Boards Index General discussion Getting serious Should trangender people be regarded as women?

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  • #1109298

    rudeboy is the master of insults. He almost jumped down Moooses throat before he realized his mistake. At least he was man enough to apologise after he spat out his dummy. You said you dont post that often haha try counting how many times from just yesterday alone. Thats not taking into account the other rants. I look forward to you taking a step back :) watch you dont fall while doing it.. tra kid!

    This isn’t the rant from somebody that has all their marbles, but of course it gets unchallenged being a member of the knitting club in F3

    Sophia ” Some people need to have the internet taken away from them! Its isn’t that i’m not peoples person i’m just not a stupid peoples person. Do you know what ” DRAMA ” stands for? dumb retards asking for more attention! dont feed it ! it likes to live up to its stupid name! thats what stupid people do. And remember ” life is too short to argue with stupid people ”

    That’s the rant of a mentally ill old woman and if I said it I’d be banned. I didn’t agree with Mooseys post but she acknowledged she over reacted in her response to a football thread- she’s balanced, you aren’t

    Tra grandma :bye:


    I shall gracefully retire from the mensa club, there aren’t enough bright people using the boards sadly which is evident to any impartial observer…. you’re dismissed.

    I’ve been on jc a while now, and I have no idea atm when I’ll leave, except that I won’t advertise it.

    I’ve come across a fair number of people, usually but not always guys, who claim that they are very intelligent, and that everybody else is really thick. Most, though not all, seem to have a thing that the women in particular are thick.

    I think that every time, these guys have not only been less bright than they’ve made out – people who are bright tend not to be shouting it out at every opportunity – but they’ve been less bright than a lot of the other chatters, especially the women.

    You strike me as intelligent, in a particular way, but your intelligence also seems to be stunted. In your hatred of Muslims, you’ve put on blinkers so that you can’t see anything else. You read about things, but everything is understood through your blinkers. You make all the evidence fit your prejudices.

    That’s true of most of them. Not all. There are exceptions, but you’re not an exception.

    What makes you different is your ability to make people feel really bad about themselves by really earthy, very nasty comments. I’ve seen it used against me sexually. Here you use it against anyone who crosses your path. Soph, who’s a wise one with a lot of entertaining posts, is described as having the brain cells of a lobotomised baboon. How funny! How crushing!!  She’s the wrong woman to pick on, though, isn’t she, because she’s not only wise but she’s as tough as nails. She’s not going to cower and try to be on your side to avoid getting attacked, but she’ll come straight back at you.

    You keep talking about my age and how I haven’t long left. You wander around sometimes like an actuary as though you’re so healthy and virile and old age is far, far away. Who knows? Maybe I don’t have time left. But maybe you don’t either. Either of us – anyone who’s reading this – may be healthy and fit on the outside while having something really nasty going on inside them. Could be cancer. Could be something else.

    When my dad was dying, I visited him in the care home. A lot of people there, all with dementia, and some of them were your age, rudeboy. They didn’t see it coming is my guess, but they were really young and had dementia. Like my dad, who was in his 90s, they would stare out at the walls and see the green leaves of the tree outside the wondow, but they couldn’t go out most of the time. I saw them trying to open the locked doors, keep trying, then walk away, then back to the locked doors, over and over again. Healthy men. Dementia could hit me. It could hit you, even at your age. It really was scary. Be careful how you live your life.

    I know I’ve hurt people in my time, usually without meaning to, sometimes meaning to hurt. But you seem to make a specialism of hurting people.

    In this dog-eat-dog society, it’s very hard to hold on to your dignity. We all try, but it is hard, and sometimes we fail. We need help – all of us. Those who think they don’t need help probably need more help than the rest of us put together, but a different kind of help.

    So take my advice or don’t. But instead of making people feel really horrible about themselves, instead of trying to demean and humiliate them in front of others, why don’t you try to show your positive side, make people feel good about themselves? Or try anyway.

    I don’t seem to succeed in it, but perhaps you could. You never know. You may even develop your intelligence to the extent that you don’t need to go round like a Mr Blowhard, Mister Big Deal, boasting about yourself and claiming to be really really clever.

    Think about it, even if you pretend to us all that you’re really tough and worked out. It’s worth thinking about

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    I shall gracefully retire from the mensa club, there aren’t enough bright people using the boards sadly which is evident to any impartial observer…. you’re dismissed.

    Here you use it against anyone who crosses your path. Soph, who’s a wise one with a lot of entertaining posts, is described as having the brain cells of a lobotomised baboon. How funny! How crushing!! She’s the wrong woman to pick on, though, isn’t she, because she’s not only wise but she’s as tough as nails.


    This is the type of shite Im referring to, you ignore the fact this repulsive woman has come on a thread calling me a retard just focusing on my response. You’re a disingenuous character coining your own phrase “with blinkers on” simply defending women who appear on a thread with no provocation calling a poster a retard and quote a reply to that. You’re dismissed as well fella for being a sleazy individual  talking through his ass. Where have I stated ” I am really tough” .. you’re preaching from a pulpit talking absolute bilge again. Any sensible unbiased poster would condemn Sophia for her unwarranted vitriol but not a creepy character like you who would probably defend anything female with a pulse unless it was Rose West. Go back to talking to yourself on the EU thread again sniffing the backside of women online which seems to be your speciality. Your gallant white knight role won’t get you laid Scep on here, I treat all posters here equally regardless of gender , you conveniently ignore insults thrown out by women. Sophia isnt “hard as nails” , she’s an elderly, plain, uneducated female who would get ripped apart in any intellectual debate so resorts to childish insults of retard barely able to string two sentences together.

    Go and impress women on your own terms instead of trying to denigrate a poster replying t0 being labelled a “retard” on a football thread having made peace with a poster who launched an unwarranted attack. I’ve no doubt had the roles been reversed and I labelled Sophia a “retard” on one of her threads , a creepy sexually frustrated b*stard like you would be scurrying to the rescue with your walking stick saying how you had a relative who was a spastic blah blah blah .. toddle off you lonely incorrigible bore – you’re dismissed.


    Some people need to have the internet taken away from them! Its isn’t that i’m not peoples person i’m just not a stupid peoples person. Do you know what ” DRAMA ” stands for? dumb retards asking for more attention! dont feed it ! it likes to live up to its stupid name! thats what stupid people do. And remember ” life is too short to argue with stupid people ”

    This goe’s out to all the stupid people without naming the rudest one :)

    There’s nothing “wise” about a post like this which was the first contact I’ve had with this woman.. if you find that sort of post evidence of intelligence sceptical on a football thread it shows how desperate you are to impress any female , even ones as intrinsically stupid as this. If you can’t dish it out, don’t start crying playing the poor wronged female victim when you get it back with interest or in your case just a lonely man ignoring disgusting behaviour from one of your female targets of affection.Why haven’t you piped up reading this old man ? We all know if this was typed by a guy it would be condemned, but from a female even if it is one that looks like a bulldog chewing a wasp its perfectly fine no doubt and I should just let it pass.  :good:


    Rudeboy,when i put a pick of myself up with my glasses on,some people to upset me sed, i looked like Rose west.I have no idea who you are.I suspect you know me tho and that your referral to Rose west in your post is a sly dig at me.

    (probably defend anything female with a pulse unless it was Rose West)


    Deny it all you like,its obvious to me.

    I dont need anyone to defend me.Soph needs no one to defend her.Soph is just a nice chatter and so blooming interesting.Doubt you would see any of us two in a nitting club.The fact of the matter is,your nick name is Rudeboy,and you are very rude.Please dont tell me that you can give it out but not take it?Soph is mirroring you to you,showing you how rude,dismissive,and abusive you are.Can you actually write an interesting post on an interesting subject withought all the nasty stuff thrown in,thats what i want to know.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by  jamief.
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    Rudeboy,when i put a pick of myself up with my glasses on,some people to upset me sed, i looked like Rose west.I have no idea who you are.I suspect you know me tho and that your referral to Rose west in your post is a sly dig at me.

    (probably defend anything female with a pulse unless it was Rose West)

    .The fact of the matter is,your nick name is Rudeboy,and you are very rude.

    I haven’t a clue who you  are other than someone who doesn’t seem malicious but obviously has learning difficulties which is why I try to avoid arguing with you. Incidentally a nickname is a nickname on chat, your friend from F3 clearly thought I was a soft target based on it when it’s a tribute to an old nemesis on here and not to be taken seriously . I’m neither a “boy” or rude although I give as good as I get and it rattles a few on here thinking they can insult me with no reciprocation. As you were Jamie


    Lol having a learning difficultie,dosent make you thick or weak.I have a problem with spelling,no big deal.As for getting upset whith what people say sometimes,happens to us all.Im sure i could hold my own in an argument with you or anyone for that matter.I am just wanting to see the boards busy again.Busy with interesting,and funny posts i suppose.I ahouldent be interupting this thread to be fair.Very interesting subject.As you were Rudeboy.

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    Jamie , this dope is nothing but a habitual argumentive stoker. His likes have stong narcissistic  tendencies: in other words, they are very self absorbed. He keeps saying he doesnt post a lot hahaha I think he feels threatened and hes a chronic blamer, others or the world are always at fault. He even wants to meet people to fight with them! him and his little under matured muscles. I always remind these idiots they most proberley like to feel power and control over others. Hes right were wrong haha  the moron even thinks were all aged grannies ! then why doesn’t he fuck off and spend  his time wasting it with younger ones?? i for sure wouldn’t want his company no matter what age it is. He gives the impression he doesnt like woman proberly hits on his own. He needs to deal with his anger issues. he can be who he want to be in cyber land but dont forget bogboy opps big boy other people have the right to form an opinion too. Dont like it fuck off and find something more productive to do with your wasted time.

    Jamie, i witnessed the prick calling you Rose West! its possible hes forgotten what name he abused you in . Jamie is a very intelligent woman her spelling might be  a little wonky but remember this when you are spewing out your verbal shyte Albert Einstein was dyslexic.



    I shall gracefully retire from the mensa club, there aren’t enough bright people using the boards sadly which is evident to any impartial observer…. you’re dismissed.


    Lol having a learning difficultie,dosent make you thick or weak.I have a problem with spelling,no big deal.As for getting upset whith what people say sometimes,happens to us all.Im sure i could hold my own in an argument with you or anyone for that matter.I am just wanting to see the boards busy again.Busy with interesting,and funny posts i suppose.I ahouldent be interupting this thread to be fair.Very interesting subject.As you were Rudeboy.

    so you feel persecuted because you look like Rose West with glasses… Christ what a loon bin

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