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  • #7085

    Hermy will never find a bird in JC will he? HermanGRRRman! -> ok i live approx 230 miles north, where am i?
    amanda-41-essex >> pass
    HermanGRRRman! -> clue… big city
    amanda-41-essex >> can do maths but not geography
    HermanGRRRman! -> ur not a teacher by profession then lol
    amanda-41-essex >> no psychiatric nurse
    HermanGRRRman! -> waaaaaaaaaaa
    HermanGRRRman! -> i need ur help! lol
    amanda-41-essex >> always a conversation stopper that one
    HermanGRRRman! -> why?
    HermanGRRRman! -> thats a good thing, it means…
    amanda-41-essex >> just is
    amanda-41-essex >> what
    HermanGRRRman! -> if u were with someone, u could analyse them to see if they really liked ya! lol
    amanda-41-essex >> cant
    HermanGRRRman! -> i wish i could have done a psychiatric report on my exs lmao
    amanda-41-essex >> its simple
    HermanGRRRman! -> how? im wodering?
    amanda-41-essex >> lol
    HermanGRRRman! -> lmao im jestin!
    amanda-41-essex >> now ur taking the p88s
    HermanGRRRman! -> nooo not at all, i never talk in pc, but u are warping my mind
    amanda-41-essex >> im not
    HermanGRRRman! -> im jesting!!!!
    amanda-41-essex >> your doing it yourself
    HermanGRRRman! -> im tryin to have a giggle hun
    amanda-41-essex >> i know
    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :twisted:


    Not even the nutty ones like me! :shock:


    You don’t know much about women do you?

    First stop being a smart ass, no one likes them and you’re not has smart has you think you are.

    Second try not to be so boring.

    Third agree with very word they say until you have bad s e x then push them out the door with there bus fare has quick has possible and tell them you will ring them later.

    If they don’t have bus fare hard luck, they can walk.

    Then move on to the next one.


    @dead_on_arrvial wrote:

    Third agree with very word they say until you have bad s e x

    What on t’internet ? :lol:


    @catz wrote:

    @dead_on_arrvial wrote:

    Third agree with very word they say until you have bad s e x

    What on t’internet ? :lol:

    Thought that was the only way DOA could get it :wink: :wink: :lol:


    is there such thing as bad sex?


    @matty wrote:

    is there such thing as bad sex?

    :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: Are you sure :?: :wink:


    any holes a goal is it not?


    @matty wrote:

    any holes a goal is it not?

    Not if you want good sex!

    There’s a whole world of difference between sex and “good” sex :P


    How many ranges does this sex thing come in? Sex, good sex, excellent sex, happy for a week sex.

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 16 total)

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