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  • #1122191


    Interesting that, as always, you conveniently sidestep the opposition of virtually the entire Labour and Trade Union movement to no-deal.

    In fact, I brought the Unions into the debate months ago Geoff. You had in fact never previously mentioned the Unions. This is what you do, you leech of other chatters and constantly “twist” what they typed. I am not going to repeat myself again while you present your JC notes to pepper the boards and distract with other peoples ideas which you then present as your own months later.

    I’ll post reasons on nationalisation and the EU. I have them ready, but held off



    You’re a troll.

    A Gaslighter.

    An Oppressor.


    Known as “slippery” or “sly” Sceptical for good reason (long before I joined the boards).







    He and others like to claim that the Single market was the creation of the Thatcher administration, while conveniently overlooking the fierce opposition of Thatcher herself.

    Just total ignorance.Blinkered and solely views the world through his middle class liberal prism.


    From the Thatcher (Churchill) Foundation, who might know a thing or two about Thatcher compared to this numpty.


    “Margaret Thatcher’s infamous Bruges speech- which helped coin the phrase “Europsceptism”- was never intended to be an anti-Europe diatribe, according to newly- realeased archives by the Churchill AarchivesCentre and the Margaret Thatcher Foundation.”

    “They show that rather than acting as a call-to-arms for Eurosceptics and attacking the principles behind the single market – of which Thatcher was something of a devotee – her speech was more concerned with the perceived power grab by European Commission chief Jacques Delors, and a possible move to a more ‘federal’ European ‘super-state’.

    Historian Chris Collins of the Margaret Thatcher Foundation, the only person to date to have read all 40,000 pages of material being released, said: “She wanted her speech to be about direction, rather than point scoring – and she edges back from attacking the Commission, approaching it in a more intellectual style.

    “I know she was uncomfortable about the venue, but we are very lucky in that few of her speeches remain in such a complete form as this.

    “When you read her papers for 1988, you see her sheer level of enthusiasm for the single market. She goes up hill and down dale with deep enthusiasm because this is practical Europe, this is how it works together. The role of speechwriter Hugh Thomas – a committed Europhile – is also crucial to consider when looking at this speech from a historical perspective.”


    Geoff confuses separate political arguments and then amalgamates them all into one single hotpotch. Geoff does this because he does not understand how to interpet and critically analyze the information he Googles.








    • This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by  Ge.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by  Ge.

    You haven’t read the information I googled, because it’s from a site which has a paywall. You’re so incensed that you’re not right that you’re looking for anythng, no matter what it says, to point-score.

    If you read me carefully, I stressed that Thatcher was very keen on the Single Market, and then turned against it.

    She turned against it as she believed that the principles of the Single market were being used to insert social and employment rights, rights opposed to all she had been fighting the unions since becoming PM.This was confirmed a couple of weeks before the Bruges speech, when socialist Jacques Delors, then EEC Commission President (top post) gave a speech to the Eurosceptic British TUC in which he stressed that these rights were to be enshrined in European law as part of the Single market. The TUC (and the Labour party) were won over to the new EU as a result of this speech, and Thatcher was finally alienated from the Single Market as a result.

    Thatcher decided to attack the Single Market – the actual Single market, not the free market dream she had – not on the rights Delors was stressing, but on the fact that British control over these rights was being eroded by a centrlaising EU. Easier and more popular to bang the patriot drum.

    The idea of a Single Market she loved; the actual Single Market was seen as a vehicle for imposing social and employment rights by a supra-national agency.


    Sheesh! :-(   :unsure:



    I brought the Unions into the debate months ago Geoff. You had in fact never previously mentioned the Unions…

    You’re a troll.

    A Gaslighter.

    An Oppressor.

    and you’re a histrionic nut.

    I’ve mentioned this several times before,

    and you are still evading the fact that you conveniently sidestep the opposition of virtually the entire Labour and Trade Union movement to no-deal.

    They regard the no-deal you support as a possible catastrophe in the short term, as an increasingly likely threat to jobs, the NHS, food standards etc in the medium and long term.

    Or are you going to say that Unite, UNISON, GMB, USDAW etc etc – along with Corbyn, MacDonnell, Lisa Nandy are all part of the comfortable leafy suburbs of London?


    Do you deny that almost all the unions are deeply opposed to your no-deal strategy??

    Answer in plain English,

    but we know that’s not possible. don’t we?

    You peddle myths about Labour, the unions and EU withdrawal.

    And then you flannel.




    Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah.


    I am not “incensed” at all you IGNORANT little man.


    Twisting and turning and bullshitting with arguments that are NOT in the slightest relevant.


    In one breath he calls me a “liar liar liar” and in the next breath grudgingly acknowledges that those were in fact Blairs OWN words (not mine) but even then he has to spin it as something else “politicians playing games”.


    Then after calling me a “liar liar liar” again when his  bullshit is further exposed, he spins it as “Thatcher didn’t like it after”.


    It is IRRELEVANT what Thatcher thought AFTER and I have on intention of discussing it. Thatcher had already done  the DIRTY deed and signed the Sinlge European Act which led to the creation of the single market and codified European Political Cooperation.


    Now run along you IGNORANT little man and find a Wigan pie muncher to bullshit to.



    The poundshop version of Joker, minus the humour, the charisma and the intelligence.





    Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah.

    I am not “incensed” at all you IGNORANT little man.

    Twisting and turning and bullshitting with arguments that are NOT in the slightest relevant.

    It is IRRELEVANT what Thatcher thought AFTER and I have on intention of discussing it. Thatcher had already done the DIRTY deed and signed the Sinlge European Act which led to the creation of the single market and codified European Political Cooperation.

    Now run along you IGNORANT little man and find a Wigan pie muncher to bullshit to.

    What about me being a wife-beater??

    When someone relies on abuse, their argument is weak, which about sums Ge up.

    He doesn’t like it when he comes across actual facts.

    Thatcher signed up to the Single Europeran Act in 1985, under the influence of Athur Cockfield. She thought it was an extension of her free market principles, and as late as 1988 she was very enthusiastic within Cabinet about this project. Then, in the autumn of 1988, as she realised that the Single Market was becoming an instrument of socialist legislation, she effectively sacked Cockfield and moved against it with the anger of a woman betrayed, wiht ehr rhetoric aimed at Euro centralisation.

    The Single Market as it now exists is a creation of the Thatcher administration. The brexiteer Tories who say that they are fighting for Thatcher’s legacy point to the deep oppostion to the actual Single Market as it was beginning to emerge by Thatcher herself.

    The argument about this is what divides Tory remainers (like David Willetts (and Tory Blair, oh sorry) from Tory leavers.




    All Ge’s flim-flam is deeply anti-hitorcial for one thing, and genuinely obscurantist for abnothyer.




    Ge is left as the odd man who calls himself a socialist supporting a Tory government which is committed to the destruction of the rights and standards established by the EU in the 1980s and 1990s.


    Image may contain: one or more people, people standing and outdoor



    Your emotive pish and posting of either grossly offensive pictures of dead children  or childish nonsense has no effect on me whatsoever Geoff.

    I would save it for people who can be manipulated by your GASLIGHTING I can’t be manipulated I am afraid.



    Move on you creepy old man.






    • This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by  Ge.


    What about me being a wife-beater??

    Lol. Now that was HILARIOUS you assumes JC would also ride to your rescue over something posted a year ago because the people REALLY getting abused had far to much attention for your liking.



    What a creepy old man you are Geoff.



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