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17 June, 2008 at 3:25 am #348090
@cath 55 wrote:
Now PB can i suggest you close this thread out of a mark of respect for a fellow human being!!!!
If rumours are true that a user of this site has died than the user is dead and, therefore, no longer a human being.
Further, why is it disrespectful to talk about someone who suddenly disconnect? I think it shows more respect to talk about than to be quiet. Talking means that the person is still in the memories of those who can still log on and give their daily shyte to the rest of the illustrious users of this site.
And lets face it, it is rather strange to go onto a chatsite and announce to the world that one is about to snuff it. That is either sick, desperate or an announcement of a forthcoming suicide and not even SweatyBollocks would steep that low17 June, 2008 at 8:01 am #348091Will the next person who dies kindly film it so we can be in no doubt that you actually snuffed it…. or indeed… that you actually existed in the first place.
17 June, 2008 at 8:40 am #348092Catty I think your idea of a “births marriages and deaths” thread is a great idea. Maybe when we enter this particular thread it could play mournfull music so we all burst into tears upon entry to get us in the right frame of mind? :wink:
*lines up to be shot*17 June, 2008 at 9:38 am #348093@cath 55 wrote:
Now PB can i suggest you close this thread out of a mark of respect for a fellow human being!!!!
This is rather like that “mark of respect for Princess Diana” thing when vast areas of the country went into a sort of auto-hysteria mode and shops and businesses closed for the day.
Maybe we should close the entire site for some time “as a mark of respect for” ……… what was his or her name again? Anyway they are (allegedly) dead now – so what do they care?
I do like the idea of a BM&D forum. Entry could be on presentation of a death certificate either in person or on behalf of the deceased.
Proof of death could be by referring to a telephone conversation that somebody had with somebody else a while ago and maybe an MSN message or two from yet another somebody else in the last week or two.
A third party death certificate presentation would have to be accompanied by a sworn statement that the presenter “knew” the deceased user personally for a number of minutes at the very least. This might prove a bit difficult to do.
BTW: I’m thinking of setting up an online flower selling business possibly called ‘JustFlowers’ so that all the hundreds of mourners can buy their flowers online as they weep. If the death thingy doesn’t make them weep, the price of flowers sure will.
17 June, 2008 at 11:17 am #348094Virtual flowers…….
I think you may have hit on a ”Niche market”
Daffs a £10
Bluebells £sick squid
£a pony for a decent spray
Hand tied a cockle & hen
(When it’s floated) just flowers let me know I want to be on the share holders list
Good for the environment as well……Win Win*
17 June, 2008 at 2:06 pm #348095@bat wrote:
Catty I think your idea of a “births marriages and deaths” thread is a great idea. Maybe when we enter this particular thread it could play mournfull music so we all burst into tears upon entry to get us in the right frame of mind? :wink:
*lines up to be shot*cooooeeee Batty, :evil: let’s just hope that when I shoot you I only wound you otherwise we would have to start a thread in memory of you and then we will have to argue if you ever existed :shock: , if you were female or male, :wink: :roll: if you are really dead of just flapping :lol: :oops: xx
p.s can we keep the mournful music on the new announcement thread even if it is a marriage :lol: :lol:
17 June, 2008 at 4:26 pm #348096@catmanblue wrote:
p.s can we keep the mournful music on the new announcement thread even if it is a marriage :lol: :lol:
More appropriate than for a death in my opinion Cat :D
17 June, 2008 at 5:15 pm #348097I didn’t know Page, but I offer my condolences anyway.
Personally, if someone is said to have died, moved to America, decided to leave this “community”, I accept it at face value. There are a lot of things that are said in this chat site that do not adequately reflect reality, but I think that it is up to individuals to make their own minds about everything. Be honest, I doubt most people care on a day to day basis whether anything is true or not, it provides vicarious enjoyment for many.
I do think that this thread was not thought out properly. I think it may have been meant to be a dig at people who make their user names “die” for whatever reason, then reappear at a later date. Like Catty, I don’t see anything wrong with that. People have their own reasons for it. Who am I to question them.
There is only one thing that is absolutely certain in life, and that is that we are all going to die.
17 June, 2008 at 5:33 pm #348098I think another forum host needs to be appointed with differing views to PB. I dont want users thinking he speaks on behalf of this site’s users.
Yes have a bit of sarcasm here and there, but if youve nowt to say on a subject such as this other than your wisdominal repetative bla bla about liverpool and condolencies then say nowt!
I think over the years you have become so cynical about internet users and preach far too much about how you think it “should be”… distance yourself etc.
We may not want to thankyou very much!
Another forumhost for balance purposes would be a great idea.
Either that or show some respect for the site users of the community that you are supposed to represent.
The words captain and sinking ship have never been more appropriate than now.
And I hope that whoever Page was she is wherever she is now and having a damn good laugh at the attention she has brought upon herself… well done girl! 8)
17 June, 2008 at 5:51 pm #348099People are way too afraid of looking foolish if it isnt true. If you’re uncertain then just dont post because to mock someones death is a far greater foolishness
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