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9 August, 2019 at 9:49 pm #1122132
GEraldine why are you so childish. You act like a baby. Firstly you jump ship to the Cons, FROM Labour, simply to get your fkin kamikaze of a no deal Brexit, fkin diabolical, then you just make up sh1t on here about chatters.
Quote me GEralidine, you lying shite. When have I ever said I support a single market? You have never seen me discuss a single market.
GEraldine you remind me of one of those kids in school, who threw away his whole Lucky Bag, because it had the plastic nose in instead of the X Ray Specs.
Basically Geraldine grow up! Being an adult is about compromise. This is something Brexiteers refuse to accept. Of the thousands of elements to being a member of the EU, only a child like you GEraldine would insist on having EVERYTHING his way.
Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face GEraldine. Today thanks to you and your Brexitèer chums GEraldine, the UK is officially weeks away from recession.
There are many many things I do not like about the EU. But unlike you GEraldine, I am a grown up and know about compromise. I weighed up the pros and cons of the EU, thought with my head and not my emotions, and decided the best thing for the UK to do is remain in the EU. AND yes, that means remaining in the free market. Thinking with one’s head and not emotions, is another thing most Brexiteers seem incapable of. I came to the conclusion that the the UK is a more stable country inside the EU.
Today’s economic figures go some way to proving me right.
This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by
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9 August, 2019 at 10:24 pm #1122141You are very very angry today Wigan pie muncher, I can see why they think you’re a RIGHT wally in room 1 but as you COMPLETELY ignored my previous post where I posted the TECHNICAL reasons why the EU can NOT be reformed by fake SOCIALISTS like you who are so STUPID they have never heard of tactical VOTING.
What don’t you understand you Wigan pie muncher when it is pointed out to you that YOU support a NEOLIBERAL trading block that has the likes of Thatchers signature all over it, as DESCRIBED by your idol, Tony Blair.
You Wigan pie muncher, have NO idea what being a SOCIALIST is, as you are NOT one just like that other cretin, you think winning a few battles wins the war.
9 August, 2019 at 10:40 pm #1122146“I can see why they think you’re a RIGHT wally in room 1 ”
Lmao GEraldine. Complete strangers on the worst chat site on the internet, full of park bench drunks, desperate blokes like you, slapppers, skanks and losers lolol. Like I give a fiddlers fk what F1 thinks of me lolo.
9 August, 2019 at 10:51 pm #1122151The Wigan pie muncher, just like that other economically illiterate Remoaner, can NOT provide a technical argument why the UK is better off in a CORPORATIST driven neoliberal trading block that has done NOTHING for the working class in the UK, zero zilch.
Neither of them have EVER provided a technical argument. They just SHOUT and get very very very ANGRY.
Thatcher, her IDOL, took politics so FAR to the right (in an economic sense) the Wigan pie muncher assumes, with her very basic knowledge of economics, that “progressive centrists” are moderate.
Assumes her 2nd class “English lit” degree qualifies her to SHOUT over everyone else on topics in which she is NOT qualified to comment on.
No wonder room 1 has already sent her to Coventry, just like in room 2.
9 August, 2019 at 11:26 pm #1122155Why on earth do people who DESPISE this site and EVERYONE on it, keep coming back to it?
Why would you keep going somewhere you do NOT like.
It is just downright CREEPY.
Whatever the reasons, real or imagined.
9 August, 2019 at 11:38 pm #1122160Empty bellowing, Ge.
You talk through your hat when you spout empty phrases about ‘neo-liberal’ ‘corporatist’ entities, claiming that all opponents of Brexit are Blairites.
Lies. Lies. lies.
Almost the entire Labour and Trade Union movement are totally opposed to No Deal as a major threat to jobs, food and living standards.
The socialist element in the mass Remain demonstrations are a large contingent.
A few socialists – Lexiteers and the Commuinst Party, are happy for No Deal, but they are few. Their leaders include leading Blairites like Saah Champion, Caroline Flint and kate Hoey.
Most lexiteers are like Lisa Nandy – they want to leave, but will vote against No Deal all the way.
A left-wing socialist like John McDonnell is calling for a new referendum, and he wants to campaign for remain. Jeremy Corbyn and Len McCluskey of Unite are opposed to no deal. UNISON, the health workers union, is Remain, as are most of the big unions.
Thatcher opposed the Single Market because of the major platform of social and hygiene rights pushed into the final Treaty by Socialist Jacques Delors. Yet you call it her creation – pah! Lies, lies, lies.
Sit and make things up, but those are the facts.
I’ll post reasons on nationalisation and the EU. I have them ready, but held off because Rumblebum was flooding the boards, but you’re wrong there, too.
10 August, 2019 at 9:13 am #1122176I will repeat it for the second time and the last time.
Tony Blair, the most successful labour politician in history, states:
“One of the most bizarre aspects of the debate in the Conservative Party today is that at the heart of the Eurosceptic case is that we are not in control of our own laws because of the single market. The single market being, essentially, a creation of the Thatcher administration in the 1980s.”
What Blair is actually stating is why are tory eurosceptics so anti EU when in fact the most successful tory leader in history helped create the single market bringing about the Single European Act in February 1986 (the first significant change to the Treaties of Rome of 1957) and she was, in fact, a central architect of European integration.
A Thatcher creation, however according to the resident gobshite, it is all “lies lies lies”.
The resident gobshite, a revisionist, obviously knows far more about politic history and the EU in general now, than both Tony Blair and Margaret Thatcher who between them shaped the world we all reside in today.
10 August, 2019 at 11:03 am #1122184Tony Blair, the most successful labour politician in history, states:
“One of the most bizarre aspects of the debate in the Conservative Party today is that at the heart of the Eurosceptic case is that we are not in control of our own laws because of the single market. The single market being, essentially, a creation of the Thatcher administration in the 1980s.”
What Blair is actually stating is why are tory eurosceptics so anti EU when in fact the most successful tory leader in history helped create the single market bringing about the Single European Act in February 1986 (the first significant change to the Treaties of Rome of 1957) and she was, in fact, a central architect of European integration.
A Thatcher creation, however according to the resident gobshite, it is all “lies lies lies”.
Blair is playing the sort of games politicians play.
He and others like to claim that the Single market was the creation of the Thatcher administration, while conveniently overlooking the fierce opposition of Thatcher herself.
If you had been able to read the link I posted, it was addressing the question of the Single market being a Thatcherite creation. It was by David Willetts, a strong Remain Tory Minister of Major who worked to develop the idea of a Single Market in Thatcher’s policy unit in .
If you’re able to pay attention?? (*fat chance)
Then I will begin.
Thatcher was very enthusiastic about the idea of the Single market when it was first mooted in the mid-1980s. Newly released Cabinet papers show this. At her urging, the Single Market went ahead under the guidance of Tory EU Commissioner Arthur Cockfield.
The when she suddenly realised the implications, she went ape. From the 1988 Bruges speech onwards, she made clear her opposition to the Single market because it was bound up with what she regarded as a move toward a centralised European state.
She effectively sacked Cockfield and moved to her downfall as she fought against the developments which flowed form the idea of a Single Market.
The last volume of the Charles Moore biography is due out in October. There are interesting revelations about all this apparently?
10 August, 2019 at 11:10 am #1122186Interesting that, as always, you conveniently sidestep the opposition of virtually the entire Labour and Trade Union movement to no-deal.
They regard the no-deal you support as a possibl;e catastrophe in the short term, as an increasingly likely threat to jobs, the NHS, food standards etc in the medium and long term.
Or are you going to say that Unite, UNISON, GMB, USDAW etc etc – along with Corbyn, MacDonnell, Lisa Nandy are all part of the comfortable leafy suburbs of London.
You peddle myths about labour, the unions and EU withdrawal.
So yes, lies, lies, lies
10 August, 2019 at 11:19 am #1122189Tony Blair, the most successful labour politician in history, states:
“One of the most bizarre aspects of the debate in the Conservative Party today is that at the heart of the Eurosceptic case is that we are not in control of our own laws because of the single market. The single market being, essentially, a creation of the Thatcher administration in the 1980s.”
What Blair is actually stating is why are tory eurosceptics so anti EU when in fact the most successful tory leader in history helped create the single market bringing about the Single European Act in February 1986 (the first significant change to the Treaties of Rome of 1957) and she was, in fact, a central architect of European integration.
A Thatcher creation, however according to the resident gobshite, it is all “lies lies lies”.
Blair is playing the sort of games politicians play.
If you had been able to read the link I posted, it was addressing the question of the Single market being a Thatcherite creation. It was by David Willetts, a strong Remain Tory Minister of Major who worked to develop the idea of a Single Market in Thatcher’s policy unit in .
If you’re able to pay attention?? (*fat chance)
Then I will begin.
Thatcher was very enthusiastic about the idea of the Single market when it was first mooted in the mid-1980s. Newly released Cabinet papers show this. At her urging, the Single Market went ahead under the guidance of Tory EU Commissioner Arthur Cockfield.
The when she suddenly realised the implications, she went ape. From the 1988 Bruges speech onwards, she made clear her opposition to the Single market because it was bound up with what she regarded as a move toward a centralised European state.
She effectively sacked Cockfield and moved to her downfall as she fought against the developments which flowed form the idea of a Single Market.
The last volume of the Charles Moore biography is due out in October. There are interesting revelations about all this apparently?
Don’t tell me to “pay attention” you pathetic creature. I instigated this conversation and it is in fact you who does not pay attention while you slyly attempt to control, manipulate and steer the conversation.
Bullshit. Like most things you type. A flat earther, a revisionist, a god botherer, a centre right liberal.
In one breath you call me a “liar liar liar” and in the very next breath type Blair is “playing games” clearly acknowedging in the process that he DID in fact say what I stated”. But this is what you do, distort the truth, lie and bullshit to “win” petty board arguments.
I know full well what the likes of the Blairs and Jo Swinsons of this world are doing and your poundshop impersonation on these boards and have said so for the past three years. Misleading ignoramus’s like the Wigan pie muncher, who has been programmed from birth to doff her cap to the white liberal middle class, people just like you Geoff. And who thinks getting a new bathroom fitted in her crummy council house, on her crummy estate (her description not mine), is apt ‘evidence’ that EU memebership has benefitted her life and benefitted the lives of other Wigan pie munchers, a drug and crime riddled shithole.
This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by
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