Boards Index General discussion Getting serious Staying warm & help with heating costs.

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  • #1142284

    Ministers have said they will launch a £500m fund for councils to support poorer families through the winter amid an energy supply crisis and the withdrawal of other forms of financial assistance.
    The new household support fund will “support millions” via small grants for food, clothing and utilities, with money being disbursed by local authorities


    Now the big question is:  how do I get my hands on this cash  :scratch:  

    From what I can tell  some of the moneys gone into local projects.  The one in Sussex is called “warmth for wellbeing”

    There criteria is:

    Heating your home to at least 18°C is important for your health and immune system, especially if you have reduced mobility, are 65 or over, or have a long-term heart or lung condition, diabetes or are pregnant.


    And there the warm home discount scheme too.

    You might be able to get £140 off your electricity bill or a £140 voucher for your prepayment meter. You can get this under the Warm Home Discount Scheme if you’re either:

    • getting the guarantee credit part of Pension Credit
    • on a low income

    From the people I’ve been talking to this week the local council discretionary fund wont cover heating costs.  I think Blackpool’s a good example of this.

    COVID19 – Assistance for gas and electricity pre-payment customers

    Energy firms are putting in place new measures to help prepayment customers who are struggling or unable to top up during the pandemic.

    Suppliers will deal with issues on a case-by-case basis, but if you can’t top up your meter or are struggling to buy credit, please contact your provider directly before making an application to Discretionary Support.

    That’s not a lot of good if you buy your gas or electric from a landlord.

    Its hard to find out what’s happening to the 500 million fund. I get the feeling local councils don’t want you to know about this or part with the money  :yes:

    I will keep digging  ;-)

    There 500 million up for grabs and while I wont see a penny of it…..I’m not letting those tvvats at the town hall kept it or pass it out to there mates  B-)



    • This topic was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by  Mr Fishy.
    1 member liked this post.

    Today I’m looking in Norwich.

    There nothing on offer and no sign of the 500 million grant thingy.

    The only advice they offer is:


    Help with paying bills

    If you are experiencing difficulty paying your energy bills, have been threatened with disconnection or wish to complain about your energy supplier, contact Norfolk Citizens Advice.


    I wonder what they did with the money?


    surprised we can afford anything .Uk almost bankrupt and still giving away billions in aid each year.  rumours have it civil servants get a bonus when meeting aid ‘targets’ . you can’t make it up. charity in Uk’s case does NOT begin at home. :wacko:


    i just buy a new coat fleecy thing off the market fck the heating.


    or find a very plumpy gf and  use her as a sleeping bag.


    Cosy babe….they’re giving away free money  :yes:

    Now you can say…. well I dont want it or say where my share !!!

    Just H think your a little off the mark there. The overseas budget been cut to £10.9 billion from £14.5 billion  & thanks to technology the cost of running the governments shrunk in the last 20 years.

    Reducing the UK’s aid spending in 2021



    Today I’m looking at Bath and here is wot they are up too.

    Raise awareness of national schemes and policies – Raise awareness of the financial support for fuel payments available. As at 2014: Winter Fuel Payments, Cold Weather Payments and Warm Home Discount Scheme.

    So there spending the cash on publicising current schemes  :wacko:


    jolly Roger you best send my 20 tog thermal knickers back recorded delivery asap

    I need to keep my cute bottom warm this winter





    Ok I think I found the answer to this after a week of phone calls.

    You have to call “money advice service” in your area. They’ve been allocated an energy grants for your local area.

    I still cant find out how much cash or if they have made any payments yet  :scratch:



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