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  • #1170

    Was at the hairdressers this afternoon…….and while chatting to the guy doing my hair, I realised we were from the same area…after a few more questions I realised that it was a guy I had went out with briefly when I was 16 :shock:

    He didn’t realise who I was,(I’m 100% different to how I was then, and so is he!) and I wasn’t about to let on – was too embarrassed lol :oops: :lol: :lol:

    Now I don’t know whether to go back there next time to get my hair done or what…. :?

    Anyone else feel weird when they bump into people from their past?


    I hate meeting people from my past – there is obviously a reason why they are in my past !

    Now, regarding your hairdresser – did you split up with him ? If so, best not to remind him, he may give you a mohawk next time you go to get your hair cut……………………..


    Pml…that’s what I’m worried about!! :lol:


    Well if he did my hair how i liked it go back and say nothing…..if he didnt do it that good then go back tell him and mention hes a naff kisser :lol: :lol:


    Lol – he done a great job – got it just how I like it :D I probably will go back, see if he says anything…..mind you, all he has to do is read my name in the appointment book and he will figure who I am :lol:

    Tbh…I can’t even remember what type of kisser he was…..wasn’t bad though or I would have deffo remembered!! :lol:


    LOL, hate bumping into people from my past.

    He proberly remembered you Squeezy, and just kept quite coz he was embarressed lol.


    :lol: :lol:


    Cheers for that Candy!! :roll: :lol:


    That came out wrong lol.. sorry!! :oops:


    I once said “It’s a small world to someone” and he replied”Small….You can put it in your pocket”……..and I thought mmmmmmmmm it’s not that small you daft Tw*t. But after he left I began thinking about it and maybe thats why it gets so bleedin dark at night. :roll:

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