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  • #403751

    in my case its be the truth it be ahhh tell thee


    @gazlan wrote:

    Seems i was a bit late joining, missed out on the skullduggery…. 8)

    skullduggery :shock: where . . . not here surley :?

    i wouldn’t worry Gazlan, there’s always more here


    @gazlan wrote:

    Back to the drawin board for me ……….. 8)


    @melody wrote:

    in my case its be the truth it be ahhh tell thee

    melody this is jc no one tels the truth


    skullduggery where . . . not here surley

    i wouldn’t worry Gazlan, there’s always more here

    As if i would….SusieQ……..tut-tut

    Im always drawin the wrong crowd……… :wink:


    is there a ‘right’ crowd :?


    @thin ice wrote:

    @melody wrote:

    in my case its be the truth it be ahhh tell thee

    melody this is jc no one tels the truth

    Oh Jesus…now you tell me! :roll:

    **conspires some lies to fit in**


    Actually I aint ever met a real live jcer either come to think of it…

    but i gladly would if you can fulfil my higher than mariah carey specifications…

    1) I want monkey waiters serving me Olives
    2) I want to see every jc male in that room performing the dance from american pie with the pillow in between his legs like Jim does for Nadia
    3) I want fig leafed donned adonis males standing by to waft me with a leaf should I get hot
    4) I require copious amounts of vodka to make sure you all look fit
    5) I want telephones on every table so we can phone each and chat and keep a degree of anonominininity between the jcers
    6) Small puppies and kittens should be there to entertain us in the absence of Will and Pete
    7) I want scented rose petals adorned about the place to hide the inevitable fags and bo smells there is gonna be

    Ok on second thoughts lets not bother…

    Sorry to trash ya sorry post btw lol but enough said about that I reckon!


    @melody wrote:

    Actually I aint ever met a real live jcer either come to think of it…

    but i gladly would if you can fulfil my higher than mariah carey specifications…

    6) Small puppies and kittens should be there to entertain us in the absence of Will and Pete

    I aint invited then obviously :evil:


    are u suggesting William and Peter would have sneaked off to a little room Melody?

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