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19 October, 2017 at 7:56 pm #1075822
Sad deluded woman who wont go away
Even though we all have plenty to say
Shes so very minging and so very fat
Her hairs dirty and knotty she should really wear a hat
Vodka on her cereal, cider in her tea
Wouldnt you drink if you were this ugerleeee?
Woman doesnt sleep, woman doesnt wash
She thinks shes only 18 and she thinks shes posh!
People always talking saying shes a joke
You would need to be desperate to give that thing a poke
Chatting and chatting all hours of the day
Shes mental shes mental the JC psychiatrists say
Trolling and goading youre all constantly waving
Giving this person what you think she is craving
Makes no sense really to anyone with a brain
Oh yet its her who is stupid and lame?
Shes slept with every man and woman who goes in chat
Yet shes always in here so fancy that?
She killed her kids and she has HIV
No one is convinced thats shes not really a HE
Her pictures are filtered her pictures are fake
Shes dramatic and too self absorbed for Ricky Lake
Shes never ever funny she just depresses everyone
Womans fat and bloated and weighs a tonne
Her furniture old shes a mess shes a mess
Shes a 60 year old man wearing a dress
So many characters that chat in JC
Welcome everyone to the one they call MIZZERY
Sorry after last night and today I just had to write and put it out there.
I am laughing anyway lol.
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19 October, 2017 at 8:01 pm #1075823Took less than half hour to write.
I hope it makes people laugh its not serious at all.
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19 October, 2017 at 8:13 pm #1075824Na it dosent make me laugh at all mizz,i know exactly where your coming from though.Things will get better for you,i know they will.Your a clever woman in a rut that’s all.You will get there,get yourself sorted for your holiday.Use it to get back on your feet.Show them all how its done x
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19 October, 2017 at 8:24 pm #1075825Point is its mostly lies. People lie about us to put us down and make themselves feel better .
Happens to everyone all the time. I watch it happen to other people I see it happen to me and to you too.
Its like a bandwagon of total nonsense people just jump on in order to score points and be cruel to eachother .
I mean I don’t even eat cereal lol x
Better to make a joke out of it than to take whatever these trolls say seriously.
I suppose if I had respect for those who say such things it could hurt. But you know as well as I do Jamie, people will take your weaknesses exaggerate them lie about you and attempt to ridicule you over them.
You gotta have big hairy balls to not let it get to you.
Since I’m a 60 year old man in a dress………………..Sorted.
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20 October, 2017 at 6:52 am #1075848Was is it they say, it’s better to be talked about than not all. Ignore the haters…
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20 October, 2017 at 8:52 pm #107590421 October, 2017 at 2:50 pm #1075958Had to make it fit in with the line and rhyme with tea lol
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22 October, 2017 at 1:33 pm #1076075Great way to make 2 syllables turn into 3 LOLxxx
22 October, 2017 at 1:34 pm #1076076If it ain’t rhyme or reason, it could be treason….with Sarah i agree…make it rhyme and go off for a cup of tea. LOlxxx
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23 October, 2017 at 10:51 am #1076272What could be fairer than to agree with Sarah? She makes a great point….you know what/…this Sunday..i’m going to cook a lamb joint.
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