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  • #483876


    @rubyred wrote:

    Trade Unions: the people who brought you the weekend, health & safety at work, capped working hours, employment rights and protection, fair wages and pensions, maternity and paternity rights, injury and sickness benefits, paid holidays and put an end to child labour. What a bunch of greedy bastirds.

    Well Said.


    @Wordsworth50 wrote:

    @rubyred wrote:

    Trade Unions: the people who brought you the weekend, health & safety at work, capped working hours, employment rights and protection, fair wages and pensions, maternity and paternity rights, injury and sickness benefits, paid holidays and put an end to child labour. What a bunch of greedy bastirds.

    =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D>

    Well said =D> =D> =D>


    @rubyred wrote:

    Trade Unions: the people who brought you the weekend, health & safety at work, capped working hours, employment rights and protection, fair wages and pensions, maternity and paternity rights, injury and sickness benefits, paid holidays and put an end to child labour. What a bunch of greedy bastirds.

    Bravo! Well said =D> =D> =D>



    agreed lol


    When trade unions were first set up for the purpose of Ruby’s post they had the workers rights in mind, however in todays climate I truly beleive they look out for the employer insted.

    Over here – Last year when we were about to strike the unions were all for us to sign and not go on strike but the people on the ground (inside the union) told us not to sign as the Government would only end up taking more of are wages in the long run. People didn’t listen to the insiders and voted YES – we didn’t go on strike and an other “levy” was taken from are wages less than 3 months later.
    Then the Govenment had the cheek to say we didn’t get a pay reduction were paying a Govenment Levy insted!!!!!!

    The media are owned by the Govenment so when they published reports saying the lowest puplic servent is on a miniuim of €50K a year I nearly died wondering where the rest of my €25K a year was.
    They did there best and unfortunaly sucseeded in dividing the public and private sectors so noone knew who to trust and in short the Govenment won – yes the same Irish Government who need €8Million from England and shìtload from rest of EU and we still need more and then let the bankers walk with all their money and millions in their private pensions!!!!.

    Let them strike, do support them as you never know when the Govenment will try to feck you over and you need support from others.


    It has been really interesting watching the Government set those working for the public and private sectors at each other’s throats. The private sector have always had the impression that the public sector don’t work too hard and get special benefits (like pensions). The public sector have always thought that the private sector pay much better and get away with murder in terms of how they run their businesses.

    Let’s get a few facts straight. Workers in both sectors have lost their jobs. Workers in both sectors have seen their hours reduced. I for one work over 50 hours a week in my “cushy” public sector job with my job depending on targets I cannot possibly meet.

    For years public sector pensions have lagged behind private sector pensions, now the reverse is true. Public sector workers have paid for their pensions, even though the government pretends that their contribution as employer is some sort of cheeky tax on everyone else in the country. Pensions – how dare they?

    Average council pensions are £4.2K, with the highest pensions in the public sector being the NHS with £7K, skewed by the fact that there are so many highly paid clinical staff in the health service. The big advantage public sector workers have is having a single pension rather than several pensions from different employers. They also do not have a mixture of different types of pension so they have more security. An advantage, yes – a public scandal, no.

    Are we in this mess cos a bunch of care workers, street sweepers, physiotherapists, border officials, doctors and teachers tool huge risks with billions of pounds, ruining our banks, bankrupting our governments and crashing the world economy. Did they do this knowing that we would have to rescue them, putting ourselves in debt for generations? And having done f**king us all over, did those people then vote themselves huge bonuses the next year as a reward?

    The true villains are not the public or private sector workers trying to protect their livelihoods. Try the bankers, the fund managers, or even the government for turning the screw far too hard for our damaged economy to take. Not ordinary people trying to earn a crust.


    @momentaryloss wrote:

    The true villains are not the public or private sector workers trying to protect their livelihoods. Try the bankers, the fund managers, or even the government for turning the screw far too hard for our damaged economy to take. Not ordinary people trying to earn a crust.

    Damn right Momentaryloss =D>



    to damn rite he is rite hit the nail on the head and just watch what our caring goverment does to us all next



    ………..and then practically in the same breath/paragraph we are bailing out billions for other countries – makes me :evil:


    So when Londoners are asked to take leave or not to use public transport during the Olympics as the transport system cant cope doesnt smack of double standards!!! Maybe the money lost in business during those two weeks is accountable. As for a nurse retiring at 65 when a NHS ‘boss’ can retire at 55 isnt double standards also…..Where is Robin Hood when you need him :wink: Long live the unions

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