Strange that all the people shouting about this woman’s right to wear her veil haven’t said anything about both Tiggy and myself mentioning that she didn’t wear one at the interview for the job, with a man!! :lol:
and theres more ………………………
A trial was halted yesterday because the Defence Lawyer, refused to remove her veil, at the request of the judge, as he couldn’t ”clearly” understand what she was saying. I think if I had a defence lawyer speaking for me i’d want to know that the people in court who mattered would be able to clearly understand what she was saying. Doesn’t seem so un-reasonable to me, but the trial was halted. I wonder if she’ll be charged with contempt, any one of us would no doubt find ourselves in that position, had we challenged the court as she did. Another case of jumping on the bandwagon I think :roll: :roll: