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  • #1010632

    WTH only been around JC for a few weeks and LOL thats way to creepy NO!? As for men posing as us ladies or tried to be one hahhahahhaa they wouldnt last the course if they had to give birth, have periods and pms lol they cant even do Manflu proper like a runny nose and they are like oooh im dieing ….well thats just a runny nose guys suck it up already!!! :wacko:   :-)   :whistle:   :yes:

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    Dear me, I used to go in dressed as a chimp, doesn’t make me a bad woman   :unsure:

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    its been going on since the year dot,men going as women,all men have done it,think men do it to laugh at other male regs trying to chat them up

    ive also noticed a hell of a lot of “daves” and firemen over the years

    in fact there probably is a genuine dave the fireman who has logged in

    and wondered why everybody is laughing at him, and saying \”yeh right mate”

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    Why do you think like that?Are you jelaous because stapler accepted my request for friendship


    I have noticed that some of the “new” girls that come in sometimes, have traits that are VERY like some of the men that come in sometimes. However, I really am not around long enough to tell as I’m so busy offline.

    Regardless, I do find it a little creepy. I figure if someone is just experimenting, then they will tell the people they know in a discreet manner instead of pretending with every single person. PM’s work for that.

    In terms of curiosity, the same is true. Transexuals really don’t apply because they still feel like a particular sex – they aren’t going back and forth.

    Actually, I find dishonesty pretty creepy at times. There is such a huge difference between someone who tells ONE little white lie or someone who tells a giant one. Someone who tells ONE little white lie or someone who tells mostly little white lies. It’s usually fear based… but it’s still creepy.

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    I recall a while ago i was having a convetsation with someone. To my suprise the person was NOT a firefighter, Ohhhh no people the person in question was a Dentist ..( so he claimed)…Was the person in question really a man, was he really a Dentist..( Of course it was as much as I’m a vet )…Needless too mention I’m sure there are many Dentist in Just Chat along with Doctors, University lectures, and wealthy business men…Lol.

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    Why do you think like that?Are you jelaous because stapler accepted my request for friendship

    Very !!


    I recall a while ago i was having a convetsation with someone. To my suprise the person was NOT a firefighter, Ohhhh no people the person in question was a Dentist ..( so he claimed)…Was the person in question really a man, was he really a Dentist..( Of course it was as much as I’m a vet )…Needless too mention I’m sure there are many Dentist in Just Chat along with Doctors, University lectures, and wealthy business men…Lol.

    You may be surprised, mah dear :yes:


    Run away form university lecturers – they are lecherers.

    doctors are well-paid but overworked and tehrefore bad-tempered.

    But whatever you do, give dentists a wide, wide berth…they are extraordinarly wealthy, and even more greedy, but

    what is horrible and weird about dentists

    is their job.

    Imagine having to look in the open mouth of a grown man or woman shaking like a lily as you push their chops from side to side with your knife. Imagine living with that sort of person – every time you open your mouth to speak, all the sh*t is assessed by an expert eye.

    Dentists give me the creeps, no matter how they’re dressed. :-(

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