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  • #1141918

    And I throught giving up caffeine was bad…this is far worse  :cry:

    Never felt so tried or run down. My belly’s been feeling like a drum too  :negative:

    A few more days of this and I’ll get a razor blade out and go to work a bit of tate & lyle  :wacko:



    They have a glucerna drink here. Helps boost, keeps sugar lower


    Today I had a couple of Belgians buns after tea…and I slept for 12 hours.

    Its the first time I’ve slept that long since removing sugar last week    B-)


    I’m starting to feel the benefits of this now, eating less, sleeping less and losing my sweet tooth.

    Its odd such a small change can have a big effect.


    I cant see why women find it hard to lose weight  :unsure:

    I’m down 4kg since starting this and I’m not excising and mostly eating the same old crap  :scratch:



    I cant see why women find it hard to lose weight :unsure:


    Exactly… cant see it


    I don’t have to join fat fighters to lose weight  B-)

    Then again…I’m not an old gossip  ;-)


    Red sugar’ll make you feel better!


    I was asked about this last week.  Giving up my morning toast with marmalade was a step too far.  Now its gluten free bread and no sugar marmalade. I’m not happy about the extra cost  :cry:

    One is starting to find out why the poor are always plump…cheaper food results in weight again. You’d think it be the reverse   :scratch:

    Sugar now makes me sleep. If I have trouble nodding off a teaspoon of the white stuff soon sends me to land of nod. No sugary cakes or drinks if I’m driving.

    My weight is now under 90kg.

    Overall, its taken time & money to fix my weight issue. Do I feel healthy ….naaaa :bye:




    Down to 85kg  :yahoo:

    I’ve lost about 12kg or 3 stone since Sept 2021. No time in the gym, no fad  diets or liposuction.

    All I’ve really done is give up sugar, swap to green top milk and thats about it :scratch:

    My food bill is about the same as last year, but I’m eating less bread, pasta and rice. Less food all around. I just dont feel like eating much anymore.

    Still having burgers and steaks, curry and chips is till on the menu. I have cheated with the odd choccy bar or two  :whistle:

    The worse thing about all of this was the belly ache I got from having no sugar for 3 or 4 days. A tea spoon of sugar soon got rid of it  ;-)

    I was talking to a friend about this last week and he pointed out I wasnt really a drinker, that helped.  I’m not sure about that, I wasnt a drinker when I put the weight on  :scratch:

    And I’m back to the question:

    Why do women find it so hard to lose weight?

    The only answer I can think of is they want instance results. They try fad diets and exspect to lose weight over night.  Its taken 6- 7 months to lose  weight only making small changes and sticking to them.

    I’d love to say I’m exercising more, but I havent. Over the winter I’ve the car more and been going out less. Its why in the past I’ve gain weight.

    Sugar is evil and I’ve love it for years……….but if I knew the effect long term effect I would have dump it in my tweetys.

    Oh wait…. there was all them gov add’s and sugar taxes  :wacko:







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