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27 April, 2018 at 8:24 pm #1094028
What are your views and opinions on software? There’s no perfect answer here, just gathering thoughts and ideas on what any one thinks about software in general…here’s what i’m thinking………how ever good the software is…it’s only as good as the human or human who puts it together….which in it’s self means many things.
Software updates are important in the sense that you need them. I find a lot of the time that software up dates don’t mean a lot………only that your buying into some thing, bought some thing,considered buying some thing or even considered buying it after you bought it.
The permutations of questions are endless as well as the answers which is why, one really has to know what one is doing.
Now some may whinge that this post should be in Technical help…….i’m not looking for help….now here’s a quiz…….one question……..i was going to say a joke next…… any one guesses what my joke was going to be…feel free to guess……i can not wait for the answer.
You have to explain why you came to your conclusion as well…but apart from all all have a great weekend.
28 April, 2018 at 7:08 am #1094054That this whole thread is the joke?
28 April, 2018 at 8:17 am #1094055My god there wasn’t a single lol there.
Was your joke why did the chicken cross the road q by any chance?
29 April, 2018 at 12:00 pm #1094257LMAO oh dear..well seeing as you asked…why did the chicken cross the road?
29 April, 2018 at 12:18 pm #1094261Personally I am rather pissed off.
Years ago I used Dreamweaver and Frontpage to build my websites. Now I am stuck with some crappy template thing that my web host insists I use.
I spent all day working on my website yesterday and its total rubbish. Yes it gives me what I need and I can sell my product, but I cannot appear to manipulate it in order to give me the finish I want so the look of it is substandard and not a patch on what I produced years ago.
Importing my logo that I designed myself has altered its look, reordering the pages is fiddly, my fonts look distorted and sappy and although its now ‘online’ I am too ashamed of it to give anyone the link which totally defeats the object of it completely.
What’s more I cannot even delete it and start again as it wont let me.
I hate templates, rather do it from scratch like I used to.
Some software is rubbish.
As for updates? How many friggin updates does windows need? Bought a new laptop and all it seems to do is update. Keeps asking me update? no you can bloody wait I’m doing something – update? no I wont restart right now. Go on restart or I’m going to keep on at you til you do and stop rescheduling me cos I may be saving you from some grotty virus attack or I may even be upgrading word or powerpoint into version of total crapness that you don’t even want in the first place. Go on, you know you want to.
Opens window takes fire and aims.
29 April, 2018 at 12:25 pm #1094266Good point Sarah…..i find a lot of software gives you this that and the other but fails when it comes to what you really need. I remember Dreamweaver…i never bothered with it ’cause i felt some thing was wrong. Thing is in my opinion…….too many software sites are trying to go for the sales without thinking about what they are delivering down the line. Bit like a lot of company’s in general today or perhaps it was always like it…trying to flog one some thing with only the immediate result in mind……i don’t think soft ware company’s think ahead far enough before releasing their material….
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29 April, 2018 at 1:04 pm #1094279They think they are making things more ‘user friendly’ they are not. They are making things more complicated.
Spent over 22 years working in offices but they’ve messed about with mail merge and tables and other things that I used to use on a daily basis. I only use office 2007 now and I wont make the mistake of upgrading again.
When something works well, I wish they would leave it alone.
I am all for progress but not for silly extras that are fiddly to use – if its not broken don’t fix it.
Do people really need these stupid tutorials just to type a letter? Do people really need templates shoved down their throats?
I don’t read instructions, I throw them out the window, fair enough I once screwed the legs right through an argos coffee table top and had to put a table cloth on it but I personally learn more from trial and error and tinkering about than having my hand held through every process of production.
I want to figure things out myself and do it from scratch not build on crap I don’t want.
You don’t say to Gordon Ramey here’s a spaghetti and meatball lean cuisine go on make it tasty do ya lol
This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by
29 April, 2018 at 1:05 pm #1094281Years ago I used Dreamweaver and Frontpage to build my websites. Now I am stuck with some crappy template thing that my web host insists I use.
The only thing you should be using to build websites is Notepad++
29 April, 2018 at 2:27 pm #1094331ooooo thanks dracky will look into that :)
Nice one
30 April, 2018 at 10:50 am #1094551LOL@Gordan Ramsey……does that guy ever stop swearing?
This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by
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