Boards Index › General discussion › Getting serious › Swear filter
28 October, 2017 at 5:54 pm #1077041
the prob is swearing is part of peoples commuicating skill/s, i mean one of the support staff has a client who swears, and he commuicates with that client including swear words what he knows, also ted one of the support staff, is trying to stop saying the word c**t but i keep using it and he is saying it aswell now lol doh, he told me one day i say fking a lot, i said it a few times in a few mins of talking to him, he said he use to swear a lot and someone he knew starting counting the times he swear, i have asked ted if he can do the same for me, as i did try to stop swearing one time then they told me off for swearing, but i did not know i did swear, and online i might try to stop swearing aswell, as yes typeing gives us well me more time to think compared to oral commuication, also he is helping me correct words as i say cirtle not circle, he tells me off when i say it wrong, and i tell him off when he says lickle not little, i have a habit of correcting words, like in person i wud say wha or something like that instead of what, with obv a t, then i say it how it is ment to say, i dont always correct my word/s thou, but in a chat room what is not a english learning chat room, to me there is no ndhhed to codjshdhcrrect spslding, unless it is totally non understandible, but it is not just about spelling and using the correct word, it is also a prob trying to understand what someone is saying, if they use a word what one dont use, also with swear words, are they not just words that mean words what are in the massive book of to many words anyway, and if they not they should be, also it depends on the context when people use swear words, also swearing is suppose to help if someone is in pain or and angry, it is not black and white in relation to swear words, there is grey bits aswell, people who think just telling someone to stop swearing or and using a swear word, that they dont like to hear even if it is to someone who is not a kind person, it dont mean people can auto stop using it, as it is part of how people learn to commuicate, maybe it is as the people who dont swear or use certion swear words, just think it is easy to just tell someone to stop swearing, maybe what if they started swearing cud they keep doing it or wud there brain say “dont swear or and dont use that swear word”, also if one hurts something like there foot, and they swear, do u think they had time to think oh dont say that word say this word, it is as it is a dast human thing like if someone made someone jump, it just happens, or if someone is arguing, do u think they always have time to check to see if they are swearing, and do u think they are botherd if they are swearing at someone they are argueing with.
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