Boards Index General discussion Getting serious STDs -As Chosen By Tracy.

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  • #1116452

    Now lol whilst when Tracy suggested this I had thought she was having a laugh (lol Tracy) a few years ago early hours a drunken member of JC was discussing and laughing about those he had slept with,I knew two of the girls he’d already been with,due in rehab in two days he discussed how he had to go to get tested and I said then you’ll have to contact the girls involved to which he said “will I ****”” and burst out laughing. To him they deserved it it was something they paid as a cost of being with him which he felt was worth it. I seriously don’t like even thinking about this foul “thing” of a man. He gives good men a bad name. A few weeks ago it turns out he is still here,and was discussing the twelve he’s slept with. Twelve…girls and boys if someone sleeps with that many and no one wanted to keep them there is a reason,male or female. I know that a small minority of men and women have done this. You need if you’ve slept with anyone to get tested.Some symptoms you maybe unaware of or get none at all even if what you did is mild get tested. And care about yourself more,value yourself more,do you want to be with someone everyone else has? If they’ve done that do they really sound like someone whose going to stick around?is one night worth having someone talk about your name on some list worth it?  That maybe put off the person that really does want to be with you. We all make mistakes,trust too easy sometimes,don’t let your mistake be a costly one. NHS help available

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    Wow that pepsi max has a good memory……….like shes written it all down…..LMAO RATF PML………….amazed that sceppers is falling for this…but hey…..its his life……and he has been in JC since 1925…wespect……

    Give my regards to orson…LMAO RATF PML


    I’m unsure who sceppers is? I’ve not spoken to her/him. Events,yes,words yes,numbers or where I put the remote? Not so much!.


    “ Twelve… girls and boys if someone sleeps with that many and no one wanted to keep them there is a reason “ 

    WTF ?

    I do not understand this statement what so ever !

    Are  you saying 12 is an astonishingly high amount of sexual partners by the time you are say 45 ?  Are you also saying that if none of those partners turned into a relationship then there must have been something wrong with him ? Don’t get me wrong , he sounds like a prize dick head in his attitude and just maybe in his case that IS the reason that nothing developed for ‘him’…. but it’s a bloody ridiculously stupid and draconian attitude to generalize so sweepingly that if someone , anyone has had that amount of sexual partners which they have not settled down with it’s because there is something fundamentally wrong with them !! Lol. Jesus !! What if 6 liked ‘ the guy ‘ but the other half hated him, he liked the 6 who hated him but disliked the other 6 who liked him ??  It’s ridiculous !!! And it doesn’t mean anything is wrong with anyone !! It means adults have had sexual relations without feeling a compatibility that they feel would last ….

    Yes, wear protection, get checked etc, surely we all know this ? We aren’t 12  !!

    I also dislike being addressed as ‘ girls and boys’, as if I’m particularly stupid and need things dumbing down for me  and teacher will explain whilst patting me on the head !

    why all the lectures on here ??  :negative: 😤

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by  mooosey88.
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    :yahoo: A decent Jc swords man could bag 12 in a month

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    Pmsl !!!!

    Trust you !!!!

    on the other hand.. would you want to ?? Really ??? Lol 🤔 🥴 🤥


    Who is the idiot Sara? And why wasn’t she taught about paragraphs?

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by  orchid.

    Wow that pepsi max has a good memory……….like shes written it all down…..LMAO RATF PML………….amazed that sceppers is falling for this…but hey…..its his life……and he has been in JC since 1925…wespect……

    Give my regards to orson…LMAO RATF PML

    She has a great memory maybe or maybe not

    my money is on her being as fake as Pamela Baywatch’s boobs


    What sort of orchard is this?…apples pears…LMAO….well one things for sure here….moosey doesn’t attack thin….proves my point really……moosey attacks people for a reason….



    :yahoo: A decent Jc swords man could bag 12 in a month

    An in decent Jc man could bag double that. The decent ones don’t get a look in

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