Boards Index › General discussion › Getting serious › Should trangender people be regarded as women?
22 October, 2018 at 8:53 am #1108333
Scep, Not unlike yourself, I have had some personal experience with a trans ‘male’. I babysat for him as a little boy. Always steered towards the toys/games that most would consider ‘girly’. He did interact with my sons well but was always putting make up on the girls, and himself. He always had feminine features and mannerisms. he was always a ‘diva’. I remember the day his Mum came to mine in tears, her boy wanted to be a girl. No shock to me at all. He was 17 at the time … She is now 24. Has had intensive therapy. Countless counselling sessions, had to present as and live as a female for 2.5 years. She started hormone treatment at 21, and has a date for her ‘op’ in January. She recently called by for a cuppa and to share her appointment news. I asked her if she had any doubts, now or ever? NO. I loved her as a him, I love her as she is and I hope that the op she has worked so very hard to attain will finally bring her the happiness and self love she has always deserved! It’s not my place to question or judge. Her choice, her body, her life!
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22 October, 2018 at 1:29 pm #1108339LOL you were correct you know who I owe you a tenner, no I didn’t bother reading lol
oooo except it took 2 days to go from knowing nothing to expert not 1 !! give me that tenner back lol
- This reply was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by mooosey88.
22 October, 2018 at 1:48 pm #1108343I know I really am going out on a limb now saying I have always said here I am an honest person…..
I have a few males I know who act..desire..what ever reason wish to be female…a few female whom wish to be male..feel what ever…
Society can be cruel when things different and you simply not conform with others beliefs..rules..or regulations…
However being some what familiar, trained..understand.. mental illness process so forth.. out of say 9 I know…not one..not one … I can say has a mental illness I observe. Good natured people. Smart..hard working..loving..sincere..workers..simply want to be accepted. Nicest people I know. Better then..some.. hate to use it…term..straight ones I know! I even trust them better too…….sadly they see psychiatrist because society treats them so poorly. Assumes they mentally ill because simply feel different…. act different…..out of 9..only 2 see a Doctor..asking why? I am told…lol….people drive me nuts..can’t cope..cruel…..
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22 October, 2018 at 4:00 pm #1108347I would rather have a living daughter than a dead son. Some teenagers denied hormones buy them off the internet so getting access to them isnt a problem. There are long waiting times for young trans people to get treatment at gender identity clinics some wait 12 mths for their first appointment. In reply to your question “Should trangender people be regarded as women?” Yes for women and yes for men isnt that what they are aiming to achieve?. The goverment says transgender people can continue to be denied access to some women- only spaces and have no intention of changing the law. Hardline feminists say its an attack on womens rights. I am sure trans have been using these public facilities for years going un-noticed, i have never been affected nor come across any transgender people acting oddly in female only spaces they do a great job of looking the gender they want to portray. Some people will say perverted pedophiles can just put on a dress and say they identify as a woman and go into a girl’s bathroom or there changing rooms etc . too much thinking spent on a question will make you crazy. It is very simple. A person born in the body of a man but feels like a woman wants the outside to match up with the brain. A person born into a female body but feels like a man wants the outside to match up to the brain. ” It matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be”. All said in the best possible taste!
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22 October, 2018 at 5:52 pm #1108348Excellent post Sophs
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22 October, 2018 at 6:10 pm #1108349The NHS are actually quite careful to describe it as a condition, not an illness, albeit a condition which can require medical treatment if the person so wishes.
It’s an illness, the NHS are lying to comply with political correctnes.
They are not sick. There is – no, there can be an unusual distribution of hormones, or maybe not. The NHS is again very careful about this. “Gender development is complex and there are many possible variations that cause a mismatch between a person’s biological sex and their gender identity, making the exact cause of gender dysphoria unclear.”
Most illnesses can be caused by multiple factors, that doesn’t mean they are not illnesses.
For example, cancer. Cancer can be caused by eating carcinogenic food, genetic factors, or exposure to ionizing radiation. Does that suddenly make cancer a condition and not an illness?
The fact is that for a long time homosexuality was regarded as a sickness.
On what rational grounds can you prove that it isn’t an illness?
It’s clearly an abnormality from the norm.
Many still hold to this, and many churches pressurise Christian homosexuals into therapy, psychological and physical, into becoming ‘normal’.
If an effective treatment existed, I don’t see the problem in providing it as a service, if people agree to use it.
gay and trans are normal, but different. The first is more common, but so what? They arn’t illnesses.
Both are abnormal, and illnesses to varying degrees.
22 October, 2018 at 6:16 pm #1108352Some teenagers denied hormones buy them off the internet so getting access to them isnt a problem.
Teenagers should not be using hormone therapy, prescribed or otherwise, it is extremely harmful until they are fully developed.
The goverment says transgender people can continue to be denied access to some women- only spaces and have no intention of changing the law.
The problem there is that women-only spaces exist.
There is no justification for them existing on public property.
Hardline feminists say its an attack on womens rights.
They say everything is an attackon women’s rights.
22 October, 2018 at 9:27 pm #1108355Drac, you make lots of little points on posts which discourage answers because the detail required to answer them doesn’t seem worth the candle when you will just make a hundred other little points and quibbles against any detailed answer, requiring further detailed answers which will lead you to make many more little points and quibbles which require further…..
Here the points you make are important enough to answer but I’m not going to answer them for a couple of days because I want others to join in the discussion.
22 October, 2018 at 9:38 pm #1108356Drac, you make lots of little points on posts which discourage answers because the detail required to answer them doesn’t seem worth the candle when you will just make a hundred other little points and quibbles against any detailed answer, requiring further detailed answers which will lead you to make many more little points and quibbles which require further
You haven’t really made any detailed answers to anything I have said.
22 October, 2018 at 9:41 pm #1108358Boo, Ms M,
Boo, nice to see your posts, rare though they are. You have a warm heart and I’d have been surprised to see anything else on this topic from you.
What struck me about the trans I knew (and know) is the quiet vulnerability. If you wanted to hurt them, you could do it without any fear of retaliation (for the most part!).
The ITV drama Butterfly is a good drama on a trans schoolboy. I wish it were less sociology-speak, but that’s less important than bringing the issue home to people in a very personal way. I never knew trans children (to my knowledge) but their vulnerability must be so much greater. The bullying they attract must be cruelly felt.
Still, children are strong, they endure, they endure. All the awful feelings of being in the wrong body, the cruelty of other schoolchildren, the horror of parents, the scathing humour of society around them., but they keep going; they endure, they endure.
Ms M –
I am still not an expert. I Not by a long shot. But I read the article after drac alerted us to the term gender dysphoria.
You can have the tenner back because I’m after bigger money – your job.
You may not have noticed but alfie collects IP numbers and has sent this thread to your employer to show the slapdash attnetion to detail of one of their nurses.
When they demote you, there is a candidate here waiting for the job.
Nurse Sceptical Snip Snip.
You will hate me as a superior, I guarantee it
I read that IP numbers can no longer give anybody an individual identity. Nobody can check you out using them.
Unsnip Unsnip *
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