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  • #1134795

    When chat hosts disappoint…
    I have personally witnessed you name call and insult a member for having done nothing other than having an opinion different to your own. That type of behavior is disappointing and immature in all situations, but when you are supposedly playing the role of “moderator” it crosses the line into being unethical.
    Perhaps you all should add one quick question to the membership request to stop all these pesky rebels…
    Q: Are you willing to never have your own opinion?
    A: Yes
    Great! You’re in…
    Now that is a true disappointment…

    2 members liked this post.

    Yeah, you can’t really afford to lose a user per day when you have about 6 users.


    Monday : DivineIntervention

    Tuesday : Guru

    Wednesday : Draculina

    Thursday : ???

    Friday : ???


    2 of those names are still here draculina….just saying like x

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    Too easy

    Monday : DivineIntervention

    Tuesday : Guru

    Wednesday : Draculina

    Thursday : Ge

    Friday : budha badder


    :yahoo: :yahoo:   :yahoo:   :yahoo:   :yahoo:   :yahoo:   :yahoo:



    saturday andrew😁👍



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    No work today budha badder ?

    I hope you’re out of bed.

    How’s the PMT today?




    budha badder

    no stamina

    budha badder

    no stamina


    try some vitamin supplements pet


    anyone had the covid vaccination :unsure:

    If so what side effects have you had :unsure:



    Finally some sense from budha badder.

    I’m having mine tomorrow (thursday) budha.


    If you’re nice to me, I’ll tell you if I’ve died…or not.


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