Boards Index General discussion Getting serious Somer and GE the new diks in town…………

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  • #1123177


    The Adventures of Bernie , …. “ Bernie the Spoke !! “


    Q will NOT be a happy bunny being out Qed.









    Top tip of the day kids!


    Rather than reading all the constant board shite. Are you ready, are you excited?


    Always use tyre sealant in your ‘tires’! I recommend “Slime” and trust me you do NOT want a puncture as you are descending a precarious cliff edge!









    Disclaimer: Do Not watch, this is VERY boring and you WILL not see me crash the cursed e-bike!



    :wacko: ;-)   :whistle:   :scratch:




    1 member liked this post.

    I have a couple of friends who really enjoy cycling.

    One took the hazardous journey of cycling in London, but another has a number of bicicuyles, including a mountain bike, and drives all across the country to go cycling in different places.

    He’s tried to persuade me, but

    as Reg said in The Life of Brian, “Yeah, well I can’t go with you, it’s me back”.

    I also thin that cycling in all but offbeat places is a romance in today’s day and age. Too dangerous, with all the maniacs and killers on four wheels on the road.

    Also many cyclists seem to have no clue as to something called the Highway Code. I mean, come on, in any accident they are the one most likely to be hurt.



    I know you guys love the ‘cursed’ e-bike as if she is your own so I thought an update is in order after 4 consecutive punctures over three days (thorn bastards).


    After ‘some’ research (but not much) the ‘cursed’ e-bike has now been fitted with the following hi tech solutions.




    :bye: :wacko:   :mail:   ;-)









    I’ll let you guys know how she gets on after I have tested the solutions properly on the “big” “bad” trails around ‘Bolton’.










    who is the biggest t1t Ge or aids raids ridden kenty fat árse ho ?


    get a proper bike Ge you old fat git and pay some child support lol



    You’ll be banned soon enough for that other thread Wigan pie muncher, unless you already have been, so use up all your names dopey. So stupid the auld biddy has forgotten that Pixie ID was the one she PMed me in (I disappeared for an hour and when I came back she was still talking about Alex B and Merlin lol).












    GE always has been a díck.  Why did your mrs leave you hahaah and why have your kids rejected you?   GE can’t get laid if his life depended on it that sad old pensioner ahaha what a joke he is.


    “Please meet me in Bolton for a coffee Badder please please please” ! non-stop for months sad fker ! No woman ever has anything to do with you hahaha.


    Even Kenty would not fk u GE, and face it she has been through most guys on JC like a dose of salts lol  :yahoo:   :yahoo:   :yahoo:

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by  Pixie.
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