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7 September, 2006 at 12:09 pm #240205
More and more like an egotistical big headed twerp who really does think highly of herselft but so she should coz no other person would. She is someone only a mother could love this i KNOW!
And as for Geoff we have had arguement upon row upto rants at each other my nose is far from up his arse but lately he does make sense but then again when people like you come on here you can make a 1 year old look like a brain surgeon. Dont waste your breath on me LOVIE coz i dont give 2 tosses about little people like you just feeds me my “fun” of the day ta-ta for now no doubt you shall come back with a very stupid post as im yet to see an entertaining one. Might take a while so i shall go grab a drink…………
7 September, 2006 at 12:31 pm #240206It’s sad when the illiterate let themselves down like this in a public forum…and you know..for someone who doesn’t give a toss about little people like’re getting awfully worked-up. And may I ask when it was that you contacted all my husband.. as to enquire into my lovability? Presumably you didn’t manage to speak to my she’s dead..unless of course you have paranormal abilities you’ve yet to share with the rest of us?
Interesting spelling of ‘herselft’ incidentally..must use it in one of my historical comedy novels..being the ‘egotistical bigheaded twerp’ that I am.
Oh and one last thing Biccy =; the the hand
7 September, 2006 at 12:56 pm #240207@esmeralda wrote:
It’s sad when the illiterate let themselves down like this in a public forum…and you know..for someone who doesn’t give a toss about little people like’re getting awfully worked-up. And may I ask when it was that you contacted all my husband.. as to enquire into my lovability? Presumably you didn’t manage to speak to my she’s dead..unless of course you have paranormal abilities you’ve yet to share with the rest of us?
Interesting spelling of ‘herselft’ incidentally..must use it in one of my historical comedy novels..being the ‘egotistical bigheaded twerp’ that I am.
Oh and one last thing Biccy =; the the hand
OH the maturity of you how proud you must be. I dont even read your threads because you spout off cr@p!
7 September, 2006 at 12:59 pm #240208@geoff wrote:
Gloria by U2 is on the radio… :wink:
Your taste in music is ok but mine is much better :wink:
7 September, 2006 at 1:12 pm #240209What is it about ONE LAST TIME that you fail to comprehend Biccy? Oh..all of it apparently.
And you HAVE been holding out on your paranormal else can you purport to know that I write [email protected] you don’t read my threads? D’oh!
And Guff..dear old Guff listening to Radio two as he wipes the dribble from his weak and trembling chin. This Gloria to whom you allude..feel free to give me my v. own doppleganger. I can only assume that she got up your hooter, old she sounds good to me. :twisted:
7 September, 2006 at 1:20 pm #240210@geoff wrote:
You keep changing the way you post… hilarious! :lol:
:lol: . And of course i like Gloria tis a classic tune but i like a wide range of music.
7 September, 2006 at 1:23 pm #240211@geoff wrote:
Old Essie there obviously doesn’t think much of Gloria, didn’t think the song was that offensive myself.
Never mind at least you like it. have a boogie when your bosses backs turned :D/
7 September, 2006 at 1:37 pm #240212@esmeralda wrote:
Och Fats..should you not be boiling up a carcass for some nourishing broth for your spawn..?
Away and get an original thought woman…jeez..maybe not…. it’d be gie lonely!
i’m married to a scot……………your grasp on the language is abysmal. :lol:
7 September, 2006 at 1:50 pm #240213@geoff wrote:
@pats wrote:
@esmeralda wrote:
Och Fats..should you not be boiling up a carcass for some nourishing broth for your spawn..?
Away and get an original thought woman…jeez..maybe not…. it’d be gie lonely!
i’m married to a scot……………your grasp on the language is abysmal. :lol:
It was Irish earlier/yesterday, then it went a bit Geordie… :lol:
she should try a bit of yorkie spk…………… that i understand!.p.s esme…….may ye lum reek.
7 September, 2006 at 1:58 pm #240214and good afternoon to YOU Fats…
Were you referring to Hielan’…Lowland or Gaelic Scots..Fats? Or maybe about Glaswegian or Border? Then of course..there’s that spoken by the Shetlander..did you know that’s based very much on old Norse?
..which brings me neatly back to your goodly are an ill-informed woman attempting to garner admirers with your cheap and unoriginal jibes You’re making a silly old fool of yourself…back into that cupboard with you.. the one that you use to get a titter when all else fails.
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