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    when my girls were at school I had the same problem. Now my youngest is also asthmatic so one day when she needed to go to the loo she asked and the teacher said no, this resulted in my youngest daughter panicking after half an hour setting of a full blown asthma attack. As a result of the asthma attack my poor daughter actually wet herself so was getting increasingly more distressed and was now crying which inevitably made her asthma worse.

    The teacher then deciding in her infinite wisdom that this child in her class was just throwing some sort of hissy fit told her to shut up and sit quietly till class finished. Fortunately one of my freinds daughters in the same class ran out of the classroom to get help. She returned with the secretary who immediately took charge and my daughter was seen too as appropriate (the thing is at school also was any medication had to be handed in including inhalers). the secretary had bought the inhaler with her and administered it.

    I was called to the school to find my poor daughter in an extreme case of distress, having settled the asthma somewhat so obviously knowing what to do it then took me an hour to calm her, not only was she distressed by the fact she had wet herself but also completely drained by the asthma attack. the secretary had asked me to bring a change of clothes with me which I had and comforted and changed her.

    this done I rang my husband who left work and arrived at the school some 20 minutes later. I ensured my daughter was happy to wait in the car with my husband who didnt even question what was going on I think the look on my face said it all, but with a child who is asthmatic and distressed you didnt rant in front of them.

    He took her out of the car and I went absolutely ballistic, they got both barrells lol .

    Anyway the upshot of it was that the school changed its policy and that they let children go to the loo (the ones they knew would go straight there and back) and with the ones that wern’t so capable either had to wait for a classroom assistant or the teacher watched them down the corridor. children were encouraged however by having to arrive in class 5 minutes earlier to go to the loo beforehand.

    Batty my daughter was 10 when this happened , it took me a week to get her back to school after that. :evil: :evil:



    @cath 55 wrote:

    when my girls were at school I had the same problem. Now my youngest is also asthmatic so one day when she needed to go to the loo she asked and the teacher said no, this resulted in my youngest daughter panicking after half an hour setting of a full blown asthma attack. As a result of the asthma attack my poor daughter actually wet herself so was getting increasingly more distressed and was now crying which inevitably made her asthma worse.

    The teacher then deciding in her infinite wisdom that this child in her class was just throwing some sort of hissy fit told her to shut up and sit quietly till class finished. Fortunately one of my freinds daughters in the same class ran out of the classroom to get help. She returned with the secretary who immediately took charge and my daughter was seen too as appropriate (the thing is at school also was any medication had to be handed in including inhalers). the secretary had bought the inhaler with her and administered it.

    I was called to the school to find my poor daughter in an extreme case of distress, having settled the asthma somewhat so obviously knowing what to do it then took me an hour to calm her, not only was she distressed by the fact she had wet herself but also completely drained by the asthma attack. the secretary had asked me to bring a change of clothes with me which I had and comforted and changed her.

    this done I rang my husband who left work and arrived at the school some 20 minutes later. I ensured my daughter was happy to wait in the car with my husband who didnt even question what was going on I think the look on my face said it all, but with a child who is asthmatic and distressed you didnt rant in front of them.

    He took her out of the car and I went absolutely ballistic, they got both barrells lol .

    Anyway the upshot of it was that the school changed its policy and that they let children go to the loo (the ones they knew would go straight there and back) and with the ones that wern’t so capable either had to wait for a classroom assistant or the teacher watched them down the corridor. children were encouraged however by having to arrive in class 5 minutes earlier to go to the loo beforehand.

    Batty my daughter was 10 when this happened , it took me a week to get her back to school after that. :evil: :evil:

    OMG Cath thats absolutly terrible hun, your poor daughter. I,m not surprised you let em have both barrells, I would have done exactly the same. Was the teacher disciplined atall? She should have been, your poor daughter could have ended up in hospital seriously ill due to her imcomptence. It defies belief Cath it really does. Made me go cold that did.10 years old?? Jesus Christ. bless her heart. Is she ok now with going to school and with her asthma?


    lol batty she’s 21 now lmao xxx and can stand up fer herself, the teacher came to a meeting with my husband and me and then had a sep meeting with the head and governors, unfortunately she had a nervous breakdown shortly after that and no it wasnt to do with me lol poor woman xxxxx my daughter still gets ‘stress’ asthma attacks batty but no where near as bad as she used to get , it was when she was very small it was the worst cos you as a mum just have to stay calm and deal with showing no emotion at all lol . tell you what batty if she’d have been my first i wouldnt have had any more bless her , shes my ickle raggy doll reject lmao ….no seriously shes a very caring loving girl with a temper atha would frighten the most hardened person lol she can cut people dead with a look lol xxx but i loves her xxx lots xxx


    @bat wrote:

    @becky wrote:

    @bat wrote:

    @catz wrote:

    @bat wrote:

    As for the little shits that flood the loos, well why arnt they expelled? I fail to see why other kids should suffer because of small minority of bloody little holligans. :evil:

    It’s called an inclusion policy … fraid you’ll have to take that one up with the government.

    Toilets cannot be monitored all day due to costs and there’s a lot worse than flooding them that goes on! Try having sh|t smeared all over the walls … and that was in a primary school!!!

    At her age surely she can control her bladder? And no, teachers don’t just get to go to the toilet whenever they want either. However most schools with toilet problems either use a signing out system or another child has to go to supervise any “troublemakers”.

    As for losing her jotter … have you never lost anything?

    Cas, shes, 12 years old and she was desperate for a wee. She had to wait half an hour before the teacher would let her go. Have you ever tried to hold on when your desperate? It HURTS. Its, not a question of “at her age she should be able to control it” ffs. And as for the book, it,s the teachers JOB to look after their pupils books not loose them Supposing it had been an important bit of course work for her GCSE,S? All her hard work would have been for nothing. I,m damn glad you arnt a teacher at my daughters school.

    Actually you shouldnt hold it in. It can cause damage and i do think making a child hold her/his wee is awful! For me to hold my wee it kills and it feels like torture so to me its like child abuse!!!!!

    Thank you Becky. I,ve just found out actually as shes just got home from school, it was an HOUR she had to wait. :evil:

    Last night i was on about things like this with my mom and sister, and things that happened then to me and my sister mild things could NOT happen now or teachers were struck off!!! But now things like this i think are BAD. A child stopped from doing a perfectly normal natural thing like peeeeing is not allowed but bullying is over looked???? ALL THIS IS MY OPINION!! From personal experiience!!!


    Children need to take responsibility for their own actions, lessons are not more than an hour, usually, so why can’t they wait until the end of lesson, mothers in this day and age are a nightmare to deal with, you can’t do right for doing wrong.

    Where has the day and age of respect your adults gone, if you complained when I was at school, not only did you have your teachers to deal with but also your parents, bring back the good old days, that’s what I say.


    My daughters school was exactly the same……………..until I went in with a doctors note for her…………..

    She has problems with her kidneys and when she needed to go she had to…….well the teachers kept her from doing this one day and she was poorly with it…….

    So I went in and took the note and told the head teacher that if it happened again I would sue him and the school for the pain and suffering they had inflicted on her……they then gave her a pass which let her be excused from lessons has soon has she asked…….


    Fair enough, older High school kids should go during breaks, but kids a primary school should be allowed to go when they need to – they are just kids fgs. :roll: You are quite right to complain, Bat. 8)

    I deliberately chose a small school for my son…..there is only 16 in his class, so easy for the teacher to keep any eye on them all, and less to get into trouble flooding toilets, etc :D If he needs the toilet, there is one just outside the classroom.

    we wouldn’t make our kids sit and wait for half an hour at home before allowing them to go to the toilet, so why should they wait at school :roll:



    re: “I,m afraid I find the idea of loos being locked and kids not being allowed the basic right to go for a pee in lesson time draconian to say the least, and if I want to moan about it, I,ll bloody moan about it.”

    I also find the idea of closed toilets Draconian and in no way meant what I wrote to cause you any upset. I wrote to explain why some schools have been forced to take such measures. It is most unfortunate when innocents are affected by the action of a handful of anti social misfits and cannot partake in the elementary actions of going to the toilet when nature calls the tunes. I am in a similar position myself, but we want go into that.
    It’s a sad indictment of to-days society when family discipline has declined to the extent that loutish children can dictate by their unruly behaviour the rules which govern our schools. There are instances of junior/primary school children who have been sexually assaulted by their peers in the confines of the school toilets. Some schools have monitors on a rota basis to take turns on toilet duty to help stamp out such incidents. Aerosols, spray paints, tippex,and other solvents are sometimes found as are the remnants of hash boot polish residues etc. the list is endless. Schools are fully aware of the dangers and sometimes a blanket ruling is applied by a local authority. I would like to think that your daughter’s school is erring on the safety side and ensuring that these practises do not occur. Maybe they should have implemented a special dispensation proceeder for such emergencies where the child could go to the secretary and use the staff toilets. Maybe you could ensure this or another procedure could be set in place for the future.
    The fact remains that had your daughter answered the call of nature during class time she could have been in a potentially vulnerable position outside of the safety of the teachers supervision who are there to take due care and attention of their wards our children.
    Its a bloody jungle out there and without the disapline which we were taught under it will continue to decline whilst the actions of the minororty continue to spread anarchy through the system.

    You may find the reports of such orginasation as Childline enlightening and disturbing as I did.



    @peeved wrote:

    Children need to take responsibility for their own actions, lessons are not more than an hour, usually, so why can’t they wait until the end of lesson, mothers in this day and age are a nightmare to deal with, you can’t do right for doing wrong.

    Where has the day and age of respect your adults gone, if you complained when I was at school, not only did you have your teachers to deal with but also your parents, bring back the good old days, that’s what I say.

    Peeved did you read one word of what I said or what Cath said? Can you not understand that she and Caths daughter were desperate for the loo, to the point where my daughter nearly wet herself and Caths did?An hour is a damn long time to have to wait when your so desperate for a wee it HURTS. And your damn right there Peeved, if she had wet herself I would have been a bloody nightmare to deal with you can count on that for sure, just like Cath was and bloody good for her too. What has respect for adults got to do with any of this anyway? We arnt talking about kids having no respect for adults, we are talking about a childs basic human right to be able to go for a damn pee when they need too.

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