@*Sian wrote:
@sharongooner wrote:
@*Sian wrote:
Innit though…………. may have to pop off in a mo and catch the old man before he goes to work……… early morning surprise. :wink:
Hehe, well mine isn’t home yet, rang me not long back with his offerings… I thing i’ll give it a miss :lol:
You go girl get some in whilst you can! Whats he doing getting up for work at this ungodly hour any how? What’s he do?
Gets up at unearthly times lmao!! every day mon to sat. Hence why I like it here. Send him to bed and make hardly any noise atall on the net and dont bother his beauty sleep. 8)
He came down a while back as he wakes himself up talking to himself and getting hot (must be his age lol) and had a fag and went back to bed cos he was nackered.