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  • #300721

    Have we found out who BOB is yet?



    @sharongooner wrote:

    Keep up!! :lol:

    lmao Shaz. :lol:

    No it’s just that I last logged on yesterday morning at 5am and things were moving along reasonably well to say the least then this…:?
    Totally not what I was expecting tonight and tbh I can’t be arsed trawling through 1000+ posts to find out every little detail. In saying that I’m just about getting the jist of it now thanks. :lol:


    @*GG* wrote:

    @sharongooner wrote:

    Keep up!! :lol:

    lmao Shaz. :lol:

    No it’s just that I last logged on yesterday morning at 5am and things were moving along reasonably well to say the least then this…:?
    Totally not what I was expecting tonight and tbh I can’t be arsed trawling through 1000+ posts to find out every little detail. In saying that I’m just about getting the jist of it now thanks. :lol:

    1. MM is a Fake. DC Manners found the true origin of one of her pics.
    2. Johnboy’s night in on the ipod with a good book has gone down the pan (nothing to do with number 1, so we are all to blame).
    3. Dumpycunt is upset that we are not being his friend anymore cos he is a wierdo as he said Pats kids and Grandkids were a fine example of why abortion is still legal.
    4. Me and Sian are arranging a swinging party.
    5. Rubes has got a mate round for sherry.
    6. Pebbles is busy trying to catch up with BM for the title of JC Sleuth.
    7. PB watched telly.
    8. Matty has still not sorted out his night out tomorrow despite msn, text and email.
    9. Sunny Pats and Fasty are shagging as is normal this time of the day
    10. Ugo is trying to sort out his ebay account.

    How was your evening?

    Edited to add. I forgot about Dagger. He’s just stirring in his usual four word style. Oh and Bat is hibernating. (do bats hibernate?)



    WOW!!!! thanks Shaz for that awesome roundup of the latest events in the deranged world of JC! what a difference a day makes indeed. :?

    Some of the things that have happened are clearly wrong whilst others are clearly right. Can you guess the one I mean? :wink: :lol:

    My day’s been good thanks Shaz! as I hope yours has too. 8)


    @*GG* wrote:

    WOW!!!! thanks Shaz for that awesome roundup of the latest events in the deranged world of JC! what a difference a day makes indeed. :?

    Some of the things that have happened are clearly wrong whilst others are clearly right. Can you guess the one I mean? :wink: :lol:

    My day’s been good thanks Shaz! as I hope yours has too. 8)

    Brill thanks. Ive probably missed out at least 100 pages of posts but you get the drift lol!!



    No that was an awesome roundup thanks again! that’s covered one hellva wide spectrum. :lol:

    Yep I get the picture now cheerz. :wink:


    @*GG* wrote:

    No that was an awesome roundup thanks again! that’s covered one hellva wide spectrum. :lol:

    Yep I get the picture now cheerz. :wink:

    we still dont know who silly willy wonky bobby or whatever his name is…………. Im not sure who is actually bothered by that though.


    @sharongooner wrote:

    @*GG* wrote:

    No that was an awesome roundup thanks again! that’s covered one hellva wide spectrum. :lol:

    Yep I get the picture now cheerz. :wink:

    we still dont know who silly willy wonky bobby or whatever his name is…………. Im not sure who is actually bothered by that though.

    I am :D


    @*Sian wrote:

    @sharongooner wrote:

    @*GG* wrote:

    No that was an awesome roundup thanks again! that’s covered one hellva wide spectrum. :lol:

    Yep I get the picture now cheerz. :wink:

    we still dont know who silly willy wonky bobby or whatever his name is…………. Im not sure who is actually bothered by that though.

    I am :D

    you wonky bobbedy willy you!!


    Kiss me :P

Viewing 10 posts - 61 through 70 (of 85 total)

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