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  • #1122928

    Image result for annoying cyclists

    annoying when you want to overtake

    🇵🇲🇸🇷🇿🇲🇿🇲🇿🇲🇿🇲🇿🇲🇿🇲Image result for annoying cyclists

    That’s awful !

    I wish people wouldn’t post this stuff, like that one of the guy hitting the side of the truck sht fa brains posted a few days ago ….  you can’t ‘ ‘unsee’ things 👎🏼😱



    Brilliant, so finally I have two CORRECT sized “mudguards” for 27.5 inch wheels, now be careful kids because they sell “mudguards” for 26 inch wheels claiming they will fit 27.5 and even 29 inches.

    I also bought some neoprene in a ‘roll’ because it is VERY useful when you need grip when things are being screwed on and off!






    The neoprene goes on the bike btw, for extra grip and so your paintwork isn’t damaged, do not put it anywhere else unless a doctor is on standby!


    Stay safe out there!




    They must have seen you coming lol!

    Caller: “Your website sucks. I can’t even get last month’s statement!”

    Me: “I’d be more than happy to help, sir. You can definitely obtain last month’s statement.”

    Caller: “No, I can’t! I looked everywhere. Your website is the worst bank website I’ve ever seen!”

    Me: “I’ll show you exactly where you need to go, sir. You can obtain last month’s statement by—”

    Caller: “Even [other bank] and [another bank] have better websites than you! This is absolutely ridiculous!”

    Me: “Like I said, sir, we do have last month’s statement on our website. You can even see your statement from years ago.”

    Caller: “No, you can’t! Your website sucks! You should have last month’s statement!”

    Me: “If you can humour me, sir, please log in.”

    Caller: “Fine, I’ve logged in. You see?! I don’t see last month’s statement anywhere!”

    Me: “So you’re currently on the home page, sir?”

    Caller: “Yes!”

    Me: “Okay, now please click on “Last Statement”, which is right in the middle of the page.”

    Caller: *clicks the link and stays totally silent*

    Me: “Did you need help looking up anything else?”

    Caller: “Your website still sucks!

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by  Ghost_Child.


    So this bloody cursed hardtail mountain e-bike of mine… Lol.

    I bought it online on a well known site and like I said earlier it is bespoke (fitting the engine). ParcelFarce delivered it in a huge narrow box, almost the width of my terraced living room well over 7ft. Excellent or so I thought while the dog cowered in the corner from this ENORMOUS box and I opened it like a kid on Christmas day. Tightened the handle bars, put on the peddles and front wheel and immediately put the battery on charge while I did some cursory checks on the rest of the e-bike.

    I didn’t have time to test it that day/night but was enjoying admiring it until the next day when I got an email from the seller. I had been sent the WRONG sized e-bike and another customer had been sent the bigger (correct) version, I NEVER even noticed it was the wrong size with the seat up. To cut a long story short I eventually got the CORRECT e-bike after pissing about with the worlds biggest e-bike box and when my “mudguard” saga began in earnest.

    The front “mudguard” (second one) I bought should have just slotted in and attached with rubber bands for quick removal! For the life of me I could not work out why it would not fit until much later when I realized the front forks had been put on BACK to FRONT which made the angle wrong for the “mudguard” which sat on the forks.

    Either the seller or the IDIOT my e-bike had been sent to in error must have done this because the front and back disc brake levers were also on the wrong side of the handlebars (which I hadn’t touched) and the front disc on the wheel was at the front of the wheel and not the back (my fault I put the wheel on lol).

    Now me being a hardtail mountain-ebike EXPERT never noticed any of this of course and I had been riding the bike for quite a few days before I realized lol. I immediately put it right but guess what;

    Now my bloody front disc brakes squeak loudly (although it is fun creeping up behind unsuspecting dog walkers and giving them an almighty high pitched squeak as I apply the dodgy brake).


    :wacko: :wacko:   :wacko:








    Ghost-Child aka Morg melon head, how about you fuckety fuck off this thread before I hunt you down and feed you your shit Christmas cracker lines until your big fat head explodes.




    2 members liked this post.


    So… The adventures of the ‘cursed’ e-bike. :yes:


    I use a shortcut that is a really narrow country trail and about 1 mile long to get to a  reservoir near where I live which is extremely beautiful and scenic and so well worth the trek and on this narrow trail the vegetation is overgrown (stingy nettles etc) and smacks into your face and arms, hands and other vulnerable bits and bobs.

    Anyway, a week or so ago I noticed a short cut through a field that took me directly unto the wider tracks leading to this resevoir and which totally bypassed this overgrown trail from hell. So there I was navigating this muddy field minding my own business and without a care in the world when I dodged a big muddy puddle by riding to the side only to hit a dip about a foot deep and I flew arse over tit and crashed the bloody cursed e-bike.

    I won’t whine about my damaged body parts because fortunately the cursed e-bike escaped unscathed but what pissed me right off was what kind of MONSTER camouflages an enormous HOLE in long grass in fields to catch out INNOCENT e-bikers like me!







    Now anyone considering getting an e-bike (try not to get a ‘cursed’ one) I thought I would pass on a few tips for you I have discovered.

    It is not currently legal to have a “throttle” on a new e-bike (UK, could be EU as well) but there are ways round this. It is legal to have one on a secondhand e-bike and the e-bike I had built was brand new and the seller rode it for a few miles to circumnavigate this legislation (making it ‘used’) so he can fit throttles on the e-bikes he sells. A throttle is a must if you want a little break without stopping and supercharges hill ascents etc. I have not yet met a hill that has defeated the throttle on my cursed e-bike, don’t mention HOLES though, ok.


    Second top tip, you can ‘boost’ the engine, most e-bike engines are running at far less than their actual capacity. Now this is also illegal so if you do do this make sure you don’t ride it on public highways etc and be sure to check out youtube how it is done.


    Have fun!




    I feel I know your so well …    it deserves a name ! Like  Bernie  the Bike ! And it’s own thread !

    The Adventures of Bernie , …. “ Bernie the Spoke !! “

    We can all join in on a Bernie’s adventures !

    It’s a winner !




    Ahem, I have already named it the “cursed” e-bike! Bernie sounds more like something Morg melon head blows up before he ‘manfully’ throws it on the bed and ravishes it!


    :whistle: :yes:




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