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  • #488550

    There is the other meaning of skank………..

    …….rhythmic dance performed to reggae or ska music, characterized by bending forward, raising the knees, and extending the hands….


    @j_in_france wrote:

    Thank you for clarifying that Joke but why the need to post a thread when you could have replied to the PM’s?

    He wouldn’t get to attention seek and show off how popular he wants us to think he is.


    @..Joker.. wrote:

    @anc wrote:

    oh, he is just trying to get at me – however, he doesn’t know that I have a back-up account that he cannot sabotage, tis ok cos my hubby is IT security and is rectifying the situation, hence, I can still come into jc – bet that shocked you last night eh Joker?!!!!! :lol:

    Now why would I be shocked you got in as anc ??? You’ve been coming in under several guises for a while. Hubby an IT security man ??? mmm I hope he’s watching those Bytes and Spiral Infections I hear they can be painful. Unlike JL or Barney or any other of your previous illicit Liasons anc you neither worry me or effect me But do keep on illucinating I’m sure the Pink elephants add a pleasant ambience to a cold lonely life.

    Awaits Cameleon, Coathanger et al for more information on Jokers Life or lack of it. Tugs those strings just a little

    Never mind the urban dictionary … I think you have forgotten your spellcheck on this post
    Joker ? :D


    illucinating ???? :lol: he’s making his own words up now look !


    Yeah Coathanger !

    See how many ‘ deliberate ‘ :lol: mistakes can be spotted …



    @tinks wrote:

    There is the other meaning of skank………..

    …….rhythmic dance performed to reggae or ska music, characterized by bending forward, raising the knees, and extending the hands….

    lubs ta tinks :lol:

    ps. Barney lived with moneypenny not me! Get your facts right Joker – also you should be double checking your IP’s, reckon most of them will be diminished by about this time tomorrow! :D

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