Boards Index General discussion Getting serious Stapler's JC Weight Watching Thread

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  • #1077588

    Weight gone up to 15 stone 10 pounds due to stress of being unjustly banned for over a week.

    More recent pic uploaded to disguise belly.

    Snitchbow spotted hiding in JC3 tonight. He admitted it was in order to avoid me.




    What is with the fascination you have… Can a moderator tell this prick I never got him banned, I do not even know who moderators are, nor would I ever report anyone… You have serious issues, but I hope your support team are working with you. Unlike a “snitch”, I will not report you for all the threats you make/made, to move on you need stop with the fascination… Grow up, you are 35 ffs…

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    Fact is that I’ve been banned from posting on 2 threads where Snitchbow has posted/criticised me. I suspect I’ll be banned now he’s complained about this one as well.




    And why are you posting my personal details (age) on a public forum? It’s offensive as I’m actually 34 for at least another 3 weeks.


    Don’t lie in main chat then as you told everyone you were 35 tonight… I was merely posting your lies… The fact is, you think I have reported you which is ludicrous, the time before when you were banned I can confirm I was banned too. What about the times after, I guess I reported you these times too, nothing you do is ever your own fault is it. Have you ever considered why you do get banned, nobody can report someone and they are just banned, there needs to be substance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    15 stone 10 pounds – i am 15 s  7,  hmm but stap looks unhealthy also he is obv unhealthy in his head

    STAP is a right idiot, he posted his age and obv his photos of him lol, god STAP is bloody dumb, moaned about me for some reason, and then i said STAP if u forgot about that then u not smart, as if u was u wud not of forgot, he knows what i am talking about if he dont he is even more dumb, he is a angry unhappy waste of space, he complains why he got banned then he gets unbanned then banned again, it is as he is a horrible person, as soon as the person who bans him knows this the better, he should be perm banned.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by  JUSTNOTHING.
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    lol :-)


    urm, awks

    I report you repeatedly throughout the day even when you don’t even come into chat.

    Its like a hobby type thing.

    Wake up, report stapler, have a bit of marmite on toast, report stapler, watch Jeremy Kyle and marvel at the amount of teeth they don’t have, have soup for lunch, report stapler.


    A bum bag is an excellent way of hiding a multitude of sins.  Where can I buy myself a jumbo one and is it waterproof?


    welcome back stapler my dear


    Who actually coined the have my stapler? office thing? I always took my own supplies into work when i worked directly in offices. after all, relying on company equipment leads to many questions like…why haven’t i got a stapler?who’s borrowed my stapler? i need my stapler so i bought all my own office stuff. In fact, within a month, every one else did as well. You just don’t know who’s been touching your stuff……..

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