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  • #271381

    Women only like bad s e x, if its too good they think you are playing around.


    lol what would you know DOA…. lol come on enliten us Woman you seem to hold all the answers…..
    your a wealth of knowledge,


    Bad sex?

    When you don’t feel a conection with a person, you just go thru the act.

    When the s e x is too good with a long term g/f, they think you have been learning from someone else, so you must have been playing around.

    “After all last time it was just poke and hope”


    Make lurveeeeeeeeeeeee 8)


    I duno woo……….. all i ever remember is waking up asking if its finished so i can watch me CSI! lmfao :lol:


    @innocence wrote:

    I duno woo……….. all i ever remember is waking up asking if its finished so i can watch me CSI! lmfao :lol:

    can you not multi task?

Viewing 6 posts - 11 through 16 (of 16 total)

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