly or indirectly support violent action against the UK and its citizens at somewhere below ten per cent. A worrying proportion but completely divorced from illegal immigration. These chaps are substantially home grown.

    Why do they care more about their foreign brothers than us?


    @drivel wrote:

    Do you honestly think they are trying to blow up our planes because we are in Iraq .

    If it wasn’t iraq they would have another excuse – perhaps a cartoon in a newspaper or whatever
    These people are terrorist scum – they hate the West – full stop If they are found to be British citizens – then why were they let in in the first place, and more to the point being a British citizen should mean supporting Britain not fighting it

    The 20% or whatever muslims in this country that support the tube bombers and other terrorists should be deported immediately – somewhere nice and peaceful like Lebanon – along with their families

    Funny how we always disagree on Iraq isn’t it!

    The alledged planned attacks on flights to the US was not because we are in Iraq HOWEVER what Iraq has done is to provide a focus, an energy and an outlet for disillusioned Muslims and extremists to use to demonstrate the West’s disregard for Muslim life over their own.

    The current situation in Lebanon has a tally of about 65 Israeli’s dead and over 700 Lebanese and the West sit back and play ping pong with the phrase “ceasefire”- if this situation was in reverse, you’d probably be seeing the 4th,5th and 6th US Airborne landing in the Bekaa Valley and Schwarzekopf coming out of retirement to save the day. But it serves to show that a Muslim life appears to be worth less than a Christian/Jewish one.

    Yes, maybe they would use another excuse for terror if we weren;t in Iraq, but what Iraq makes so much harder is for us, or moderate Muslims, to take a high moral ground.

    Terror is evil, no matter where is finds its way and committed by whoever but that doesn’t mean you can’t seek to understand what causes people to want to blow themselves up at 37,000 feet along with 450 other souls


    A short news piece appeared on the BBC website this afternoon in which a mention is made of the Police tipping off the Muslim community:

    “Police had spoken to a good number of community leaders to make them aware that a major operation was under way.”

    This is an incredible statement for the police to make and shows how the Police place a greater emphasis on ensuring smooth relations with the Muslim community than relations with the non-Muslim majority.

    Here we have British police, no doubt at a senior level talking to representatives of the very community from which these terror suspects emerge WHILE the operation is still under way.

    This must raise a question over the loyalties and professional sensibilities of the senior security officials to their own staff and to the general travelling public. Every beat office, every investigator and every security agent places his or her own life firmly on the firing line whenever they go on duty. The twenty one terror suspects arrested were, according to police reports just a small element of a much larger group. How many individuals within the Muslim community have been alerted by their community representatives that a Police was underway and have now taken steps to avoid their apprehension? At any time were any police and other security officers placed at risk because of this blatant disclosure of information to smooth relations with the Muslim community?

    Further it is important to note that there was no parallel “tipping off “ of the non-Muslim majority. Police could have alerted radio and tv stations in the early hours that British airports and international flights were the suspected targets of the religious fanatics and that those with travel plans on Thursday should stay away, partly to avoid the inconvenience and delay but more importantly to stay away from buildings and the infrastructure which may have been a target of the crazed bomb plotters. Muslim community leaders would undoubtedly have passed on the Police information to their family and friends. How many potential Muslim travelers were alerted by their community leaders and avoided the disruption and inconvenience of delayed and cancelled flights?

    Why is there one set of rules for Police dealings with the Muslim community and another set for Police dealings with the non-Muslim majority?

    Is it a case that the Police are happy to continue playing the role of “dhimmis” and act only with the cognisance and approval of Muslim community leaders?

    Note: dhimmi – a non-believer (i.e. non Muslim) who is given permission to live and work under Muslim rule.

    Is this fair comment?

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