PC running slow????? check this out if you press CTRL + ALT + DEL you will bring up task manager, if you look at the bottom you will see something like this .
Idealy your system will not be running much different to the way this picture shows to keep speed up.
if you machine is running something like
Processes 64 then you can almost garantee that you are running way to many processes that are not really needed, and a lot can be changed, this also is using a vast amount of memory.
if you have programs starting that you do not wish to start up with then you can change this by going to
START —> RUN—-> TYPE: msconfig and press go the ms config box will open , press the STARTUP tab at the top and you can alta the programs that start up , please be 100% sure you know what your flicking on and off.
Thats my little bit of info for the day :) will go it to changing Services another day :)