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28 November, 2006 at 9:04 pm #251658
@spotlight wrote:
@forumhostpb wrote:
Don’t listen to these mere females … what do they know anyway? No you have the right idea matey, get the sex stuff out of the way as quick as possible and then get on with something more interesting like reading a book or watching the TV (or in your case falling asleep).
All these women want to do is to make it last a totally unnecessary length of time. It’s just like their conversation … gossip gossip gossip and nothing important to say.
Just reminded me actually mate reading this reply, I was having a dream last week, and I’d never been so disapointed in all me life when i woke up, I was dreaming i was doin it with CAROL SMILLIE it was f-in brill, ahhhhh to live in the dream world on a permanent basis, I was watching her on Strictly come dancing a few hours before(that must have been the reason i guess, obviously i don’t usually watch nonsense like that…but the wife does insist on watching it… cough cough)
Carol Smilie :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: you really are well funny!! :wink:
28 November, 2006 at 9:09 pm #251659Well wasn’t that nice to have ‘Spotlight’ share that glimpse of domestic bliss with us. I admire his candid description and am reminded of those days when a box of tissues in the bedroom was not entirely for those times when flu and colds were the order of the day.
I like others of my gender slipped into a comforting routine which took care of my selfish needs, indeed it was expected that I was attended to, it was part of the duties a wife provided. She had outlets for her daily satisfaction, there was always a pile of ironing to take care of. She could occupy her time cleaning and tidying. She would cook and comfort, plan and save she was a mother and a lover who would always wait up for me, whatever the time was when I returned home from a business trip. At thirty five your about half way through your period together and if you want things to continue I suggest a little more effort wouldn’t go amiss, in fact it could be looked upon as money in the bank. Women need a purpose to carry on and take the shit we give them. No matter what we think about them they are still better than the alternative; well in my book they are. If you feel a little bored now you’re probably about three years behind her; they tend to be a more advanced in matter of the heart. I suggest you provide extra stimulation to show you care for her well being; some couples invest in televisions or a selection of magazines more modern couples find Sudoko and increased enjoyment.
When I was your age I would extend my session times by doing mental arithmetic during lovemaking this detachment ensured she stayed awake and also solved mathematical problems which otherwise may keep me awake.I share with you my secret math sum.
How many bricks should you order to build a wall two bricks wide X 50′ wide X 5′ high: a standard brick= 9″ x4″ x3″ =?
Hope this helps I would remain at it until the solution was clear you could also factor in the cost per gross and also deliver charge when the extra effort was called for. It worked for me so give it a try.
Don’t forget to leave an extra 20 minutes to get home afterwards.Ladies first has always been my moto.
28 November, 2006 at 9:10 pm #251660:shock: :shock: :shock: Are you my hubby staring to use the boards
Noooooooo you carnt be at least you get it over and done with lol
Tell ya what if ypu want a stop watch iv a few spare they come in great :lol:
28 November, 2006 at 9:58 pm #251661ye know wat pi/sses me off……… how WE ave to fit in wif their timetable!!!!wen my hubby as to be up earlier than usual like last couple of weeks………..I ave to go to bed earlier even tho i aint HE can still ave legover an not be tired :evil: …………….but if i go to bed an hour later than him an feel frisky….he peers at clock an ses.ave u SEEN what time it is!!!!!!!!! :evil: :evil: :evil:
28 November, 2006 at 10:00 pm #251662@pats wrote:
ye know wat pi/sses me off……… how WE ave to fit in wif their timetable!!!!wen my hubby as to be up earlier than usual like last couple of weeks………..I ave to go to bed earlier even tho i aint HE can still ave legover an not be tired :evil: …………….but if i go to bed an hour later than him an feel frisky….he peers at clock an ses.ave u SEEN what time it is!!!!!!!!! :evil: :evil: :evil:
LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!! PATS :wink: :lol: :lol: :lol:
29 November, 2006 at 5:30 am #251663i like my sleep too so i found away of having sex and getting a good 10 hours sleep i sleep most of the day at work from about 9 30 till 1 im asleep ( just hope my boss doesnt read these boards) then i sleep while the woman watches the soap over the simpsons :evil: :evil: :evil: then get 6 hours sleep in bed after having sex its simple really every1s happy with the arrangements
30 November, 2006 at 10:39 am #251664well im amaZed with what im reading…. now if and when I require my sexual exerice which of late is increasing more n more, and Mr Wolfie starts moaning n groanin infact he’s saying ive given him another Hernia…!!!! I say well Huni if u didnt satifise me so much i wouldnt be wanting more n more…. then he’s says i use him like a sex-toy..!!! could u imagine…!! the cheek… ohhh and i use him as my form of exerice to lose the ole weight..!!
men are in their sexual prime think its aged 18 to 28…. and woman is 25 til 50…
proves we certainly have more stanima eh girls…
30 November, 2006 at 10:48 am #251665@spotlight wrote:
Hello everyone, been away for a while, you probably don’t remember me anyway, but hope you have all been keeping well.
I was at it with the wife last night.
That’s it really just wanted to tell everyone. I still remembered what to do, and I didn’t fall off once…it was quite lierally like riding a bike :oops:
Only joking i will elaborate, I do like at least 6 hours kip a night, so with me being up at 5am, I like to have done the business, run to the bathroom(whilst were on the subject i may go on Dragon’s den next year with a new invention, a bed with a toilet paper dispenser built in :D brilliant but simple eh?) get cleaned and be nodding off for 11pm( who shouted romance is dead?) Anyways she got in a mard because she saw me clancing at the clock during the session, we didnt get finished until nearly 11:30pm and I’ve been bloody knackered all day.
It was my 35th birthday a couple of weeks ago, and I guess i’m more interested in sleeping nowadays then having it off.
Just thought i’d share that with you all, I’ll try and post more from now on.
If I had been your wife I would have given you a slap :lol: But brilliant invention you got there, gimme a shout if it ever gets off the ground, im sick of running to the loo with my hands between my legs afterwards lol ~ sorry about that probably way too much information :oops:
30 November, 2006 at 10:51 am #251666Sorry but i am 35 and my sex drive is higher than it has ever been, might have something to do with the fact i aint had it for a while
, but me right hand has been very active :twisted:
30 November, 2006 at 2:01 pm #251667@poppy wrote:
@spotlight wrote:
Hello everyone, been away for a while, you probably don’t remember me anyway, but hope you have all been keeping well.
I was at it with the wife last night.
That’s it really just wanted to tell everyone. I still remembered what to do, and I didn’t fall off once…it was quite lierally like riding a bike :oops:
Only joking i will elaborate, I do like at least 6 hours kip a night, so with me being up at 5am, I like to have done the business, run to the bathroom(whilst were on the subject i may go on Dragon’s den next year with a new invention, a bed with a toilet paper dispenser built in :D brilliant but simple eh?) get cleaned and be nodding off for 11pm( who shouted romance is dead?) Anyways she got in a mard because she saw me clancing at the clock during the session, we didnt get finished until nearly 11:30pm and I’ve been bloody knackered all day.
It was my 35th birthday a couple of weeks ago, and I guess i’m more interested in sleeping nowadays then having it off.
Just thought i’d share that with you all, I’ll try and post more from now on.
If I had been your wife I would have given you a slap :lol: But brilliant invention you got there, gimme a shout if it ever gets off the ground, im sick of running to the loo with my hands between my legs afterwards lol ~ sorry about that probably way too much information :oops:
why dont u just keep a spare roll of loo paper in ya bedside drawer, i do :lol: :lol:
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