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  • #6028


    Good to see you back darlin :wink: :lol:


    Cheers me lil lovely god i could never be a house wife as much as i moan about work

    Even phoned the lads up to make sure there doing there jobs while i aint there to slap them about a bit lol

    Bored bored bored

    Will be better when i can move a bit more can start kicking sh ite out me old man lol



    I bet he’s loving it at the mo, though i bet he still wishes he had a gag for your mouth :twisted:


    He is a typical man 8)

    Last week he was TRYING to do the house work lol said how the hell do you keep the washing irioning and clean the house 8)

    I work 10 hours a day and can do it he booked a few weeks off to be with me and carnt keep up with it all :roll:

    And they say men are the better sex MY AR SE :twisted: :twisted:



    I can do it all, i have had plenty of practice in the past at doing it all, and now i am on my own all my talents are going to waste :roll: :lol:


    Well oss me lil pumkin now your so good at doing it on ya own

    Think of the money you will save on the 0898 numbers :shock:



    :shock: now you had to lower the tone didn’t you :? :lol:


    I wouldnt be sunny if i didnt

    Well sweet im off for a bit theres a nice pan set on the shopping challel looks to good to pass up only £130



    Did you buy the pan set :D

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